Direct Proof that The History Channel Won't Tell You The Truth:

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited September 2007 in A Moving Train
From the Google Video description of
The Men Who Killed Kennedy:

The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by Nigel Turner that originally aired in 1988 in England with two one-hour ... all » segments about the John F. Kennedy assassination. The United States corporation, Arts & Entertainment Company, purchased the rights to the original two segments. Three one-hour segments were added in 1991. A sixth segment was added in 1995. Finally, three additional hourly segments were added by the History Channel in November 2003.

The ninth segment, titled "The Guilty Men", directly implicated Lyndon B. Johnson. Within days, Johnson's widow, Lady Bird Johnson, more of his surviving associates, ex-President Jimmy Carter, and the lone, living Warren Commission commissioner and ex-President Gerald R. Ford immediately complained to the History Channel. They subsequently threatened legal action against Arts & Entertainment Company, owner of the History Channel. "The Guilty Men" segment was completely withdrawn by the History Channel.

It is pretty much known by all that LBJ was in on the Kennedy murder.
The fact that The History Channel decided to WITHDRAW HISTORY from it's channel on account of political pressure by people related to a criminal is just fucked.

What really gets me is that A&E and The History Channel believed SO MUCH in this "conspiracy theory" that they bought ANOTHER mans work and ADDED THREE and then a FOURTH HOUR of proof and evidence to this theory.

Then they get to the fucking culmination, this NINTH hour of footage ...
the damn center piece of their investigation ...

I don't care what stupid reason you give me,
"yeah, but they were gonna be sued"
blah blah blah.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • and here is what i find even more reprehensible ...

    My mother started watching that damned 911 Hit Piece on the History Channel about 30 minutes ago.

    They have compared it to the JFK assassination 3 times so far.

    They then say "Up until 911, the murder of John F. Kennedy was considered the mother of all conspiracy theories ... when the government released its official report on the matter, many were skeptical ... 40 years later and with thousands of pages of research that discount this conspiracy, confirming the official report, people still choose to believe in the conspiracy."

    i'm here to tell you, THIS IS BULLSHIT.

    The government itself went so far as to dismiss the Warren Commission Report when it established The House of Representatives Select Committee On Assassinations in 1979 ...

    although, again the government failed to implicate itself, or anyone else, really ... it did offer this:

    The HSCA concluded in its 1979 report that (emphasis added):

    2. Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy. Other scientific evidence does not preclude the possibility of two gunmen firing at the President. Scientific evidence negates some specific conspiracy allegations.

    YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT ADMITS (albeit, in very small part) IT WAS A CONSPIRACY!

    The History Channel BELIEVED IT.

    Now they come out to DENOUNCE it?
    And we are supposed to listen to what they say about 911?

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    driftin, do you think the mafia was involved in any of this?
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    no the mob could not have pulled it off. sure they were angry at kennedy b/c RFK was going after the mob when they had helped get kennedy elected. i would believe that it was anti castro cubans that got screwed over during the bay of pigs debacle before i would suspect the mob.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    no the mob could not have pulled it off. sure they were angry at kennedy b/c RFK was going after the mob when they had helped get kennedy elected. i would believe that it was anti castro cubans that got screwed over during the bay of pigs debacle before i would suspect the mob.
    I have studied the mob alot. they are some smart tough guys, capable of some amazing things. building vegas from nothing for one. you and I see to disagree alot. ha ;) I respect your opinion though
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    I always took it for a government job, myself.
    Feels Good Inc.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    driftin, do you think the mafia was involved in any of this?

    clearly it was the cigarette smoking man,.. derrr.
    we don’t know just where our bones will rest,
    to dust i guess,
    forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    no the mob could not have pulled it off. sure they were angry at kennedy b/c RFK was going after the mob when they had helped get kennedy elected. i would believe that it was anti castro cubans that got screwed over during the bay of pigs debacle before i would suspect the mob.

    The mob did pull it off. Read 'Ultimate sacrifice' for the definitive answer.

    The reason for a cover-up of the assassination was that the mob would have exposed the Kennedys plans to invade Cuba and this could have triggered a nuclear war with Russia. The mob knew this, so did Bobby Kennedy. This is why everyone had to keep quiet. The mob killed Kennedy knowing that they wouldn't be brought to account for it.

