Obama Confirms: US Sanctions Must Pass, Or Else Israel Will Strike Iran

Obama to House Dems: If Sanctions Fail, Israel Will Likely Strike Iran
Jake Tapper
ABC News
July 30, 2008
July 30, 2008 9:30 AM
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, met with House Democrats yesterday, talking about his trip abroad and his observations.
Obama told the caucus, according to an attendee, “Nobody said this to me directly but I get the feeling from my talks that if the sanctions don’t work Israel is going to strike Iran.” Others in the room recall this as well.
The notion that Israel is preparing for such an action against Iran’s myriad nuclear facilities is not new, with conjecture heating up in May after an Israeli military exercise featuring 150 aircraft flying almost a thousand miles over the Mediterranean Sea in what was seen as a dress rehearsal for an air strike. Now that the Bush administration is engaged in diplomatic efforts with Iran, many Israeli officials are worried the US is getting soft on Iran, prompting Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to travel to the US this week to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Barak’s office released a statement saying “a policy that consists of keeping all options on the table must be maintained.”
Jake Tapper
ABC News
July 30, 2008
July 30, 2008 9:30 AM
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, met with House Democrats yesterday, talking about his trip abroad and his observations.
Obama told the caucus, according to an attendee, “Nobody said this to me directly but I get the feeling from my talks that if the sanctions don’t work Israel is going to strike Iran.” Others in the room recall this as well.
The notion that Israel is preparing for such an action against Iran’s myriad nuclear facilities is not new, with conjecture heating up in May after an Israeli military exercise featuring 150 aircraft flying almost a thousand miles over the Mediterranean Sea in what was seen as a dress rehearsal for an air strike. Now that the Bush administration is engaged in diplomatic efforts with Iran, many Israeli officials are worried the US is getting soft on Iran, prompting Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to travel to the US this week to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Barak’s office released a statement saying “a policy that consists of keeping all options on the table must be maintained.”
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
What is your opinion of the Israeli strike against the Iraqi Nuclear reactor in 1981? good, bad, or indifferent?
as far as your post goes... it just sounds like Obama is being honest with Congress... were you trying to paint Obama in a bad light on this one? i couldnt tell if you were trying to bash him or just using him and his coments to show that this shit is getting real?
What is my opinion on Operation Opera?
Shit. Well, i was a whopping ONE year old when it happened, so I have no personal first hand opinion on the matter.
From what i understand it was yet another "premptive strike" that resulted in casualties, and international outrage. Typical.
I have not been able to find any historical information on what the IAEA had to say about the matter ... what they had reported regarding the facilities operations prior to the Israeli strike ... so i can not assess whether Iraq was in compliance, or what their intentions were.
I will say that I KNOW that the IAEA has REPEATEDLY acknowledged that Iran is in FULL compliance, and that ANY compliance failures have been the result of NEW or ADDED requests by the IAEA which Iran ALWAYS ends up meeting by the NEXT inspection and report.
I do not see how it is currently justifiable in ANY way whatsoever for Israel to claim self-defense in destroying an extremely expensive asset of a soverign nation ... an asset that is in FULL COMPLIANCE with international law.
What is YOUR opinion,
and why do constantly ask this question referencing an even concerning a DIFFERENT nation and possibly different circumstances? Are you trying to somehow draw a trap?
What is the point of the question?
Iran is in full compliance.
What part of that do you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
if Iraq were to have done pre-emptive strikes on Israel's nuclear program, would you have supported that too?
Although comparing Israel's nuclear program to Iran's makes no sense seeing as how Israel didn't sign the NPT, does NOT comply with IAEA (or even left them into the country), and is already in violation of several other humanitarian and war crimes.
shoot first ask questions later....
...brilliant....sounds like coyboy bob shootin up the wild west...
bend over a little deeper for Israel....ride that zionist cock...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
but its ok, there seem to be alot of people around here lately that only see things in black and white
quick, who remembers Iraq repeatedly firing SCUD missiles into Israel for no reason during the first Gulf war?
i do
what have you done besides type on your keyboard?
As have I at every avenue available, in another country as well.
but is it a personal thing now?
When did that all happen?
I thought the issue was what it was regardless of personal details and penis size?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
WOW so a nuclear armed Saddam pre-Iran invasion and pre-Kuwait invasion would have been a good thing? Maybe you shouldn't weigh in on these subjects since you were, uh, one.
hmm first Gulf war....Were they (Iraq) being attacked, or is this out of the blue one day Iraq starts flinging scuds around?
there's a a pretty big difference.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i remember that. Also, the point remains that all Obama was doing was relaying an observation.
"WARMONGER"!! Sheesh.
Oh please...
so I said cock...big deal...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
agree... that is offensive...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Israel attacked Iraq in the Gulf War 1? what did Israel have to do with the Gulf War?
do you remember the first gulf war?
or maybe you thought it was OK for Iraq to randomly fire missiles into a country that didnt attack them after Iraq preemtpively invaded Kuwait? what if they were nuclear armed, think that would have been pretty?
Was Iraq being invaded at the time was the question
Yes or no?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Heve you bothered (at all) to look into the revisionist findings?
nope....just going on foggy memory from mainstream TV I see.
Hiding behind the holocaust...look into that.
but I'm an anti-semite all that cliche bs...
nice try.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
NO, they were being driven back into their country AFTER invading Kuwait. Abnd 2nd, they were not invaded by Israel.
so i am taking from your response that it was ok for Iraq to fire missiles into a country that had nothing to do with the Gulf War. so if America was invaded it would be om for us to fire some missiles into your town? its ok, we all know you blindly hate Israel, its no secret dude. I still like you regardless of your black and white simplistic one way view of the world