After They Kill The Internet, Then What Will You Say?

And to whom?
the internet is dying ...
along with your freedom to even effectively choose what information you digest in this digital millennium.
... and your freedom to effectively share that information with others.
what will you say then?
what will you think?
what will those that come after you think?
Not having ever had the right to see or to post information freely ...
being manipulated, even on the internet, to only certain more accessible forms of "mainstream" information ...
... how will they make the correct choices?
how will you?
And if trying to kill the internet isn't itself enough to make you realize just exactly how perverse those that really govern are ... isn't enough to make you realize how high the stakes are ... what will be enough to instigate that recognition?
the internet is dying ...
along with your freedom to even effectively choose what information you digest in this digital millennium.
... and your freedom to effectively share that information with others.
what will you say then?
what will you think?
what will those that come after you think?
Not having ever had the right to see or to post information freely ...
being manipulated, even on the internet, to only certain more accessible forms of "mainstream" information ...
... how will they make the correct choices?
how will you?
And if trying to kill the internet isn't itself enough to make you realize just exactly how perverse those that really govern are ... isn't enough to make you realize how high the stakes are ... what will be enough to instigate that recognition?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Maybe people will have real friends that you go to the park and hang out with.
Maybe the English language can make a come back. lol :rolleyes:
While they are at it, they should make personal listening devices against the law so you actually have to interact with other human beings while amongst them.
then I'd slit their achilles tendon so they couldn't walk.
Maybe its time to find out whom "THEY" are now before they disconnect you from the net!
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
It wasn't that long ago that we didn't have it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
How primitive.
How dare you say that sitting on one's ass all day, on the internet, while simultaneously and intravenously being fed Big Macs and Sausage Pizza directly into the blood stream; is a bad thing for the populous.
No cell phones? Oh my!
How would teenagers text their best friends sitting in the love seat across the room from them? How would siblings interact from their respective bedrooms, without cell phones and text messaging capabilities?
How would a wife lying on her bed in the bedroom, communicate with her husband who's downstairs in the living room watching midget mud wrestling?
How would next door neighbors ever develope a friednship from their respective homes, without e-mail?
Are you suggesting people actually get off their fat asses and walk down a flight of stairs, or walk from their bedrooms into another part of the house, or walk all the way to their front door...step outside and walk all the way next door to physical person?
How archaic.
You sir are an ........Anarchist! How unAmerican!
Next thing you know, you'll be suggesting Americans actually walk to their local, neighborhood convenience/deli stores to buy their Pesi soda and Pork Grinds!!! Gasp!!:eek:
Let's do it!!!
Are you up for some tendon slicing?
who is "THEY" exactly?
conspiracy theorists use of the vague word "they" to describe an all being, all knowing shadow group of evil men plotting to control the world is the same as Bush and the NEOCONS using the "terrorists" to describe an all being, all knowing shadow group of evil men plotting to control the world :rolleyes:
Do you want a Bilderberg attendees list or something?
Is it that hard to see the connection when they (the top 1%, who own all the corporations with the real power, all the banks with the real money, and all the politicians with any real "electablility") have a goddamn meeting that involves the head of research for both Microsoft AND Google?
What the hell do you think they bring people like that in to the fold for?
Let me give you a hint.
When you see things like Google dropping its Top 100 or Top 10 list functionality from Google Video, or dropping the view counts from their videos ... or dropping the "Google Video Player" video downloader,
... those are the kind of anti-free-speech-on-the-internet things that "they" are plotting. They don't want you knowing Alex Jones has 5 out of the top 10 movies. They don't want you watching them. They sure as hell don't want the world to know that 25 million people have seen some of them. That would kinda destroy the "fringe" label.
What "they" really want is to just kill the internet straight up.
Turn it in to a corporate play ground for the rich and powerful.
Leave the little man sitting on dick.
Go read up on some of what they are talking about regarding Internet 2.
Its not some stupid conspiracy, its real.
And in a few years, this conversation may not be happening, if Pearl Jam decide not to fork over the loot to keep this place afloat on some corporate whore server, or if we get stuck with some idiotic additional bill for visiting this place.
Have you ever stopped once to consider the REALITY behind some of what i post? Or are you just facing a constant mental block against my screen name and any and everything that i put up here? Because that is what it seems like. It sure must feel good to be above any and all "conspiracy theory" and to know that you don't fall for such stupid and ridiculous beliefs about the world.
Let me clue some of you in.
They killed a fucking president.