  • It is pretty much known by all that LBJ was in on the Kennedy murder.

    Raleigh 1992 - Raleigh 2003 - Charlotte 2003 - Asheville 2004 - Lollapolooza 2007
  • It is pretty much known by all that LBJ was in on the Kennedy murder.

    I'm not saying I disagree with your opinion on this one, but to say that it is "pretty much known by all" is a gross exaggeration.
  • and here is what i find even more reprehensible ...

    My mother started watching that damned 911 Hit Piece on the History Channel about 30 minutes ago.

    They have compared it to the JFK assassination 3 times so far.

    They then say "Up until 911, the murder of John F. Kennedy was considered the mother of all conspiracy theories ... when the government released its official report on the matter, many were skeptical ... 40 years later and with thousands of pages of research that discount this conspiracy, confirming the official report, people still choose to believe in the conspiracy."

    i'm here to tell you, THIS IS BULLSHIT.

    The government itself went so far as to dismiss the Warren Commission Report when it established The House of Representatives Select Committee On Assassinations in 1979 ...

    although, again the government failed to implicate itself, or anyone else, really ... it did offer this:

    The HSCA concluded in its 1979 report that (emphasis added):

    2. Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy. Other scientific evidence does not preclude the possibility of two gunmen firing at the President. Scientific evidence negates some specific conspiracy allegations.

    YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT ADMITS (albeit, in very small part) IT WAS A CONSPIRACY!

    The History Channel BELIEVED IT.

    Now they come out to DENOUNCE it?
    And we are supposed to listen to what they say about 911?


    i'd like to see some of this evidence. forensics proved that it could only have been done by oswald. even the magic bullet has been reproduced.
  • I'm not saying I disagree with your opinion on this one, but to say that it is "pretty much known by all" is a gross exaggeration.

    this is the first i've heard of it and i was around in 1963.
  • i'd like to see some of this evidence. forensics proved that it could only have been done by oswald. even the magic bullet has been reproduced.

    I'd like to see the forensic proof that it was only Oswald.

    Eyewitness testimony, including that of a police officer who entered the book depository NINTEY SECONDS after he heard gunshots and saw pigeons fly off the roof saw Oswald on the SECOND FLOOR near the break room where he claims he was buying a soda. Further eyewitness testimony puts him on that floor five minutes BEFORE the shooting.

    Did Oswald have some uncanny magic ability to know exactly when the president was coming, run up the stairs, hop in the perch, pull the trigger, and then RUN RUN RUN down 4 flights of stairs back to the 2nd floor break room in time to look calm collected, and completely unaware when the cop showed up to check out the building?

    Remember, there are government documents to prove that Oswald was on the FBI payroll up to the day of Kennedy's assassination. They have is payroll number, and he received $200 a month ... conjecture suggests that he was more likely duped in to thinking he was part of a plan to infiltrate the assassination plot, and was then framed for the murder ... in all probability, Oswald was a national hero. :(

    Why did Malcolm Wallace have a fingerprint in the snipers nest?
    Wallace is connected with LBJ.

    yes ... as far as i can surmise from all of this,
    there was a looseknit conspiracy between factions of the CIA (those involved in Bay of Pigs), the Maffia (those who wanted gaming rights back in Havannah), foreign hired assassins (through the mob, possibly), a few in the secret service, and LBJ.

    What blows my mind is this really was a "huge" conspiracy.
    They say it can't be done, but it was.
    And the number of people who have mysteriously been killed in connection with this is a good indicator too.

    I think i've counted a running total of 5 people throughout these hours of footage who mysteriously died in the 70s either from apparent "suicide" rifle shots through the stomach, or strange car accidents, or planes that dropped from the sky.

    As far as the evidence I've seen, including "testimony" from original Kennedy doctors involved in the autopsy, the Single Bullet Theory is flim-flam thin.

    I again implore anyone who thinks they have seen "proof" that the SBT is true to please post a link so I can watch this and respond.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    like byzine said, this whole "conspiracy" seems to have happened to avoid nuclear war. end doesnt always justify the means but this is one fucked up time in history.

    dont we have secret files that are set for release in the next decade or so??
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    like byzine said, this whole "conspiracy" seems to have happened to avoid nuclear war. end doesnt always justify the means but this is one fucked up time in history.

    dont we have secret files that are set for release in the next decade or so??

