** Truth Rising: The 9/11 Chronicles Part I **

Alex Jone's new cinema verite documentary, Truth Rising: The 9/11 Chronicles Part I was released just hours ago on his prisonplanet.tv website, for subscribers (it's really cheap!)
I'm sure it will be up on youtube by later this evening.
[edit: Truth Rising on Google Video!]
Everyone should check it out.
It is a Alex Jones free movie (no "crazy" voice overs)
about the 9/11 truth movement,
and includes interviews with people like
Charlie Sheen
Martin Sheen
Ron Paul
George Carlin
and more ...
along with confrontations (mostly by We Are Change) of big time politicians like Rudy, Arnold and the Clintons.
Going home to watch it ASAP.

I'm sure it will be up on youtube by later this evening.
[edit: Truth Rising on Google Video!]
Everyone should check it out.
It is a Alex Jones free movie (no "crazy" voice overs)
about the 9/11 truth movement,
and includes interviews with people like
Charlie Sheen
Martin Sheen
Ron Paul
George Carlin
and more ...
along with confrontations (mostly by We Are Change) of big time politicians like Rudy, Arnold and the Clintons.
Going home to watch it ASAP.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I REALLY wanted to go to this,
but Texas was like 13 hours from my place in Georgia,
and there was NO way i could work a night shift on Friday and make it to ANY of the showings and be back by 5pm on Monday.
[with OUT getting on a plane]
At least i got to hang with AJ at Bilderberg.
That was fooking suh-weet!
Can't WAIT to see this.
Hopefuly getting out of work in about 30 min.
Is the confrontation you are talking about with the truther breaking away,
is that the one with Luke Rudkowski in the crowd asking Zbrignew Brzinski about 9/11?
And he runs down the street huffing and puffing afterwards?
That WAS awesome.
I think that was the confrontation that brought him to the limelight.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Yes, that was funny as hell. Took some big balls to pull that off by himself !
Just hope someone can bump it up when its on youtube or somewhere for free.
it will be up QUICK.
i just logged in to prisonplanet.tv
it is up for download in FOUR formats.
2 quicktimes
so i'm sure several will make it to youtube\gvideo in the next few hours!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Everybody stand back!
It's going to explode.
The building is about to blow up!"
- Unknown First Responder, 9/11/2001 moments before WTC 7 came down
Anyone who still can't believe that these towers were brought down, all three of them ... check out the documentary Improbable Collapse ... check out the part with the recorded quotes from first responders ... quotes that came from testimony SEALED by the state, and released to the people after a heated battle over a freedom of information request between 911 victims' families and R. Giuliani and the State of New York.
In reference to WTC 7 specificaly:
You have 3 or 4 identical testimonies regarding a exploding ring of red lights going in sequence around the entire building, followed by collapse.
You have at least a half dozen statements by first responders describing what to them appeared to be a controlled demolition, in explicit language.
You have people saying there were 3, 5, 10, 12 explosions before the buildings came down.
Someone saying there were multiple explosions, a short pause, and then a collapse.
You have comments regarding explosions coming from the base of the building.
People seeing windows blowing out before the collapse started
etc etc etc ...
When does a "theory" finally stop being labeled "crazy" and "wacky" ?
I know there is disagreement about what it takes to become real "truth",
but seriously, how much evidence, how many first hand accounts does one need, before they admit that it isn't simply "insanity"?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
People believe what they want to hear.....
And does this only apply to ideas, and information independent of the mainstream?
I love you too, E.
I always thought you kind've did resemble Danny Bonaduce.
[if you watch the movie, you'll get the joke]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
speaking of hearing what you want to believe \ believing what you want to hear:
here it is:
listen here.
"That building is about to blow up."
I mean.
What is there to say?
I don't have to strain my ears to hard to hear what i want to believe.
First responders were clearly told that the building was coming down.
Given that the governments own report, vis a vis NIST, states that their BEST hypothesis of what caused the collapse only had a SMALL PROBABILITY of occurance, how -- outside of being warned -- did these firefighters KNOW it was "ABOUT TO BLOW UP" ?
You can't have it both ways.
Either it is easily explainable (clearly not) and everybody knew inherently,
or it is a big mystery, and those that knew must have been TOLD.
It can't be a total mystery that everyone just knew!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
thought this was an interesting document.
interesting ... this was a response to it ...
And here, sir, is a debunking of that Protec debunking article [looks like Polaris beat me to it. bravo!]. I think you'll find that the argument against the arguments in the article you linked to are, in fact, stronger than those arguments presented in your original link.
Also, on the topic of educated individuals with questions (and some answers),
it would behoove you to watch the two following movies:
Improbable Collapse
9\11: Blueprint for Truth
Both of these movies (and Improbable Collapse does an impeccable job) thoroughly explain away the possibility of the NIST ("official") version of collapse.
The information presented makes it VERY hard for one to argue that the buildings fell due to fire and gravity.
You will learn that even NIST's own studies and proceedures disproved their very own assertion.