They don't have any goddamn qualms about killing the internet.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I'd give you a penny for your worthless contribution here,
but i'm short on change right now, since you are considerably late to the party.
I actually thought this thread might garner some intelligent or concerned response.
I forgot that neither intelligence nor concern are attributes that carry to far around these parts.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
okay, looks like i have to ask again after that keyboard orgasm you just had good friend
who is "they" exactly?
maybe you just need to reread the response again.
i answered your question directly.
Not only that, countless other posts\threads of mine and others have addressed that question endlessly.
If you don't by now understand that people at the top of the top of the ruling elite (like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and on down the line) are in cahoots ... that they collude together on a scale that you can't even seem to imagine ... that they get together at places like Bohemian Grove and have weird mystery religion mock sacrifices and talk about inventing nuclear weapons, and world domination ... that they get together at "Bilderberg" meetings each year and flesh out these plans in specific fashion ...
if you can't squeeze that very REAL acknowledgement through your 1,400 grams of highly developed neural cortex, then i don't know how to help.
Do you REALLY see no proof of these things?
Or do you just CHOOSE to PRETEND like you see no proof, so your happy little illusion of "freedom" isn't shattered?
And when i say "proof", i mean Bilderberg and Bohemian Grove themselves ... specifically ... i mean the fact that Alex Jones crashed Bohemian Grove and has the fucking video tape to prove it ... WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT IS?
Answer the question.
What do you think these people are doing when they get together and DENY their activities to the public for DECADES ... and meet in secrecy, in the most massive congregations of power ever imagined. What do you THINK they are doing?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"They" is the EXISTING POWER STRUCTURE that will collude within its own ranks TO DEFEND ITS OWN PREMININENCE at all costs.
There isn't a war "they" won't start,
a president "they" won't kill,
or an idea too sinister too consider,
assuming it meets the dual mandates of MAINTAINING THE DESIRED ORDER (power structure) and also HAVING PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.
Very partial list of things that "they" have done, that clearly meet this test, since people like "you" just LOVE to DENY it. (Hell, why not? They made it plausible to deny for a reason!)
1. Kill JFK, along with over a dozen key witnesses\involved parties)
1.1 Kill RFK
1.2 Kill MLK
2. Falsify reasons for and then escalating the Vietnam conflict
3. manipulate, misrepresent, and take advantage of the 1st Gulf War
4. Enabled and then covered up the truth about 9/11
5. Falsify reasons for and lead this country to war with Iraq and "on terror".
6. Created and then deliberately infected the world (and Africa especially) with AIDS
7. Manipulate and take advantage of the current "oil price crisis".
8. Plotting to destroy net neutrality and the very fabric of the internet.
9. Just about every covert CIA mission ever has been done for the deliberate benefit of "them". Those at the upper crux of "the establishment".
But go ahead.
Keep pretending like it is a series of sad miscalculated and UNRELEATED misfortunes. Sure it is.
Woe is the world.
If only there wasn't so much sad happenstance.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I like the evil laugh at the end.
Well, my response was me biting my tongue from what I really wanted to say.
For you to call my response I am getting a good laugh.
You are a conspiracy theorist with no original thoughts, you never back up anything you say with any sort of facts, and I have no idea what your intentions are. Ever.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Oh no... the video of the monkey throwing poop doesn't have a counter on it anymore... free speech is gone I tell you, gone...
Did you ever think that Alex Jones' fans may have hammered the site inflating the counts... because I positive that a lot more people have seen this video ( than have ever even heard of Alex Jones.
And why would "they" want to make it a "corporate playground"? Companies are spending exponentially more every year on e-mail and web marketing... You think shutting it down would make any business sense whatsoever? Even restricting it to just a corporation run thing would make about as much sense as starting a commercial only TV station, no one would use it.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Here's a link to look at:
But most importantly do your own research and make your own decisions. Google 'Net Neutrality' and see what you get on the web and in the news.
On a positive note the FCC has just ruled against Comcast in a landmark net neutrality decision. You can see some of the ruling here.
And there is how to properly word a post. It's not threatening, or over the top, or downright bizarre. It's informative, with relevant links, and it makes me want to look into the issue. You did your research and put some thought into what you (succinctly) posted.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
"HEY!!! Where's my porn?"
Hail, Hail!!!
Thanks for the info. It was my understanding that the idea of only getting access to a few basic websites and being forced to pay extra to go anywhere else on the Internet would be a violation of federal rules. In other words, ISPs can't block legal sites. But I was concerned about the idea of ISPs slowing access to certain sites, ie degradation or discrimination. Glad to see the FCC is addressing this.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Did you miss the memo again?