    It sounds like you are justifying the offing of the president, and then not, but then yes. :(

    I can't find any information on documents set for release, but i do know that when such documents ARE released, they usually further the "debate" over the conspiracy:

    Brain of J

    CIA documents lend enormous credence to James Files testimony

    It is interesting to note that one of the military personell involved in the autopsy (this guy had the privelage of holding JFKs brains in his hand as he supported the body out of the casket and on to the operating table!) now testifies that the day after the autopsy at Bethesda, the personell involved were all called in to their supervisors office and forced to sign statements of non-disclosure. If they talked to anyone about any of the autopsy events, they were subject to general court marshall!

    Twenty some years later, the guy talks, and says that the whole damn autopsy was a farce. Says there were so many "civilian personell" in the room who clearly were exerting control over the procedures that they couldn't get anything done ... says they'd start doing something to the body, and one man would come up and look at it, run back to a corner and discuss with a few guys, and then come back and say "uh. don't do that. go on to the other procedure" ...

    does that sound like an autopsy or load of crap to you?

    why fingerprint Oswald's dead body? You planning on using those for something?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • i'm also suprised that noone had any comment on the original subject of this thread.

    it derrailed quickly back to discussion of the actual "conspiracy theory" , but no one said "thats really fucked up that they spent money on a JFK conpiracy theory documentary, added 4 hours of footage, pulled the final chapter, and then a decade later denounced the whole thing as phoney" ...

    No one finds that a bit ridiculous?

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    im not justifying it. but when it comes to nuclear war, all horrible options are on the table. for example, torturing a terrorists who knows where a bomb is. or killing a president... thats not to say I would agree with them.. the nuclear bomb is the worst invention by man period.
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    the nuclear bomb is the worst invention by man period.
    thats just your opinion.....

    personally i think we all should own one......

    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    thats just your opinion.....

    personally i think we all should own one......


    have a roman (nuclear) candle fight on the 4th of july??

  • I'd like to see the forensic proof that it was only Oswald.

    Eyewitness testimony, including that of a police officer who entered the book depository NINTEY SECONDS after he heard gunshots and saw pigeons fly off the roof saw Oswald on the SECOND FLOOR near the break room where he claims he was buying a soda. Further eyewitness testimony puts him on that floor five minutes BEFORE the shooting.

    Did Oswald have some uncanny magic ability to know exactly when the president was coming, run up the stairs, hop in the perch, pull the trigger, and then RUN RUN RUN down 4 flights of stairs back to the 2nd floor break room in time to look calm collected, and completely unaware when the cop showed up to check out the building?

    Why did Malcolm Wallace have a fingerprint in the snipers nest?
    Wallace is connected with LBJ.

    yes ... as far as i can surmise from all of this,
    there was a looseknit conspiracy between factions of the CIA (those involved in Bay of Pigs), the Maffia (those who wanted gaming rights back in Havannah), foreign hired assassins (through the mob, possibly), a few in the secret service, and LBJ.

    What blows my mind is this really was a "huge" conspiracy.
    They say it can't be done, but it was.
    And the number of people who have mysteriously been killed in connection with this is a good indicator too.

    I think i've counted a running total of 5 people throughout these hours of footage who mysteriously died in the 70s either from apparent "suicide" rifle shots through the stomach, or strange car accidents, or planes that dropped from the sky.

    As far as the evidence I've seen, including "testimony" from original Kennedy doctors involved in the autopsy, the Single Bullet Theory is flim-flam thin.

