WOW! Jessie Ventura Interview: Would He Make A Good President?

Holy shit.
Alex had Jesse Ventura on yesterday, and holy shit!
Man, i don't know that much about JV, but i like the guy now!

Here is a relevant bit to the current election,
which goes right back to My2Hands, Sweetpotato, and some of the discussion around here:
Alex Jones: Asks JV a multipart detailed question about all the fucked up shit going on in America.
Jesse: Well you know, its wrong, but you know, how do you stop it, when The Powers That Be are all in bed with them and thats the difficult thing and why i'm calling for a revolution in my book. Its time to take our country back, and the only way you're truly gonna do that is to get both ... is to de-power both the democratic and republican parties who, to me, are eascg as bad as eachother. You know, the same lobbiyists who lobby both sides, so they have both sides covered, so it doesn't matter who wins.
AJ: "What is are your recommendations to the people?"
JV: Stop. Vote with your heart and your conscience. Stop being a lemming. And start voting for people who don't belong to these two parties. And i know people say, 'well, that's impossible. you know, you're vote is wasted then.' ... No its not! A wasted vote is not voting your heart and conscience -- for the candidate that you think would do the best job for you. And if we would all break this mold of somehow thinking that ... and stop the democrats and republicans and their two party dictaorship that is going on in this country. And start voting for 3rd party candidates, start electing people that are not part of this system that we have.
AJ: We were talking during the break, and you said Obama was the best of the three, and i tend to agree. But its kind of like the best of three latrines. I mean, he is for the establishment on every issue, but he did vote right on the war, so we got to hand him that. But, your take on this race, and Hillary and Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran Mcain?
JV: Well first of all, McCain has already said that we'll stay in Iraq a hundred years if we have to, so that eliminates him from any consideration on my part. The problem with hillary is this: If you count when HW Bush was VP with Reagan. We have had only Bush and Clintons in office for twenty-eight years, so... are we a dual monarchy? Because if Hillary gets elected for another two terms thats another 8 years of Clintons which will be more than half of my adult life. I'm 66 years old, and we've had Bush and Clintons in off ice for more than half the time I've been allowed to vote.
[conversation skipped, more talk about Bush\Clintons]
JV: And i think that, in all of this great land of ours, we should have more than just two families that are qualified to be president.
[conversation skipped, AJ asks JV about JFK\RFK assassinations, at length]
JV: Well, I certainly have studied the JFK murder more than the RFK murder, because when i was wrestling I flew a lot, and so one day i picked one of the conspiracy books on JFK, because it's far more fascinating than anything even Tom Clancy could write about. And so I've studied it for years and years. And I believe that totally E. Howard Hunt and the same people that did Watergate are the ones that were instrumental in killed John F. Kennedy. What i found interesting was this: Do you remember when LBJ announced that he would not seek, nor would he accept his nomination for a second term as president?
AJ: In 1967, yes.
JV: Exactly. Isn't it... do you think its just coincidence that a mere three days later Robert Kennedy was assassinated? And that it opened the door for Richard Nixon?
[convo. skipped. Alex explains CIA involvement in RFK. JV agrees, and starts talking about how Oswald must have been CIA, they go back and forth agreeing and adding information]
AJ: Govenor Ventura, you end your book with a fake news headline, saying 'while independent presidential candidate Jesse Ventura is in a coma for the fourth day, he clung to life with family members by his side. A White House spokes person denied mounting allegations that accuse assassin Raul Santan was part of a larger plot' one entry reads. What are you saying at the end of the book with that statement?
JV: Well what i'm saying is that the book is factual all the way to the last chapter. I hope i don't ruin it for everbody but the last chapter is fiction. I use myself as an example, and here is what i am saying. I am saying that I feel very strongly that if an independent candidate like myself, a rogue, were to get in to the president's race legitimately, if the polls looked like he had a chance to win, i believe that candidate would either be physically assassinated, or would be assassinated credibility wise by our government. Because i do not believe they would ever allow a true independent or a citizen to become president of the united states. And i would say, and i say this in all seriousness, watch out Barack Obama.
AJ: Absolutely. Incredible revelations from Jesse the Mind Ventura. [skip] Any personal websites, or other places you want to give out?
JV: Uh, no. Not really. Just that, again ... i look forward to people hopefully waking up in this country, and stop being a lemming. Stop being lemmings.
And shows like yours Alex can help prevent this.
Jesse talks about how his new book was, even after his last two books became NYT Best Sellers, turned down by TWENTY SEVEN different major publishers.
He talks about how after ending his term as govenor he was a hot commodity. He was offered TV positions with CNN, Fox, ABC, and MSNBC. He signed with MSNBC and part of his contract was that he would not be allowed to work for any other network. He believes and he tells Alex that because he was openly against he Iraq War before it started that, just like Phil Donahue (who, internal memos show was fired specificaly because of his anti war stance) he was deliberately silenced. He never got on air on MSNBC even once.