It's all over the internet....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i'm glad someone with sanity helped you see the light this time.
i guess if 9/10ths of humanity didn't need this bullshit spoon fed to them in baby bites, we'd fucking be a lot better off.
As it is, i reckon i'll continue on being "over the top" and simply regurgitate irrelevant crazy links,
and then god willing someone "sane" will come in to help translate it to the masses ...
who apparently can not think or research for themselves,
but respectfuly request that those who DO try and inform them provide all their research up for them on a nice little platter.
Yeah right.
wake the fuck up and do your own research people.
this is shameless.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i luv ya driftin', but that was awesome.
and thanks for the information in a non-sensationalized form, and for the crux of the matter, sans 'the sky is falling.' i don't consider it baby bites, but more like, the real focus of the issue. definitely something i want to read up on.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Amazing how that works....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist." - Verbal Kint (The Usual Suspects)
I don't know why it isn't at all plausible to some people that there may be a small group of people (with all of the necessary resources within their grasp) who want to control the world? Didn't Hitler? Or Caesar? Are people today any better than them really?
Why didn't they succeed? I think, for a few reasons, one being that they probably just needed more help. More people at the top, with more control over more industry. The other reason being that they were too outright and vocal about what they were doing... Maybe the better way to accomplish their goals would have been to go about their operations more secretively?
Ever want to work for the most incredibly prestigious company in the world? Have the life? Basically take yourself the farthest you can go, as far as being 'successful'? What if this company was so elite, that it was basically secret? Too keep it secret, you had to be initiated in some strange way? I think that's what the Bilderbergers / Bohemian Grovers / etc think of themselves, and that's what they do.
I think human nature is proof enough that people will never be satisfied, and will always thirst for more wealth, and if wealth is maxed out, then power, and ultimately control. I think there have been more than enough examples in history to prove that there are people who want to take over the world-- regardless of whether, under their reign, it becomes a sunshiney happy place, or if it becomes hell on earth. These people are that selfish.
Now, I'm not sure that everything Drifting or Roland or anyone posts on here is 100% what is actually happening ALL OF THE TIME, but I think to dismiss all of it all together doesn't make any sense, for the above reasons.
I wouldn't doubt that controlling the internet could be on their agenda, especially if this "THEY" exists. You need permits to protest in many places these days, you need to give out your social security number more than ever, you can't take $10,000 out of the bank without notifying the IRS, etc... Something's up.
My2hands, you don't have to answer this post, but just take a second and think about if you wanted to make the whole world your own little game-- where everyone ultimately had to answer to you, or ultimately serve you in some way, how would you do it? Could you do it alone? Would you have to pull it off in such a way that no one knew you were doing it?
Again, I don't know if this is exactly what's going on... But I don't think humanity has evolved to the point where these egomaniacal assholes no longer exist in our gene pool. By simple laws of percentages, I think there's probably more out there than ever before. More people who will fuck, suck, lie, cheat, steal, and kill anything to get to the top... And you really can't take solace in the fact that they ultimately won't be happy when they get there-- because your life is getting ruined in the process.
The best argument against this idea of the "elite" is that, the elite are so elite, that they should ultimately hate each other... Screw each other over, expose each other when they can't all be #1... When being #25 out of 6 Billion just doesn't cut it, and you're bitter about it, it's time to let the cat out of the bag! Sometimes, you'll see some heads roll, and you have to wonder if that's what happened? They snuffed out the threat to the whole criminal operation. That's pretty much how the mob works. There IS a Don. He IS #1, and there are plenty who will be satisfied being #2, #3, etc, so much that the rats will die, for their own self-protection, and protection of the racket. And let's not forget...
La Cosa Nostra existed for years in secrecy, through a vow of silence. It worked quite well for a very long time. Who's to say that these far more wealthy, and educated haven't improved upon that system? They have even bigger guns at their disposal...
They also succeeded for so long because they had the then head of the FBI (JE Hoover) blackmailed with homosexual photographs and veiled threats of violence.
of course, that would be a ... gasp ... CONSPIRACY ...
and god knows neither the Government nor the "mob" was EVER involved in one of those.
]Page 5, Item 2 :rolleyes:
Coincidentally (har har) Roselli, Nicoletti, and Giancana ALL turned up dead around the time of the House Select Committee Hearings on Assassination (JFK!) ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?