    I again implore anyone who thinks they have seen "proof" that the SBT is true to please post a link so I can watch this and respond.

    the smoking gun in this instance is battle wounds. the bullet used tumbles and it was proven with pig carcasses; lined up according to the seats in the limo. i think the science channel presented a program showing all the testing. you won't believe any links so i won't waste my time looking for any. you seem to seek out only information that agrees with your opinion.
    after 44 years; i'd expect witnesses to die. it's also human nature to come up with controversial testimonies because you may get a chance to be on the tele. yes; i'm talking about egos. a lot of people made money writing books and doing talk shows. let's say there was a shooter in the grassy knoll. did his bullet vaporize after hitting kennedy? if not; why wasn't anyone hit with it? the street accross from the grassy knoll was lined with people.
    once again we have a problem with evidence. 44 years have passed and no new evidence has been presented. the supposed 4th shot heard on the open mic was proven to be a car back firing. this was done with frequency meters.
    you can read what you want into anything. there are people who believe they've seen ghosts and can pass a polygraph because they really believe they saw what they say they saw. i shot and killid a small bird with a handgun from just over a quarter miles away. in front of several witnesses. we all know that's an impossible shot but i did it. the point here is that sometimes things are as they appear. oswald got a lucky shot and the evidence backs it. years of investigations haven't come up with any credible evidence. thousands of pictures and movie footage hasn't provided anything new. all these conspiracy theorists have not been able to duplicate what happened. only the warren report has duplicated exactly what happened.
    i know you don't want to believe it and there's nothing anyone can say to change your mind.
  • i'm also suprised that noone had any comment on the original subject of this thread.

    it derrailed quickly back to discussion of the actual "conspiracy theory" , but no one said "thats really fucked up that they spent money on a JFK conpiracy theory documentary, added 4 hours of footage, pulled the final chapter, and then a decade later denounced the whole thing as phoney" ...

    No one finds that a bit ridiculous?


    the world was thought to be flat until evidence proved it round. the new evidence in this case was forensic study and recreation of the crime. the news reports what is believed at the time. when new evidence refutes old ideas; there's no need to rehash what was proven wrong.

  • I don't care what stupid reason you give me,

    The what the hell is the point of posting it in a DEBATE forum?
  • The what the hell is the point of posting it in a DEBATE forum?

    exactly. people hear and believe what they want to. any evidence that goes against their opinion will never be good enough. this is like arguing with plant life.
  • the smoking gun in this instance is battle wounds. the bullet used tumbles and it was proven with pig carcasses; lined up according to the seats in the limo.

    I'm not exactly sure what you are attempting to say here, but if you watch this video, particularly the second part and the 2nd part continued you will clearly see how the charts used to implicate a bullet through the back of Kennedy in to Connally could not possibly have gone through Kennedy's throat due to angle.

    If you read testimony from the doctors themselves, you will see the ones who did the revival efforts at Parkland clearly indicate, to this day that the neck wound was an entrance wound and that it was enlarged by the tracheotomy performed to attempt resuccitation of the president!

    G Ford edits report. Hides a lie. Hole in the back. Look at the shirt and jacket. Hole in back = hole in Warren Report

    wound in the third thorasic vertebrate not the neck

    Keep in mind Connally was wounded about 1.6 seconds after Kennedy grabs his own neck. This is too quick for "Oswald" to fire another shot and too late for the bullet to have been the same that hit Kennedy. see here for film analysis - watch at 8:10 !!!

    2 Minutes 56 seconds: Connally HIMSELF says DIFFERENT BULLET

    Here is a page where James Files talks about how he shot the president. He claims that the shot he fired was 1000th of a second after the man in the SBD fired another shot at the back of the head ... this would jive with that Washington Post article down there about multiple bullet fragments from multiple bullets.

    Why suppress the photographs and have drawings made instead ???

    autopsy shennanigans -- do doctors usually burn their autopsy reports, with complicty from the president (LBJ)?
    you won't believe any links so i won't waste my time looking for any. you seem to seek out only information that agrees with your opinion.

    Ok. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to decide for myself. I always look at links when someone bothers to post them. Try me, instead of being so cynical.
    after 44 years; i'd expect witnesses to die.