He talks about how as a new govenor he was summoned to the Capitol building by the CIA for an "interview". He says he was interrogated at length (but acknowledged that they were very professional and respectful) by TWENTY THREE CIA Agents. He says his first question when he walked in the door was, "You have summoned me here to ask me some questions, but before we get started, i have some for you. What are you doing here, given that your federal charter specificaly forbids you to be in operation within the borders of the United States" ... he said they all avoided answering the question. He then said, "Since you know me and what i do, and you have called me here, before we get started, please go around the room, introduce yourself, tell me who you are, and what you do." ... he said more than half of them refused to give their name or their positions.
He talks about how his personal residence was bugged when he was govenor. He actually found one of the bugs on his porch, and showed it to his friend who works for the telephone company. His friend told him he is required to install those at the government's request all the time.
He openely talks to Alex Jones, who was the person who chased JV down and asked him about 911 in the first place, that he believes the entire thing was a government job. He talked about the twin towers. He talked about WTC7. He talked about the missing engines from the plane at the Pentagon. Man, the dude just goes off on it. Hook line and sinker.
He talks extensively about his belief that JFK was assassinated by the CIA agents and former Bay of Pigs operatives. His knowledge of the subject was pretty immense. I was very impressed. He even knows all about how Oswald "defected" and that he was secretly "debriefed" by the CIA (he even knows it was a secret CIA facility in Amsterdam) and that the CIA obviously denies this ever happened. VERY impressed with this.
A good bit. Most of it transcribed up there.
Oh. He talks about Ron Paul at the start. Says he was very impressed with some of his responses in debates.
I'm sure i'm forgetting something.
But you guys have to listen to this fucking shit.
WOW. My only criticism was he seems unaware that the national debt is actually a count of our money supply.
Either that or he was oversimplifying his discussion to make a point about fiscal responsibility.
But I get the feeling that he actually is probably not that aware of how the Fed and fiat money actualy works.
However, i can totally get over that.
Alex had Jesse Ventura on yesterday, and holy shit!
Man, i don't know that much about JV, but i like the guy now!

Here is a relevant bit to the current election,
which goes right back to My2Hands, Sweetpotato, and some of the discussion around here:
Alex Jones: Asks JV a multipart detailed question about all the fucked up shit going on in America.
Jesse: Well you know, its wrong, but you know, how do you stop it, when The Powers That Be are all in bed with them and thats the difficult thing and why i'm calling for a revolution in my book. Its time to take our country back, and the only way you're truly gonna do that is to get both ... is to de-power both the democratic and republican parties who, to me, are eascg as bad as eachother. You know, the same lobbiyists who lobby both sides, so they have both sides covered, so it doesn't matter who wins.
AJ: "What is are your recommendations to the people?"
JV: Stop. Vote with your heart and your conscience. Stop being a lemming. And start voting for people who don't belong to these two parties. And i know people say, 'well, that's impossible. you know, you're vote is wasted then.' ... No its not! A wasted vote is not voting your heart and conscience -- for the candidate that you think would do the best job for you. And if we would all break this mold of somehow thinking that ... and stop the democrats and republicans and their two party dictaorship that is going on in this country. And start voting for 3rd party candidates, start electing people that are not part of this system that we have.
AJ: We were talking during the break, and you said Obama was the best of the three, and i tend to agree. But its kind of like the best of three latrines. I mean, he is for the establishment on every issue, but he did vote right on the war, so we got to hand him that. But, your take on this race, and Hillary and Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran Mcain?
JV: Well first of all, McCain has already said that we'll stay in Iraq a hundred years if we have to, so that eliminates him from any consideration on my part. The problem with hillary is this: If you count when HW Bush was VP with Reagan. We have had only Bush and Clintons in office for twenty-eight years, so... are we a dual monarchy? Because if Hillary gets elected for another two terms thats another 8 years of Clintons which will be more than half of my adult life. I'm 66 years old, and we've had Bush and Clintons in off ice for more than half the time I've been allowed to vote.
[conversation skipped, more talk about Bush\Clintons]
JV: And i think that, in all of this great land of ours, we should have more than just two families that are qualified to be president.
[conversation skipped, AJ asks JV about JFK\RFK assassinations, at length]
JV: Well, I certainly have studied the JFK murder more than the RFK murder, because when i was wrestling I flew a lot, and so one day i picked one of the conspiracy books on JFK, because it's far more fascinating than anything even Tom Clancy could write about. And so I've studied it for years and years. And I believe that totally E. Howard Hunt and the same people that did Watergate are the ones that were instrumental in killed John F. Kennedy. What i found interesting was this: Do you remember when LBJ announced that he would not seek, nor would he accept his nomination for a second term as president?
AJ: In 1967, yes.
JV: Exactly. Isn't it... do you think its just coincidence that a mere three days later Robert Kennedy was assassinated? And that it opened the door for Richard Nixon?
