Wow! Today is a BIG Day: Secret Service Try To Kill Obama; Flu Epidemic; Bail Out!

Wow Wow Wow!
Where to start, where to start?
Crazy day for sure.
1. Secret Service Ordered End to Gun Checks at Obama Rally ... in Dallas, Texas no less! JFK anyone??? WOW! I hate to say it, but this actualy makes me think MORE of Obama. I'm starting to think the man IS actualy more honest than Hillary. I think maybe he didn't pass some CFR litmus test. My best guess is that he probably would NOT support martial law (
) or some such... anyhow ... it is curious to say the least.
2. The Center For Disease Control is announcing that the flu has become "widespread" in 48 states (up recently from 44) ... this is a bit worrisome, i suppose.
I wish my comrade Jlew would step up and comment, since apparently this would never happen ... but here we are. In case ya'll still don't get it, if this REALLY is "bailout" (and "they" are saying this IS "BAILOUT") ... that means THE GOVERNMENT TAKES THE BILL!
In the late 80s that cost the taxpayer $500,000,000,000 or more. In todays terms that would be more like 1.5 TRILLION. We'll see. Obviously the initial "Plan" is NEVER for the FULL bill ... but you will see this thing slowly trickle up in value ... Bob Chapman of International Forecaster was on ... gasp ... Alex Jones ... and he put the estimate for TOTAL dollar losses in this credit fall out will be somewhere around 2.5 TRILLION dollars.
It goes something like this:
The loans on the houses are upside down because there was a bubble and prices were over inflated. The economy slowed down and the prices backed off a little. Many people were in homes they couldn't afford (largely thanks to stupid government subsidization of the housing market!) and started defaulting on loans they shouldn't have been sold.
As the value of the houses go down and the mortgages default, the banks lose the ability to lend money, because their ability to lend is dependent on the assets they hold. But their assets are ALL debt. ALL money is debt, and can only be issued as DEBT to someone. If the banks cant issue loans (debt), then NO NEW MONEY is created
... and that means business can't operate efficiently, because almost all business must BORROW money to function.
If business can not meet their expenses by borrowing money, they must cut costs!
If they cut costs, they do it by LAYING OFF PEOPLE.
People will lose their jobs. They will need money. They will not be able to get it, because the banks will not be ISSUING CREDIT, because they have none.
Thus people will probably have to start cutting expenses ... like THEIR HOUSES, and THEIR CARS ...
Those items are the same items the banks need as ASSETS ... ie ... your house and car are presumably on LOAN from the bank.
The more people lose their jobs and foreclose their home and forfeit their cars, the LESS money the banks have.
The cycle repeats in a viscous circle, as house prices go lower, the business sector loses revenue, the people lose their jobs, the bank loses "assets", and the money supply contracts.
Which all comes at the expense of THE DOLLAR!
:( :( :(
[edit: on bailout, i'm not sure how current [url=]this article[/url] on it is, because this story is FRESH off of CNBC TV as of 3:50pm ... but it is verifiably in the works, per CNBC source, and the estimated INITIAL bailout is looking to be at least $70billion. And if you think this isn't "bailout" because it is "The banks" providing the bailout, just remember that the banks have NO money, the FEDERAL RESERVE has the money, and they "lend" it to the banks on the cheap, because they print it for "free", just like you would get your "free healthcare" for "Free" ... yeah right!]
Where to start, where to start?
Crazy day for sure.
1. Secret Service Ordered End to Gun Checks at Obama Rally ... in Dallas, Texas no less! JFK anyone??? WOW! I hate to say it, but this actualy makes me think MORE of Obama. I'm starting to think the man IS actualy more honest than Hillary. I think maybe he didn't pass some CFR litmus test. My best guess is that he probably would NOT support martial law (

2. The Center For Disease Control is announcing that the flu has become "widespread" in 48 states (up recently from 44) ... this is a bit worrisome, i suppose.
I wish my comrade Jlew would step up and comment, since apparently this would never happen ... but here we are. In case ya'll still don't get it, if this REALLY is "bailout" (and "they" are saying this IS "BAILOUT") ... that means THE GOVERNMENT TAKES THE BILL!
In the late 80s that cost the taxpayer $500,000,000,000 or more. In todays terms that would be more like 1.5 TRILLION. We'll see. Obviously the initial "Plan" is NEVER for the FULL bill ... but you will see this thing slowly trickle up in value ... Bob Chapman of International Forecaster was on ... gasp ... Alex Jones ... and he put the estimate for TOTAL dollar losses in this credit fall out will be somewhere around 2.5 TRILLION dollars.
It goes something like this:
The loans on the houses are upside down because there was a bubble and prices were over inflated. The economy slowed down and the prices backed off a little. Many people were in homes they couldn't afford (largely thanks to stupid government subsidization of the housing market!) and started defaulting on loans they shouldn't have been sold.
As the value of the houses go down and the mortgages default, the banks lose the ability to lend money, because their ability to lend is dependent on the assets they hold. But their assets are ALL debt. ALL money is debt, and can only be issued as DEBT to someone. If the banks cant issue loans (debt), then NO NEW MONEY is created
... and that means business can't operate efficiently, because almost all business must BORROW money to function.
If business can not meet their expenses by borrowing money, they must cut costs!
If they cut costs, they do it by LAYING OFF PEOPLE.
People will lose their jobs. They will need money. They will not be able to get it, because the banks will not be ISSUING CREDIT, because they have none.
Thus people will probably have to start cutting expenses ... like THEIR HOUSES, and THEIR CARS ...