You will also hear an interview with one of the 14 architects of the Trade Center towers, and his incredulity regarding their "collapse". He comes right out and said it makes no sense.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
yep.. interesting also.
i just dont buy the controlled explosions theory. weirdly enough there is a 9/11 documentary coming on BBC this weekend... it'll be interesting also
yep, i could watch them all but not one of them will explain how those buildings collapsed... the architect is one of 14 architects and he said he is incredulous... what about the other 13... have they said anything.. perhaps they think it could have collapsed in such a manner.
for every theory there is a debunking... for every debunk will be another debunk.. its pointless.
for every one of you who think the building was blown up there will be a genuine expert on demolition techniques who will say it wasnt... no offence to anyone on here but you are not experts in this field... all we are experts of are copying and pasting.
It is already out. It's on youtube.
9/11: Conspiracy Files
not suprisingly, it is a load of crap.
To its credit (although not really, since most of these hitpieces follow the same MO) it does explain away certain very limited arguments presented by some members of the movement, however none of these elements are critical (or even moderately important) to the crux of the "inside job" argument.
Watch it for your self.
But realize that it disproves VERY little.
Ok. Flight 93 didn't land in Ohio (at least it wasn't the plane reported in the media)
That lake is NOT 8 miles from the crash site of U93.
and Jews DID die on 9/11.
You got us, BBC.
The jig is up.
We're totally wrong!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
no its another new one about the 3rd tower.
this 9/11 stuff appears to be your bag baby. so i'm out... i dont know enough about it by a long way... its hugely interesting though.. but i will never accept that an elite group of already rich americans would sanction the deaths of many hundreds of people in order to get richer... naive? possibly... but i'm also a realist... and the idea is just fantasy.
please just watch IMPROBABLE COLLAPSE.
You don't have to watch ANY other 9/11 movie.
Just watch that.
You will learn (and see tons of direct quotation from NIST itself) that NIST's own tests ... they even built a scale model of WTC 7 and set it on fire ... could not back up the claims of "pancake collapse".
These are your experts, and they could not even rig a test to match their assertions!
Their own document states that out of their sampled pieces of steel, only TWO PERCENT had discoloration indicative of reaching even MODERATE temperature.
That means only TWO PERCENT of the steel even got to 400-600 degrees F.
NOT EVEN CLOSE TO HOT ENOUGH TO BRING DOWN A BUILDING, and nowwhere NEAR enough of the steel affected to warrant such a catastrophic collapse.
You will see that even their own report says that the redundancy and quality of construction of WTC 7 made such a collapse an anomalous improbability:
Now i don't know about you, but that sure doesn't read to me like any sort of glowing validation of "pancake theory".
Sounds like the governments very own scientists are completely miffed by the collapse, and are left scratching their heads.
But please,
feel free to continue thinking for yourself.
i can only encourage such action.
But REALLY do so, and really inform yourself.
Don't just bury your head in one side of the argument.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If you want to scratch your head long and hard,
watch Improbable Collapse at the 30 minute mark.
Watch Stephen Jones talk about WTC 1 and the antenna tower.
That tower was being supported by THE CORE COLUMNS.
If what the government claims happened is true,
the collapse should start immediately around the impact zone,
and not from the top of the building at a structure being supported by MASSIVE VERTICAL COLUMNS!
The only way for that tower to fall first, is if the support from those columns was severed some how!
Just think about it!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
if you are a realist - what does it make us??
if people are willing to fraud scientific results to put forth bad drugs and food in the open market - how hard is it to see the plausability?
tell you what... i will watch it as i find it all totally fascinating.
love your last line
i was just meaning that i am a realist when it comes to the nature of a human being... in so much as i cant comprehend the killing of thousands of people for monetary gain... thats unreal to me... its not within my comprehension as a human being to think thats someone could do that.
as i said.. i'll watch the footage/movies/etc and (hopefully) make my own mind up on it.
is there any grassy knolls near tower three?
well ... american i am not ...
i'm not sure what the term should be - but realist isn't it dude ...
just look at the entire military defence industry ... their whole world is profiteering from death ... look at the effects of cluster bombs and land mines on children throughout the world - this is realism ... people ARE capable of these actions - to think otherwise is a state of denial ...
Maybe so, but the evidence put forth by 9-11 theorists is not convincing, at least to date. So a firefighter yells about the building coming down? Seriously, that's good evidence? Unless you can read minds, how do you know he said this because he had (cue ominous music here) prior knowledge, as opposed to because he was scared shitless?? And for every person who says there was no way the buildings could have fallen without a controlled demolition, there is someone else who says that they certaintly could have. And, even if there WAS a controlled demolition, how is this good evidence of a conspiracy involving Americans or Isrealis (always these two groups, eh?) ...
Its all just as full of holes as the official account, if not more so. Like the monkey dude said earlier in the thread, people believe what they want to believe. I guess some people find it easier to sleep at night by believing that their own government did a horrible act of evil on its own populace?
part 1
part 2
part 3
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
this guy uses the word "They" more then anyone in the history of the planet :rolleyes:
that was 9:40 seconds of nothing but ranting... that was part of the compelling presentation? your kidding right?
and that was 9 more minutes of ranting...
this video is providing nothing but alex jones ranting?
complete trash so far... maybe the smoking gun evidence is in part 3? :rolleyes: