In Grave Danger of Falling Food [MOVIE]

This is a movie about Permaculture, Bill Mollison, and the possibility of reclaiming personal sustenance in a world gone wrong.
In Grave Danger of Falling Food
If you are curious about why petrochemical based monocrop agriculture can not sustain life on this planet moving forward, and want to understand how man can learn to work with nature instead of against it, in order to live ... this is a good start. Why? Because you are getting the information straight from the source.
Another movie that i found quite inspiring at a young age, is Ecological Design: Inventing The Future ... unfortunately it is not available on the net or in torrent. But it has enough great cursory information plucked from interviews with leaders in the field, that i think it is worth it. Buckminser Fuller, Jay Baldwin, Mary Catherine Bateson, John Todd, Stewart Brand, Amory Lovins, Paolo Soleri... its got 'em all.
Okay. Obviously they didn't really interview Bucky, but the others, yeah.
In Grave Danger of Falling Food
If you are curious about why petrochemical based monocrop agriculture can not sustain life on this planet moving forward, and want to understand how man can learn to work with nature instead of against it, in order to live ... this is a good start. Why? Because you are getting the information straight from the source.
Another movie that i found quite inspiring at a young age, is Ecological Design: Inventing The Future ... unfortunately it is not available on the net or in torrent. But it has enough great cursory information plucked from interviews with leaders in the field, that i think it is worth it. Buckminser Fuller, Jay Baldwin, Mary Catherine Bateson, John Todd, Stewart Brand, Amory Lovins, Paolo Soleri... its got 'em all.
Okay. Obviously they didn't really interview Bucky, but the others, yeah.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?