Those items are the same items the banks need as ASSETS ... ie ... your house and car are presumably on LOAN from the bank.
The more people lose their jobs and foreclose their home and forfeit their cars, the LESS money the banks have.
The cycle repeats in a viscous circle, as house prices go lower, the business sector loses revenue, the people lose their jobs, the bank loses "assets", and the money supply contracts.
Which all comes at the expense of THE DOLLAR!
:( :( :(
[edit: on bailout, i'm not sure how current [url=]this article[/url] on it is, because this story is FRESH off of CNBC TV as of 3:50pm ... but it is verifiably in the works, per CNBC source, and the estimated INITIAL bailout is looking to be at least $70billion. And if you think this isn't "bailout" because it is "The banks" providing the bailout, just remember that the banks have NO money, the FEDERAL RESERVE has the money, and they "lend" it to the banks on the cheap, because they print it for "free", just like you would get your "free healthcare" for "Free" ... yeah right!]
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
sounds like it wasn't quite as shocking as thought, and is only news becos it was dallas... sounds like the kind of propaganda the elite would spread actually.
2. is it going to be as bad as bird flu? mad cow? sars? cos i dont know if we can survive much more after the damage those three did!!!
3. don't care. but i have to admit, if the elite are trying to manipulate us, theyre doing a bangup job with you. they've got you pissing your pants on a daily basis. by the way, do you have a job? or do you sit home and watch the stock ticker all day while battling heart failure?
I work nights. Gives me time to read at work too sometimes.
Just got off at 1:40 ... early night.
Time to drink and make happy.
Probably watch a conspiracy movie or two.
Flu i wouldn't worry much about, but it makes good copy.
The US economy, however?
I would be fucking terrified.
Hey. It could be okay,
but thats like saying you could beat the house in cards.
Hey ... lots of people do win, right?
Don't get me wrong, i'm rooting for us hard as anyone, but the light at the end of the tunnel is dim on this one.
Oh. For Obama. You know, the fact that it has happened multiple times actualy is more scary, right? It means they are doing it right in front of you. Institutionalizing it, making it some acceptable occurance. "Oh yea, you know, the Secret Service only guards against assassination when it feels like it. Yeah, every once in a while they just kind've check out. Decide its not worth it."
You know. That could just be innocent stupidity. If it is it is definately stupidity. But i tend to think, again, that the people with the power are a lot smarter than you think they are. Thats why they're in power, remember?
I hope all is well.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Obama news.. Check... read and heard it a million times today
Bailout... Check.. read and heard about it too today.
So... why in the world do you type the same shit up we've already heard on the internet?
Again, come up with something BREAKING.. Something to cure cancer or something..
BTW.. you never game me an estimate on your snow predictions.. DAMN!
To help save you all the time of typing daily news, and others trying to read your hours late ramblings, all ya need for home page is:
i ment more that i was curious what your job is... whether you were a financial analyst or something. or if your chicken little paranoia is just armchair coaching?
as to obama, sure, it's stupid. but i can see this being as much obama or his campaign's decision as anything. they want him speaking to packed houses and if people can't get in maybe they figure it's worth the risk. esp if he's in a big venue. they'd spot somebody walking in with a sniper rifle, so you'd have to have annie oakley coming in to hit him with anything else. might have just been a risk-benefit analysis.
the flu: i am not surprised that you are far more into good copy and alarmist screaming than substantive problems.
Let me get this straight, even though over 50% of what is posted on AMT is nothing more than news headlines and current events, when i consolidate three of those items in to one post, it is unnecessary and wasteful?
Well i'm sorry to offend you.
For your information the "Bailout" announcement at least was SO fresh at the time of my post that there was not ONE print article on it. So give me a fucking break.
Maybe you'd "heard about it" a thousand times, but the AMBAC bailout announcement did not come as official news until somewhere around 3 or 4 o'clock Friday evening ... check the time of my post.
And again, give me a fucking break.
As far as drudge report,
fuck matt drudge.
He has slowly evolved in to the establishment he used to subvert.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I work for a bank holding company processing end of day returns bullshit and sending money to the ... barf ... Federal Reserve.
During the day i sit on the couch and trade the markets.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i see. you might want to try going outside or something. have you ever seen the shining? you seem to be heading the same direction man... all that time sitting on the couch staring at markets seems to be eroding your mental stability. nothing personal, just one man's opinion
This coming from the man with 30K posts?
I go jogging at noon, when i'm not too totatly trashed tired from essentialy working two jobs.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
oh boy, a jog? i post from work and class. my free time is spent doing other things. perhaps you should let that second "job" go since it is destroying your sanity and grasp of reality and turning you into a terrified paranoid shell of a human being out of fear for the inevitable impending apocalypse around the corner?
a little off topic, sorry, but unlike a slew of folks around here i honestly think you post some valid lines of commentary in response to whatever minutia of news trickles across the wire,.....
so, is there any way an analyst, pundit, or artist could potentially [possibly] avoid becoming "the establishment"...? i mean, as time goes on, isnt any valid contribution to culture an inevitable piece of tomorrow's "establishment" [or, 'established culture']..?
kind of an interesting vortex of a concern -- relates to conservatism in art/history/politics whether anything "new" can truly be created in reference to anything "old" ,....
and furthermore i think this touches, or at least hints, upon the overwhelmingly superior substance of Pearl Jam [which may or may not reveal my personal opinions regarding the questions posed above..],.....
im curious: is Pearl Jam a part of "the establishment",..... [im hoping some Obama supporters dare to take a stab (self-defense?) at this one?].
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
Great site thank you very much!!!!