Gold Down Sharply, Markets Up -- On News Of Bank Bailout?



  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    ooooohhhhhh; daggers. you tell me; is the ice melting and what happened the last time the earth didn't have ice cover? you can still find corals in the arizona desert as far north as sedona. what happens when water touches permafrost? it's almost there now. we're far past pointing fingers and at the educational point where we have to look at what's happening and how the earth reacted in the past. it's also time to look out that little window in our ivory towers and see how the rest of the world is being effected.

    no clue, i wasn't here for that. from my rusty recollection of things, those kinds of earth processes happen slowly over thousands of years. not 5. in any case, didn't it rebound into the ice age? and prior to both of those, wasn't there a time when co2 was bigger than oxygen? the earth goes in cycles. i'm not overly worried about things far too big for me to fix. and if this catastrophe is only days away, i doubt there's much i can do to fix it right now, ya know?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    drifting; why do you try to explain yourself? i think getting into a house is most important right now. especially since i don't think the banks will be able to collect in 5 to 10 years. millions are preparing to evacuate the indian islands and india can't afford it. so guess who's door they'll be knocking on? look at what's happening in africa.
    i never claim to be right so don't listen to me until you've looked at all the variables that will control a market. smart people look at the current events and match them with what happened last time. history repeats itself. the 1929 crash made many people rich; but only those that saw what was coming.

    i actually really hope you're right about this. indian girls are SO hot!
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    i actually really hope you're right about this. indian girls are SO hot!

    i happen to know the most beautiful indian girl that ever walked this earth. she actually takes your breath away.
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