Don't Think Ron Paul Is Being CENSORED? WATCH THIS

Fucking absolute GODDAMN BULLSHIT!
Watch at the 1:45 mark and the THREE MINUTE MARK.
1:45: Anderson The Fucking Doucherocket Says: "I PROMISE you, I FUCKING PROMISE YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO RESPOND" ... did Ron EVER get that chance? NO FUCKING WAY.
3:00 -- Huckabee was asked a question about his stance on abortion, Anderson then says, "i want to go down the line and get a response from the rest of the candidates" ... DID RON PAUL SOUND LIKE HE WAS ANYWHERE NEAR DONE???
McCain went on IMMEDIATELY after that to SAY THE EXACT SAME THING RON PAUL WAS SAYING about strict constitutional interpretation ... and he talked for about A MINUTE AND THIRTY SECONDS at least!
Ron Paul got what ..> FIVE SECONDS? ONE SENTENCE?
This debate was TWO HOURS LONG. THE LONGEST DEBATE YET ... and there were FOUR CANDIDATES ... the fewest number of any debate yet ...
HUH ??????????????????????????????
Watch at the 1:45 mark and the THREE MINUTE MARK.
1:45: Anderson The Fucking Doucherocket Says: "I PROMISE you, I FUCKING PROMISE YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO RESPOND" ... did Ron EVER get that chance? NO FUCKING WAY.
3:00 -- Huckabee was asked a question about his stance on abortion, Anderson then says, "i want to go down the line and get a response from the rest of the candidates" ... DID RON PAUL SOUND LIKE HE WAS ANYWHERE NEAR DONE???
McCain went on IMMEDIATELY after that to SAY THE EXACT SAME THING RON PAUL WAS SAYING about strict constitutional interpretation ... and he talked for about A MINUTE AND THIRTY SECONDS at least!
Ron Paul got what ..> FIVE SECONDS? ONE SENTENCE?
This debate was TWO HOURS LONG. THE LONGEST DEBATE YET ... and there were FOUR CANDIDATES ... the fewest number of any debate yet ...
HUH ??????????????????????????????
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Paul's rant about debating semantics on an issue (staying in Iraq) which was already agreed upon was great.
Don't think the post-debate commentary has mentioned RP once.
What the FUCK is with the Reagan obsession?
Huckabee made me lol a couple times...the "made that comment in Florida" bit about the highway project was priceless....
Btw - About Reagan .. i think the "Republicans" (the assholes who have stolen the republican party) have a fucking hard on for reagan because he mastered the art (intentionaly or not) of promising conservative gold in his campaign and doing nothing of the sort in his preisdency.
Seriously. If you were a neocon doucherocket PIECE OF EVERYLASTING SHIT, and you wanted to lie to the entire fucking world about your plans to FUCK EVERYONE ... fuck them in the ass ... as hard as possible for as long as possible ... until you have to reach for your "liberal democrat" piece of shit compliment 4 or 8 years later and let them have THEIR turn poping you ... if you were that kind've outright filth, wouldn't you worship a guy, whom in his campaign made HONEST and HEARTFELT promises and pleas to the American people ... urging a return to the constitution, and to sound fiscal policy and responsible budgeting, and to SMALL GOVERNMENT run BY THE PEOPLE, and to get rid of wasteful things like the dept. of education, and LOWER TAXES etc etc etc etc etc ...
and then, get in to office and DO NONE OF IT?
If you were a neocon piece of shit, you would study that like the fucking bible ... that and 1984 (1984-gate).
:( :( :(
Straight up like Ron Fucking Goddamn Paul.
He talks about government BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE, he talks about THE CONSTITUTION AS SOMETHING TO BE RESPECTED AND PROTECTED, UNFAIR TAXES, COERCIVE GOVERNMENT, overrun government overstepping its boundry, subsidies that don't make sense,
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
People tune out?
or the media turns you off?
(though i do agree in sentiment, the majority of our country is woefully undercapitalized in intellect)
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If you go on a show and say "an American Holocaust happens every year" or whatever...your going to need more than the 7 minutes or so to back it up.
That's the thing about mainstream media-it is only an outlet for regurgitating standard ideology, it allows no room for dissent.
But I agree with that asessment. "If it doesnt fit as a sound-byte, fuck off" seems to be the motto. I have stopped years ago watching tabloid deabte shows.
I kinda liked the system our government channel (and only channel) had back in the day (70s or something). Invite all major parties to the studio and give them a set amount of time each to present their viewpoints.