[convo. skipped. Alex explains CIA involvement in RFK. JV agrees, and starts talking about how Oswald must have been CIA, they go back and forth agreeing and adding information]
AJ: Govenor Ventura, you end your book with a fake news headline, saying 'while independent presidential candidate Jesse Ventura is in a coma for the fourth day, he clung to life with family members by his side. A White House spokes person denied mounting allegations that accuse assassin Raul Santan was part of a larger plot' one entry reads. What are you saying at the end of the book with that statement?
JV: Well what i'm saying is that the book is factual all the way to the last chapter. I hope i don't ruin it for everbody but the last chapter is fiction. I use myself as an example, and here is what i am saying. I am saying that I feel very strongly that if an independent candidate like myself, a rogue, were to get in to the president's race legitimately, if the polls looked like he had a chance to win, i believe that candidate would either be physically assassinated, or would be assassinated credibility wise by our government. Because i do not believe they would ever allow a true independent or a citizen to become president of the united states. And i would say, and i say this in all seriousness, watch out Barack Obama.
AJ: Absolutely. Incredible revelations from Jesse the Mind Ventura. [skip] Any personal websites, or other places you want to give out?
JV: Uh, no. Not really. Just that, again ... i look forward to people hopefully waking up in this country, and stop being a lemming. Stop being lemmings.
And shows like yours Alex can help prevent this.
Jesse talks about how his new book was, even after his last two books became NYT Best Sellers, turned down by TWENTY SEVEN different major publishers.
He talks about how after ending his term as govenor he was a hot commodity. He was offered TV positions with CNN, Fox, ABC, and MSNBC. He signed with MSNBC and part of his contract was that he would not be allowed to work for any other network. He believes and he tells Alex that because he was openly against he Iraq War before it started that, just like Phil Donahue (who, internal memos show was fired specificaly because of his anti war stance) he was deliberately silenced. He never got on air on MSNBC even once.
He talks about how as a new govenor he was summoned to the Capitol building by the CIA for an "interview". He says he was interrogated at length (but acknowledged that they were very professional and respectful) by TWENTY THREE CIA Agents. He says his first question when he walked in the door was, "You have summoned me here to ask me some questions, but before we get started, i have some for you. What are you doing here, given that your federal charter specificaly forbids you to be in operation within the borders of the United States" ... he said they all avoided answering the question. He then said, "Since you know me and what i do, and you have called me here, before we get started, please go around the room, introduce yourself, tell me who you are, and what you do." ... he said more than half of them refused to give their name or their positions.
He talks about how his personal residence was bugged when he was govenor. He actually found one of the bugs on his porch, and showed it to his friend who works for the telephone company. His friend told him he is required to install those at the government's request all the time.
He openely talks to Alex Jones, who was the person who chased JV down and asked him about 911 in the first place, that he believes the entire thing was a government job. He talked about the twin towers. He talked about WTC7. He talked about the missing engines from the plane at the Pentagon. Man, the dude just goes off on it. Hook line and sinker.
He talks extensively about his belief that JFK was assassinated by the CIA agents and former Bay of Pigs operatives. His knowledge of the subject was pretty immense. I was very impressed. He even knows all about how Oswald "defected" and that he was secretly "debriefed" by the CIA (he even knows it was a secret CIA facility in Amsterdam) and that the CIA obviously denies this ever happened. VERY impressed with this.
A good bit. Most of it transcribed up there.
Oh. He talks about Ron Paul at the start. Says he was very impressed with some of his responses in debates.
I'm sure i'm forgetting something.
But you guys have to listen to this fucking shit.
WOW. My only criticism was he seems unaware that the national debt is actually a count of our money supply.
Either that or he was oversimplifying his discussion to make a point about fiscal responsibility.
But I get the feeling that he actually is probably not that aware of how the Fed and fiat money actualy works.
However, i can totally get over that.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
How does one go from Governor of a state, to defector?
must have seen some scary stuff as governor I would imagine...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
he lives on a remote beach in mexico half the year, off the grid, 100% solar.
He is an expatriate, not a defector.
get it right.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
for the least they could possibly do
Jesse is absolutely awesome. He's way to honest to make it in politics unfortunately. I agree with ALOT of what he says. He was on Larry King the other night talking about much of what you have listed above.
Six Parts from Larry King:
He's a great voice to have out there talking about this stuff. Very smart man. Unfortunately there are many people who take him lightly because he was a professional wrestler.
Paul/Ventura 2008. How's that for a ticket?
I'd honestly rather see Ventura\Paul at this point.
I think Jesse would have a better chance than Ron.
Just because of his social views, and the atmosphere in this country.
I don't view that as a negative though, because Paul would instantly become president of the senate, and also his signature would be required on ALL CURRENCY before it becomes lawful money.
You get the feeling he could make his Fed policy changes literally with OUT even the stroke of a pen?
Unfortuantely, if Jesse really doesn't want to bother running this year, the likelyhood of this ever happening plummets.
That would put Paul at just shy of 80.
If I opened it now would you not understand?