The Federal Reserve put 8 billion MORE dollars in the system this morning AND loosened the discount windows again!
More housing numbers are coming out mid-week, predictions are for Citibank to lay off 45 THOUSAND employees later this quarter and is trading under $30 as of today ...
The NYSE floor analyst for CNBC said today that the "folks down here in the trenches" are talking more and more about "the whole enchilada" as applies to Fed involvement in the housing market ... he said that most of them are talking "BAILOUT".
I'm going to save you all the fearmongering, because at this point, the MSM is doing a plenty good job by itself.
Shit is REALLY FUCKED UP out there on wallstreet, and you folks shouldn't be trying to pretend like this is some weird blip on the radar.
This is FUBAR, folks.
good thing i don't live out there on wall street! things look ok in my neighborhood in lakeview... buildings still standing and 7-11 still selling me smokes. we're good!
good thing i don't live out there on wall street! things look ok in my neighborhood in lakeview... buildings still standing and 7-11 still selling me smokes. we're good!