    I'm talking about people like Deputy Sherrif Roger Craig who insisted up until the time he was found dead of a rifle wound in the chest (he owned two guns, both pistols) in the mid 70's ... not 40 years later like you erroneously mislead ... insisted up until his death that the original rifle recovered was a 7.65 Mauser, as stated on the side of the barrell [and also on the evidence record "7.65 mauser" and i every broadcast the day of his death, not revised by "official history" until the next day] and not consistent with the bullets found in the window.

    and THIS -- i mean come one ... there are like 40+ people there ... some of them probably not connected and some obviously a stretch, but many many of them overtly suspicious gunshot deaths!

    or this:

    But Joe West never heard a full confession from James Files. Files didn’t want to talk. Only if Joe could arrange immunity for him, would Files consider it. During that time Joe had to go into a hospital for heart surgery. The operation itself was a success, but then out of nowhere he went into a coma and never came out of it. With his death, his exhumation suit also died. Files, and others, thinks Joe was murdered by an overdose of wrong medication in order to silence him. He was informed as such by one of his sources. Indeed there are some strange details; the attending doctor is still to be found for example. And just before he went into coma and could not talk anymore, he scribbled a note for his family "Get me out of here, they are trying to kill me!" The official cause of death was Acute Deficiency Respiratory Syndrome. Bob Vernon was later told by a surgeon that this is more or less a standard method to cover-up medical errors, such as an overdose of drugs. Joe's death is one of the main reasons why James Files decided to tell his story to Bob Vernon, who took over from Joe. -James Files Confession Article
    it's also human nature to come up with controversial testimonies because you may get a chance to be on the tele. yes; i'm talking about egos. a lot of people made money writing books and doing talk shows.

    It's also human nature to crave power.
    Ask yourself what Oswalds motive was. Go ahead. WHAT WAS HIS MOTIVE? What did he stand to gain and what is his stated motive? None! He vehmently maintained his innocence in the short time he was alive after the assassination. He uses the word "patsy" directly.

    ALSO: How did a description of Oswald get on the police radio fifteen minutes after the shooting?
    WHO KNEW IT WAS OSWALD within 15 minutes of the shooting? They passed his description out immediately. Think about it. Answer?

    What did LBJ and the CIA have to gain?
    Power, power, power,
    and the furtherance of the Vietnam War.

    let's say there was a shooter in the grassy knoll. did his bullet vaporize after hitting kennedy? if not; why wasn't anyone hit with it? the street accross from the grassy knoll was lined with people.
    once again we have a problem with evidence.

    custom made wax-tipped mercury-filled round

    By the way, this is your "magic bullet" ... this bullet entered JFKs back, exited his throat, entered Connally's back exited his chest, entered his wrist, exited his wrist, and entered his thigh? Can you explain why it looks to be in mint condition with only firing marks but no distortion? Does it look anything like the bullets they show entering pig carcass?

    Bullet 399 did it you say? How come Connally's own damn Dr. disagrees?

    Here is a Washington Post article about new research which seems to contradict the "magic bullet" theory

    44 years have passed and no new evidence has been presented. the supposed 4th shot heard on the open mic was proven to be a car back firing. this was done with frequency meters.

    i'll check that claim out.
    you say "no new evidence has been presented" but what about existing evidence that has dissapeared?

    possible bullet in the curb and the evidence of this mysteriously dissapeared from the National Archives. Hmm.

    The BRAIN?
    The brain is the one thing that could have been dissected to trace a bullet path ... instead the brain just kind've dissapeared and was NEVER dissected. :(
    only the warren report has duplicated exactly what happened.

    The Warren Commission explains the theory it prefers, with very misleading "evidence" to boot.

    The Warren Commission doesn't explain anything relating to Oswalds motive, or bother to investigate his ties to both the FBI (on their payroll!) and the CIA. Hmm.
    i know you don't want to believe it and there's nothing anyone can say to change your mind.

    I would love to believe it, but what i see makes me a skeptic.

    Once again, on a purely visual discrepancy, what is going on here ?!? Why is the SS ordering Kennedy's personal body guards to stand down ... they are totally absent from the motorcade at the time of his death ... even the SS in the follow up car freak out ...!

    explain anything i have linked here.
    hell give me links of your own.

    I provided you with support for "my" claims (which are actually the claims of 2/3rds of Americans) and yet you don't even trust me to look at yours.

    I suspect your response will be something like "why bother arguing with someone like yourself?" ... please don't dissapoint me. I want to see it your way. I want to believe in my government. But it just stinks ... like rotten fucking fish it stinks.

    James Files Admits It - "I shot Kennedy"!!!