But it is a structural and fundamental sort of subtle censoring and has nothing in particular to do with Paul specifically. Which is what I always get the sense that drifting is pushing. Any other marginal candidate would get the same treatment.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
And i find it absolutely idiotic that people on here think this is some sort of "general systemic problem" that has to do with soundbyte-nation and public sentiment ... and can't see that this is blatant and deliberate CENSORSHIP to keep a message THEY DONT WANT YOU TO HEAR for your ears.
It does have something to do with Ron Paul ... he wants you to understand that you own the fucking government, not the otherway around ...
god FORBID the country ACTUALY grasp that concept ... and the media will seemingly to anything to prevent that ... and worse, most of the people will do anything to DENY that there is a controlling interest that is actively squelching the truth.
Yes, Commy & Outofbreath, i'm talking to ya'll.
I really am in fucking disbelief.
I show you a clip where Ron Paul is cut off after less than TEN SECONDS, and MID SENTENCE ... followed by McCain talking for FIFTY seconds ... and you think there is no censorship?
And then Ron Paul being blatantly cut off and LIED TO abou getting a chance to respond later.
It has nothing to do with the public wanting soundbytes.
It was a controlled format that was deliberately manipuated to Ron Pauls detriment. THe fucking public didn't say, "Hey Anderson Cooper! We are losing interest, Paul just hit the 10 second mark, CUT HIM OFF!"
Will you people WAKE THE FUCK UP, already?
AND FYI Jlew, if you look on the Ron Paul boards, you will see the truth which is THIS MOVEMENT IS JUST BEGINNING.
There are "Pro-Liberty" Ticket candidates poping up left and right, and "the movement" is funding the hell out of them.
We are organizing, and coalescing. Websites are forming, leadership is emerging, a platform, a base, and a communication network are all being established.
It is truly amazing to me and so many others.
In the past few months I have gone from near apathy and complete withdrawal from hope, to insane motivation and inspiration ... followed by a near return to the apathy in the face of all the negative forces against Ron Paul ... and then BACK to the massive hope and motivation when i saw the movement TURN THE CORNER and come in to its own stride ... with the majority on the board recognizing THIS IS JUST THE BEGNNING!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
ron has been given plenty of chances to debate and speak his mind. and guess what....he hasnt done jack shit in the polls. nothing, zero, zip. the media and hte powers that be at these debating functions see this. its a waste of time to give him more air time. people know his message, have heard him speak, and are not voting for him.
the guy is 10 times worse at public speaking then bush.
Do you HONESTLY think that the Media EVER gave him a fair shake with their coverage?
I mean, MINUS the 5 minutes they give him at the debates, DO YOU EVER FUCKING HEAR ABOUT RON PAUL ON THE NEWS? Outside of "he raised money this ONE day" or "someone with a ron paul sign harassed Hanity"?
Again, don't be an ignorant fool and think that the coverage is somehow fair.
You only need to look to the massive coverage July Fucking Annie got AFTER BEING UNCEREMONIOUSLY ASS WHOOPED BY RON PAUL REPEATEDLY.
And yet Paul was marginalized and ignored the entire fucking time.
You people are fucking blind.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
he gets plenty of media coverage. your right, the entire country found out for days about his record setting fund raising. ron paul is on more blogs and internet pages then all of the candidates combined.
where has all this got him? 3% in the polls?
why should he continue to get more and more coverage when he is very insignificant in the polls for months?
where is your outcry for duncan hunter? I didnt even know he existed, let alone was running for president, until someone mentioned him on this board.
he got no coverage because he never even got 1% of the vote.
The problem is truly fundamental and deep. No voice too far from the mainstream will get any chance in the system as it is. Media is part of it since they prefer the tabloid soundbytes, and generally give way too little time for anyone to complete a thought. This benefits status quo candidates, since they can just sneak in a little something of a program perhaps and gain popularity. Real system critical candidates need time because they must first establish a context and a frame for their thoughts and viewpoints. For this they are not given time at all in the debates.
And whereas you seem to love conspiracies and see them everywhere, I dont see this as a direct conspiracy in itself. You have a very set political structure of which none of the 2 actors are changing any time soon, as they both benefit from the simple polarization. The structure at every level favours monster parties. That's not necessarily a conspiracy, just a somehwat outdated structure, that those in power dont see fit to change. (and people dont have enough of a problem with apparently)
As for Paul being interrupted in a debate, I mean if that's the censorship... Why'd he get to participate at all then, if "they" can't have him speak? It may be rude, yes. The major candidates get annoyed by a minor no-chance candidate hogging the air-time, and they interrupt him rudely. That's how these debates have degenerated. Shout loudest and interrupt all the time, and you get the spotlight.
