America Is Looking More Like Iran Everyday!

yeah. maybe not through "official" channels like in Iran,
but in a country that feeds on the flow of uncensored information, this is a blow to freedom:
Let The Bannings Begin
So ... i was scrolling through the "online straw poll" results at ... starting with march 20th ... the week after Ron Paul announced his candidacy.
You notice a stead trend of his increase on the poll, up until around july at which point for over two months he had been #1 in the republican poll ... then for the rest of july and some of june he is suspiciously missing from the poll entirely ...
... but then returns ... back at number one or fighting with Fred Thompson ...
... until two weeks ago ...
then i noticed the letter on the right side of the page.
Read it:
Over 130,000 votes have been cast in the weekly PAJAMAS MEDIA PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL. The thirty-fifth week has officially begun.
NEW DEAL: Pajamas Media editors have noted that the number of weekly votes in our poll has diminished drastically from the tens of thousands cast at the outset. For months now, many readers have been complaining to us about the increasing inutility of the poll because of vote-swarming by second tier candidates. Many voters have lost interest and are not participating. Websites that had run our widget were no longer doing so.
Something needed to change.
Therefore, especially since the campaign itself appears to be narrowing its focus to front-running candidates, henceforth the Pajamas Media Poll will be restricted to those first tier candidates listed on the front poll page of the leading online poll aggregator Real Clear Politics. As of now, that is four candidates on the Democratic side and five on the Republican. We will change our lineup on the Sunday after RCP does, if it does.
And here is an article from "Real Clear Politics", the website that pajamasmedia claims it is locking in goose-step with:
Ron Paul: Idea-Driven, Decent, Unworthy
So a site conducting polls has itself decided that a candidate should get no support. That candidate is getting overwhelming support in polls on their site. . . so what do they do?
... they pull him, and all "second tier" candidates from their polls.
yeah. maybe not through "official" channels like in Iran,
but in a country that feeds on the flow of uncensored information, this is a blow to freedom:
Let The Bannings Begin
So ... i was scrolling through the "online straw poll" results at ... starting with march 20th ... the week after Ron Paul announced his candidacy.
You notice a stead trend of his increase on the poll, up until around july at which point for over two months he had been #1 in the republican poll ... then for the rest of july and some of june he is suspiciously missing from the poll entirely ...
... but then returns ... back at number one or fighting with Fred Thompson ...
... until two weeks ago ...
then i noticed the letter on the right side of the page.
Read it:
Over 130,000 votes have been cast in the weekly PAJAMAS MEDIA PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL. The thirty-fifth week has officially begun.
NEW DEAL: Pajamas Media editors have noted that the number of weekly votes in our poll has diminished drastically from the tens of thousands cast at the outset. For months now, many readers have been complaining to us about the increasing inutility of the poll because of vote-swarming by second tier candidates. Many voters have lost interest and are not participating. Websites that had run our widget were no longer doing so.
Something needed to change.
Therefore, especially since the campaign itself appears to be narrowing its focus to front-running candidates, henceforth the Pajamas Media Poll will be restricted to those first tier candidates listed on the front poll page of the leading online poll aggregator Real Clear Politics. As of now, that is four candidates on the Democratic side and five on the Republican. We will change our lineup on the Sunday after RCP does, if it does.
And here is an article from "Real Clear Politics", the website that pajamasmedia claims it is locking in goose-step with:
Ron Paul: Idea-Driven, Decent, Unworthy
So a site conducting polls has itself decided that a candidate should get no support. That candidate is getting overwhelming support in polls on their site. . . so what do they do?
... they pull him, and all "second tier" candidates from their polls.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
from my window to yours
If I opened it now would you not understand?
now is when you tell me how this website is relevant...and how it matters in any way to anything in my or your daily life...or anyone, for that matter.
from my window to yours
no wait, we can't be, we still have gays
my advice: find a purpose in your life beyond the internet.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
All media outlets are "private companies" if that is what you are getting at.
I see where you are coming from, but perhaps you could see the other side as well.
Remember when Fox news started spewing Iraq war propaganda, and people like Bill O'Riely started saying "you are with us or you are against us!", "people who are against the war should SHUT UP!" ...
remember how ALL the networks started jumping right in line with that? you don't? because i've seen a few documentaries where big name media figures ADMIT that it happened ... that their news agencies were pressured from within ... they showed documents ... people like Phil Donahue were fired because "in a time of war, it is difficult for our company to have such an ant-war personality on the air" ...
What i'm trying to say is this could be a slow moving snow ball. You have a few people who decide ron paul shouldn't be on the polls, and suddenly the media runs with it ... and then the book is closed ... the corporotocracy has won the game ... they have dissallowed the public to even make a choice ...
SO ... back to the topic at hand ...
you aren't even the slightest bit disturbed that this could be the start of something bigger? All of a sudden, right around the time when Ron Paul is pulling in ONE MILLION DOLLARS in ONE WEEK ... a couple of pollings sites, that are apparently well respected in the political blogosphere are pulling him as a choice ... ?
You're right, they can do whatever they want.
They are a "private company" ...
... but ask yourself if you would tolerate it if on fox news after the presidential debates they just didn't include Ron Paul as a choice in the user poll (which he WON last time!) ... would you say the same thing then?
How far are you willing to let journalistic integrity and free information flow slip in the name of entertainment and private corporate perrogative.
That is my biggest concern.
And as far as you are concerned, PURPLE HAWK, you could learn to play nice in the sand box.
I've seen you on multiple threads spewing personal attacks against Ron Paul supporters, and yet you have refused to back your bullshit rants up with anything substantial -- just hate and name calling.
Whats up with that?
Why don't you tell us why you don't like the man, instead of insulting the people who have put over 3 million in his warchest!
If I opened it now would you not understand?