    FBI Agent Zack Shelton on Files
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • the world was thought to be flat until evidence proved it round. the new evidence in this case was forensic study and recreation of the crime. the news reports what is believed at the time. when new evidence refutes old ideas; there's no need to rehash what was proven wrong.

    I would still like you to respond to the post above this one, man.

    I'm not being a jerk, i just want someone who seems to have an apparently firm grasp on this "new evidence" to help me see that the JFK conspiracy theory is unfounded.

    Either that, or look at some of the links i provided and respond that it does in fact appear to still be a valid theory.


    And for the onlookers, i do find relevance in this, even 40+ years on.

    The idea of forces within the government being able to pull off a coup d'état that involves the violent murder of a people's president is incredibly relevant. If those same forces are still at work within the government (and arguably outside pulling strings) then it becomes incredibliy relevant!
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • the powers-that-be would never allow a credible argument against the official story to hit the airwaves

    the cable conglomerate is owned by the same interest that initiated the whole setup

    resistance is futile
    hate was just a legend
  • the powers-that-be would never allow a credible argument against the official story to hit the airwaves

    the cable conglomerate is owned by the same interest that initiated the whole setup

    resistance is futile

    i guess what really miffs me is that just 10 years ago we did NOT have a completely complicit and one-interest dominated media ... History Channel was PROOF of that at one point. They were sponsoring anti-state conspiracy TRUTH! They invested their own goddamn money in to it, and spent godknows how long producing four extra hours of proof to back it up ... then they fold to corrupt government pressure and become part of the anti-American infrastructure?


    I would still really appreciate someone taking a look at any of those links and telling me i'm not crazy.


    and one more time,
    real quick,
    Jack Ruby ADMITTING it was a CONSPIRACY! This conference was NOT AIRED ON TV at the time, it was pulled before broadcast. WHY !?!?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • then they fold to corrupt government pressure and become part of the anti-American infrastructure?

    cuz at the end of the day they are slaves to the same major media infrastructure that allows them to have their network on the roster of the major cable companies and I'm sure they've become completely reliant on the resulting revenues

    massive pressure (veiled threats and the like) was undoubtedly applied to the creators and the network to skew it in the direction of the official story

    definitely not the first time, the Jack Ruby link you posted is a great example....obviously
    hate was just a legend
  • the powers-that-be would never allow a credible argument against the official story to hit the airwaves

    the cable conglomerate is owned by the same interest that initiated the whole setup

    resistance is futile

    just like nixon kept watergate from hitting the airwaves.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    exactly. people hear and believe what they want to. any evidence that goes against their opinion will never be good enough. this is like arguing with plant life.

    You do that often?
    Do the buffalo see you doing it?
    Are you aquainted with the spirit-weed White Dandelion?

    Just a friendly ribbing. :)

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • I would still like you to respond to the post above this one, man.

    I'm not being a jerk, i just want someone who seems to have an apparently firm grasp on this "new evidence" to help me see that the JFK conspiracy theory is unfounded.

    Either that, or look at some of the links i provided and respond that it does in fact appear to still be a valid theory.


    And for the onlookers, i do find relevance in this, even 40+ years on.

    The idea of forces within the government being able to pull off a coup d'état that involves the violent murder of a people's president is incredibly relevant. If those same forces are still at work within the government (and arguably outside pulling strings) then it becomes incredibliy relevant!

    like i said; you seek out the evidence that supports your opinion. you'll find whatever you're looking for online. solid evidence to prove either side. because it's not evidence. at least not evidence that can be used in court. it's been 44 years since jfk and still not one credable shread of evidence worthy enough to make the 10:00 news. i've seen websites with absolute proof of aliens yet they don't make the 10:00 news either. the internet is a big fantacy land. you'll find proof that oswald killed jfk; but you'll also find proof that the mob did it; and several other factions. cuba and russia are among the top 5.
    i find it funny when people post links to prove a point. who's behind these sites? maybe you'll post a youtube link but i can easily post on youtube too; so does that make me a credable journalist or scientist? i can build a website in an hour so am i magically all knowing?
    the world has some big problems to deal with and soon all this will be meaningless. i just wish people would put forth this much effort and concern towards what is about to happen instead of what happened almost 50 years ago.
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