Nothing in it that says that this is all to cover up Ron Paul specifically. He could be a hardcore socialist saying everything to the state, and it would be the same. You have a structure that favours status quo, and not enough people are bothered by it currently for it to change. As long as most people are doing moderately ok, status quo will always be popular.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
In the larger context of this election cycle, no he doesnt.
You clearly don't watch CNN on the day of a primary, or any other time when Ron Paul didn't just break every fundraising record on the books.
And FYI, the day he actualy beat ALL records on the books, NOT ONE STATION SPENT MORE THAN TEN SECONDS TOTAL COVERING THE STORY.
The only reason you heard about the FIRST major day, was because THEY COULD SLAM HIM FOR THE "GUY FAWKES" "TERRORIST" CONNECTION.
And blogs and internet site have JACK SHIT to do with television exposure.
YOu know the average voting demographic?
THe MAJORITY of republican voters are OVER FIFTY.
You think they are out on the blogs in force?
and DAN,
Okay buddy ... there is no conspiracy ... ROn Paul is just a marginal candidate with a marginal message, and the media is just bored and not willing to waste valuable airtime covering him.
Ron Paul is a DIRECT threat to the establishment.
He wants to cut off their funny-money supply and limit them to constitutional coin, and basicaly make it a shitty day for mega-corporations that are dependent on fiat currency to rob the public of real wealth.
If you don't think the forces that be are gonna "conspire" to ensure that message gets as little press as possible ... or at least, is SPUN to make him SOUND LIKE A RAGING FOOL, then god help you ... because you are now part of the problem, for being ignorant of it.
And Jlew, he is included in the debates because based on THEIR OWN CRITERIA, he should be included, and to NOT include him would be ABJECT PROOF of a conspiracy, and their reputation would be ON THE BLOCK!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
He is not being treated fair, like any other non-mainstream candidate in your system. But if you are bent on having a martyr of your own, then go ahead.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Be advised also that the clip you linked doesnt have anyone but Paul speaking. All the others are snipped out of it.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Maybe if he was polling at respectable numbers, he might get more attention from the mainstream media. TV stations aren't a public service, they won't waste time on someone who doesn't have a chance to get elected.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
and conversely, which NO ONE on here EVER says,
Its a circular argument, and it sucks!
When they DO cover him it is ALWAYS WITH A NEGATIVE SPIN.
The sheeple will swallow what they are told to swallow.
The media say "Ron Paul = Crazy", the sheeple say, "Oh. Yeah that Ron Paul guy. :rolleyes: "
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It doesnt matter bro... Ron Paul is a troll and the people of the United States dont vote for stange looking people to be president. Sad as it is, it is true.
I roll my eyes at Ron Paul because of his social issues and he HAS NO CHANCE IN HELL, not because he doesnt get love from the media.
He doesn't have that much money.
Campaigns are expensive, and he has only pulled in around 20 million total.
The big guys pulled that in 1st quarter.
Whatever, re: ron paul = troll, no chance in hell.
Ron Paul started a movement in this country, and change is a brewing. REAL change.
I am low an Ron's chances, but i am BIG on the chances for liberty at this point. things are looking good.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's funny, I roll my eyes at him because his rants about monetary and fiscal policy make me want to puke. The guy is obviously dependent on a majority of his supporters not being able to deduce macroeconomical conclusions.
I'll give him credit for trying to break down party lines.
YOu don't think he is "on the money" about fiscal policy?
Maybe you don't value the opinions of people like Franklin or Jefferson or Jackson, or Reagan, or Kennedy, but they ALL WERE STRON SUPPORTERS OF HARD CURRENCY ... i doubt you give a fuck about Reagan or have an attention span long enough to handle watching this, but if you can get through the first 5 minutes, you might see that people other than Ron Paul have been seriously concerned about the state of our currency and economy.
Hell. Even Kennedy made an executive order to make SILVER CERTIFICATES legal tender again!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Please, if you support RP, tell me what about him is appealing?
Did I say that I didn't think the economy is in trouble? Fuck dude. You need to step back and chill. Obviously you don't buy into the "FED RATE-CUT KOOLAID," but calling it that doesn't show that you understand, even in the most remote way, as to why you don't buy into a proven economic tool. So, please, enlighten us with your economic wisdom...
Don't worry, yelling and all caps is their version of "facts". At least, so far. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong with properly capitalized sentences.