-NAFTA Superhighway \ Corridor TTC-35 -- NOT A Fucking MYTH

At this point i'm really fucking pissed.
Tell me where i'm wrong here, but this infuriates me:
NASCO - Tri-National Advocacy For Efficient, Secure, And Envronmentaly Conscious Trade & Transportation
STOP right there, and lets just judge a book by its cover.
This is THE official PRIVATE site for the NAFTA Superhighway. This group has been around since the early 1990's promoting the idea of a Superhighway.
But what does their slogan suggest?
Oh these are some nice folks who care about security, efficiency, and the protection of your environment? BWAH HA HA. If we use even an smidge of scepticism we understand that every word in that slogan was carefuly crafted to make you feel good, and suppress the true reality. [JUST like "Federal Reserve" was a thorougly schemed veil to fraud the public in to believing that it was either "Federal" (it is not) or that it had "reserves" (it does not) and more importantly to keep you from even thinking that it was a bank. We accept it today as the Federal Reserve Bank, but it is officialy "The Federal Reserve" and the inventors were DELIBERATE about that to keep you from being sceptical of a central bank scheme.]
Read that link. it is MYTHS VS. FACTS from the NASCO website, and is it not just funny that EVERY single point is addressing "silly" conspiracy theory?
SPP.GOV - Here is your official GOVERNMENT site. MYTH vs. FACTS. AGAIN! Boy, they REALLY want to dispel THIS myth.
And here, just for good measure, is your MEDIA trying to make it sound like a "MYTH".
SO, Ron Paul is an idiot.
All these people who are up in arms -- including congress (hey, even congress gets it right once and a while) -- about this BS must be crazy or just ignorant.
Where is this guys information coming from, then?
Do you SEE the evidence?
Do you SEE the LIES that the official sites are dissimenating?
Hell you have to specificaly ATTACK THE TRUTH as a lie!
Guys, gals, anyone?
::Slaps head repeatedly::
At this point i'm really fucking pissed.
Tell me where i'm wrong here, but this infuriates me:
NASCO - Tri-National Advocacy For Efficient, Secure, And Envronmentaly Conscious Trade & Transportation
STOP right there, and lets just judge a book by its cover.
This is THE official PRIVATE site for the NAFTA Superhighway. This group has been around since the early 1990's promoting the idea of a Superhighway.
But what does their slogan suggest?
Oh these are some nice folks who care about security, efficiency, and the protection of your environment? BWAH HA HA. If we use even an smidge of scepticism we understand that every word in that slogan was carefuly crafted to make you feel good, and suppress the true reality. [JUST like "Federal Reserve" was a thorougly schemed veil to fraud the public in to believing that it was either "Federal" (it is not) or that it had "reserves" (it does not) and more importantly to keep you from even thinking that it was a bank. We accept it today as the Federal Reserve Bank, but it is officialy "The Federal Reserve" and the inventors were DELIBERATE about that to keep you from being sceptical of a central bank scheme.]
Read that link. it is MYTHS VS. FACTS from the NASCO website, and is it not just funny that EVERY single point is addressing "silly" conspiracy theory?
SPP.GOV - Here is your official GOVERNMENT site. MYTH vs. FACTS. AGAIN! Boy, they REALLY want to dispel THIS myth.
And here, just for good measure, is your MEDIA trying to make it sound like a "MYTH".
SO, Ron Paul is an idiot.
All these people who are up in arms -- including congress (hey, even congress gets it right once and a while) -- about this BS must be crazy or just ignorant.
Where is this guys information coming from, then?
From the article wrote:On March 11, 2005, a "Comprehensive Development Agreement" was signed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to build the "TTC-35 High Priority Corridor" parallel to Interstate 35. The contracting party involved a limited partnership formed between Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., a publically listed company headquartered in Spain, owned by the Madrid-based Groupo Ferrovial, and a San Antonio-based construction company, Zachry Construction Corp.
