This Flowers Scorched, This Film Is On ... On A Maddening Loop ...

So I was listening to the Israeli Speaker of The House (i think?) on NPR yesterday as I drove home ...
he said that due to all the rockets being launched at Israel that they had LOST OVER HALF A MILLION TREES due to RAMPANT FIRES!
Apparently the developers responsible for the "birth" of Israel back mid-20th-century planted seedling forrests in the vision of a "green Israel born of the desert sand" ...
... however ... the israeli representative says that this represents a significant loss of vegetation to a relatively tree-less region and that it won't be green again fully for another FIFTY YEARS!
they had a gentleman from a NGO\NPO that was doing environmental engineering work in the region ... i missed out on what happened as i was just changing channels and caught his comment but ... he was a lebanese man and he said that there was some sort of LARGE OIL SPILL OFF THE LEBANESE COAST ... it was war related (maybe a bombed ship?) and that the slick was something like SIXTEEN INCHES THICK ... and that lacking a cease fire THEY HAVE YET TO BE ABLE TO START CLEAN UP (hope to start this weekend regardless! god bless them!) ... and that oil that goes uncleaned in the ocean begins to evaporate, making what is left MUCH DENSER, HARDER TO REMOVE ... it begins to BIND WITH THE ROCKS and SINK TO THE OCEAN FLOOR ... he said it's the WORST TIME OF YEAR for a spill ... turtle hatchlings migrating to the ocean ... fish are spawning now ...
:( :( :(
This is what religion gets us, huh?
What's next?
:( :( :(
he said that due to all the rockets being launched at Israel that they had LOST OVER HALF A MILLION TREES due to RAMPANT FIRES!
Apparently the developers responsible for the "birth" of Israel back mid-20th-century planted seedling forrests in the vision of a "green Israel born of the desert sand" ...
... however ... the israeli representative says that this represents a significant loss of vegetation to a relatively tree-less region and that it won't be green again fully for another FIFTY YEARS!
they had a gentleman from a NGO\NPO that was doing environmental engineering work in the region ... i missed out on what happened as i was just changing channels and caught his comment but ... he was a lebanese man and he said that there was some sort of LARGE OIL SPILL OFF THE LEBANESE COAST ... it was war related (maybe a bombed ship?) and that the slick was something like SIXTEEN INCHES THICK ... and that lacking a cease fire THEY HAVE YET TO BE ABLE TO START CLEAN UP (hope to start this weekend regardless! god bless them!) ... and that oil that goes uncleaned in the ocean begins to evaporate, making what is left MUCH DENSER, HARDER TO REMOVE ... it begins to BIND WITH THE ROCKS and SINK TO THE OCEAN FLOOR ... he said it's the WORST TIME OF YEAR for a spill ... turtle hatchlings migrating to the ocean ... fish are spawning now ...
:( :( :(
This is what religion gets us, huh?
What's next?
:( :( :(
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?