Olbermann Reports: Attorney General Mukasey Admits Government Complicit in 9\11

i think this is the video
i can't check video from work.
Roland can you dig up some stuff for me and help here?
or Nevermind?
Listening to AJ broadcast from yesterday.
Apparently the Attorney General was speaking at an diner club engagement and he mentioned that the government had "possibly intercepted" a phone call from Afghanistan that was positive information about the events of 9\11, BEFORE 9\11 ... but then proceeded to cry about how they could not follow up on it or know who the call was going TO, because they didn't have enough authority.
Listen to Olbermann.
It is absolute RUBBISH.
They had ALL the authority they needed.
Then current law only required them to COME BACK LATER with evidence to secure a warrant! You could do it retroactive!
Like Olbermann said:
a. either he is flat out lying about this occurance
b. or he is inadvertantly acknowledging that the US was complicit in the events of 9\11
Unfortunately Olbermann was too dumb (too smart?) to acknowldege that it is probably choice B!
Any takers on this one?
PS -- Oh yeah. AJ says this Mukasey fellow was responsible for covering up the truth about Oklahoma City too.
Maybe someone can help me piece together where this guy was back then, what he was doing, and how he was involved with all that? Like i said, limited internet at work. :(
i can't check video from work.
Roland can you dig up some stuff for me and help here?
or Nevermind?
Listening to AJ broadcast from yesterday.
Apparently the Attorney General was speaking at an diner club engagement and he mentioned that the government had "possibly intercepted" a phone call from Afghanistan that was positive information about the events of 9\11, BEFORE 9\11 ... but then proceeded to cry about how they could not follow up on it or know who the call was going TO, because they didn't have enough authority.
Listen to Olbermann.
It is absolute RUBBISH.
They had ALL the authority they needed.
Then current law only required them to COME BACK LATER with evidence to secure a warrant! You could do it retroactive!
Like Olbermann said:
a. either he is flat out lying about this occurance
b. or he is inadvertantly acknowledging that the US was complicit in the events of 9\11
Unfortunately Olbermann was too dumb (too smart?) to acknowldege that it is probably choice B!
Any takers on this one?
PS -- Oh yeah. AJ says this Mukasey fellow was responsible for covering up the truth about Oklahoma City too.
Maybe someone can help me piece together where this guy was back then, what he was doing, and how he was involved with all that? Like i said, limited internet at work. :(
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Love Olbermann by the way. Rachel Maddow can be very insightful on countdown as well.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Before the 2001 terrorist attacks, he said, "we knew that there had been a call from someplace that was known to be a safe house in Afghanistan and we knew that it came to the United States. We didn’t know precisely where it went," reports the San Francisco Chronicle.
Mukasey is then reported to have "grimaced, swallowed hard, and seemed to tear up as he reflected on the weaknesses in America’s anti-terrorism strategy prior to the 2001 attacks. "We got three thousand. . . . We’ve got three thousand people who went to work that day and didn’t come home to show for that," he said, struggling to maintain his composure."
Despite Mukasey using the example to justify warrantless wiretapping of Americans by claiming the government was unable to intercept the call, the fact is that no law would have prevented the government from listening in on the call. Existing FISA provisions would have covered the interception of the call.
In addition, it would be naive to consider that Echelon - the global spy network run by the NSA - did not intercept and catalogue the call. In 1999, the Australian government admitted that they were part of an NSA-led global intercept and surveillance grid in alliance with the US and Britain that could listen to "every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or radio transmission," on the planet.
Furthermore, two days after 9/11, Germany’s daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that the Echelon spy network had provided warnings of the terror attack 6 months in advance.
It is admitted that the CIA had tracked the alleged hijackers to an Al-Qaeda meeting in Malaysia in January 2000 and then let them back into the US. The U.S. government was fully aware of their movements without the need for a phone tap and allowed them safe passage around the globe.
As Newsweek reported, five of the named hijackers "received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s".
Under these circumstances, the contention that the U.S. government intercepted such a call but was unable or unwilling to listen to it due to legal restrictions is completely inconceivable.
Mukasey’s admission is therefore further evidence that the U.S. government was responsible for - at the very bare minimum - "malfeasant complicity in the 9/11 attacks," as Keith Olbermann stated on his MSNBC show yesterday.
Olbermann thinks it likely Mukasey is simply embellishing in order to propagandize for warrantless wiretapping, but the fact that the hijackers were carefully tracked every step of the way before 9/11 by the U.S. government and indeed trained at their military installations, in addition to Echelon having recorded phone conversations about 9/11 six months before the attack, strongly suggests that Mukasey unintentionally told the truth - and unequivocally let slip U.S. government foreknowledge of 9/11.
Olbermann is the Rush Limbaugh of the left.
Man, I miss him on SportsCenter ... he was great. Now ... not so much.
EDIT: Intercepting a call you don't know where it was going and "complicit in 9/11" is one hell of a leap. I'm sure the CIA intercepted many terrorist calls they didn't know what to do with, that ended up being nothing. You conspiracy theorists are something else.
for the least they could possibly do
yeah, i understand he counter-balances that stuff. I just try to avoid the extremes on both sides.
Anybody remember when the news was the news? And not some dude's opinion of the news?
for the least they could possibly do
I can
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
As far as watching political news on cable television, countdown with Keith Olbermann is the best. I also enjoy Meet the press and Charlie rose.
yeah those were the good old days. but this is the best alternative i guess.
First off, wow.
You really think that teh CIA is so technologicaly backward that they had no way of figuring out who\what\where was on the other end of that call?
Second, you've totally avoided the issue.
The fact remains this guy is literally crying, saying we didn't have the authority necessary to investigate this call, when that is patently false on its face.
So which is it.
Is he completely fabricating a story about intercepting this call to further the case for the executive\MIC power grab, or is he inadvertently admitting that we did have knowledge before 9\11 but we just didn't act on it?
Understand, he is admitting we cataloged the call.
"we knew there had been a call" ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
What else can you do when it's proven they are lying about the facts?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ooh ooh, can i answer this one?
... stick your head up your ass, and slap some chinese made American flag and "support our troop" stickers on the back of your car?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Ooooh yeah, sorry...I forgot for a minute there.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think they didn't realize what they had when they had it. Pre 9/11, I don't think we took this stuff very seriously. I'd be willing to wager 99.9 percent of the calls the CIA intercepted were never acted upon, and nothing came of it.
I think he's trying to make a political point for this spy bill, and it he's lying about it he wouldn't be the first political to do so in order to score politcal points. Also, this guy wasn't the AG on 9.11 ... he might not even know what the hell he's talking about.
Again, it's a big leap from all this to "complicit." In fact, I watched that video where Olbermann and Mary Lou Retton from Air America make a mountain out of this molehill ... and even they don't say this makes the government complicit. They use the word negligent, which I still won't buy, but at least it's not that nutso.
Btw, if I came on here spouting something Rush Limbaugh or Hannity said, you guys would think I'm an idiot. But if Olbermann or Air America says it ... it's gospel.
When are you gonna realize these guys are just as full of shit as the Limbaughs of the world, except in a different way?
(btw, I knew I shouldn't have clicked on this thread. ugh.)
for the least they could possibly do
I posted the clip because it shows someone on TV accusing the government of being "criminaly malfeasant", i believe is the term he uses.
I could care less who said it,
the fact of the matter is the AG said what he said,
Keep in mind i'm not some "leftist nut",
i'm just a "nut".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
you make great counter points. I agree with just about everything you said.
but you left out youtube and google video. its the books of books, bible of their true god, holy of holies etc etc