The Comprehensive Development Agreement called for Cintra-Zachry to provide private investment of $6 billion "to fully design, construct and operate a four-lane 316 mile toll road between Dallas and San Antonio for up to 50 years as the initial segment of TTC-35." For this, Cintra-Zachry paid Texas $1.2 billion for the long-term right to build and operate the initial segment as a toll facility. The contract envisioned that Cintra-Zachry would develop a plan to build the entire TTC from Laredo to the border of Oklahoma, along Interstate 35, with the intention to connect into an Oklahoma constructed segment of the NAFTA Super Corridor. The development plan called for Cintra-Zachry to specify the near term five-year plan (2005-2010), mid-term (2010-2025), and long-term (after 2025), in what was envisioned to be a 50-year project involving the construction of a network of TTC roads throughout Texas.[...]
In April 2006, TxDOT released a 4,000 page Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for what was described as the "Trans-Texas Corridor - 35 (TTC-35) Oklahoma to Mexico/Gulf Coast Element," a title consistent with the goal to build a new highway parallel to I-35, designed to connect Mexico into a U.S. corridor that would continue with the Oklahoma segment of a NAFTA Super Corridor extending ultimately to Canada.
The international design of the TTC was made clear by the EIS statement of purpose:
The purpose of TTC-35 is: To improve the international, interstate, and intrastate movement of goods and people; address the anticipated transportation needs of Texas from the Texas/Oklahoma state line to the Texas/Mexico border and/or Texas Gulf Coast along the I-35 corridor for the next 20 to 50 years; and, sustain and enhance the economic vitality of the State of Texas. (EIS Executive Summary, page ES-3)
Do you SEE the evidence?
Do you SEE the LIES that the official sites are dissimenating?
Hell you have to specificaly ATTACK THE TRUTH as a lie!
Guys, gals, anyone?
::Slaps head repeatedly::
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Here's another (longer) vid
and another link: http://www.infratrans.gov.ab.ca/2760.htm
Who the f-k are they kidding!? This is part of Daddy Bush's NWO plan. Sadly the patriot acts are still standing from it, so the the door hasn't been slammed completely on their greasy crypt-like fingers yet. Complacency is not an option with these guys. They're like a virus and the have the money to spread it at will. It's a calculated plot to enact massive gov't rule, it's not really a question of if.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Here's the dude right above Toobin... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32z6Cw21OAk
Gergen...he's a rather interesting individual.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yet in the "keeping them honest" portion of the debate (after the debate) the only thing CNN could find wrong with what Ron Paul said was an overestimation of support at a rally...hmmm.
Also, I don't like the idea of a North American Union or any such thing, however, I don't really know what it would mean if something were to happen.
It isn't really the highway itself that is the problem, all though there certainly are some issues -- namely, eminent domain and the government taking away millions of acres from millions of a Americans to build the thing! (and derailing the value of any residential land next to that highway).
The main gripe is that this whole thing is being done in a super-secretive manner, and there is a REASON.
The people behind this are supra-nationalists, globalists, one-world-government elites. It is your ultra-rich investment class. The David Rockerfellers of this world. These people have a vested interest in seeing political boundaries disolved and integrated in the interest of global business on the cheap. The more "efficiently" they can get imports and exports across borders, and move immigrant labor around the continent, the happier they are.
The highways are a first step.
It gets traffic moving into the United States from both Canada AND Mexico. You get Americans "comfortable" with seeing mexicans and canucks at Cracker Barrels on every offramp from El Paso to St Louis, and they start to lose a bit of their own identity. Once people start viewing "their" country as just one of three on a continent, and they start seeing citizens of those countries all over theirs, they feel like they are in a union of sorts.
Once that happens, it makes it easier to ACTUALY create a union. Equally as important, setting up a huge transportation corridor makes a DEFACTO union, because once you have BLOWN OPEN the borders, the process is irreversible.
You WILL have international highway travel coming through the US every day in high volumes, like it or not.
That is a VERY important first step.
Those are primarily the reasons there is so much opposition here.
The elites are trying to SELL American soverignty in the name of a quick buck.
If I opened it now would you not understand?