The ADL "Debunks" the Bilderberg "Myth" -- ROFL

ugh. oh boy.
Debunking the Bilderberg Myth
ADL has received inquiries about conspiracy theories regarding the Bilderberg group, a legitimate business entity with ties to Europe and America. The following information from the ADL's Civil Rights Information Center debunks a recurring myth, circulated via the Internet, that the group is part of a conspiracy to promote a "new world order" under their control.
Deriving its name from the Dutch hotel where it first met in 1954, the Bilderberg group is an actual, legitimate entity whose members consist of approximately 100 influential European and American figures in politics, business and academia who meet annually to discuss and advocate political, diplomatic and economic policies.
Various far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists, however, charge that the group is a shadowy force seeking to control world events, exerting allegedly dominating powers of international influence to promote a "new world order" under their control. The extremists claim that Presidential candidates of both major U.S. political parties are controlled by the Bilderberg group; among those often mentioned in such conspiracy-oriented propaganda are David Rockefeller, the Clintons and Henry Kissinger. Other Bilderberg leaders are said to be members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations -- groups which themselves are often central players in far-right conspiracy theories of secret efforts at domination of the world's political and financial institutions and the press. Such charges about the Bilderberg group were a regular feature in The Spotlight, the recently-defunct weekly tabloid of the far-right, anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby.
Uh ... so WHERE is the "debunks" part !?!
The ONLY thing i see there is that they say, "the Bilderberg group is an actual, legitimate entity whose members consist of approximately 100 influential European and American figures in politics, business and academia who meet annually to discuss and advocate political, diplomatic and economic policies".
You can't suddenly say, "No. uh. yeah. its, uh, 'LEGITIMATE', nothing to see here."
You just straight up ADMITTED WHAT IS GOING ON.
"influential European and American figures in politics and business and academia" meeting behind closed doors, in what is SUPPOSED to be (that is, PRE-Jim Tucker, Daniel Estulin, and Alex Jones) ABSOLUTE SECRECY ...
that is a conspiracy.
What exactly DO you call it if not that?
The most influential 100 old white men in the world, deciding all things that have to do with the politics, business, and education of the globe and all its citizenry ... IN SECRET. What was that phrase Eddie brings up in
Immagine Cornice about getting the 100 most powerful men in a room? Well. They've been doing it for 60 years. Hows that been working out? :(
By the way, i like to throw in that Bliderberg was actually founded by Prince Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter of Lippe-Biesterfeld ... yes that is his name ... Prince Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter of Lippe-Biesterfeld ... or Prince Berhard of the Netherlands. lol ...
he was a member of the NAZI SS -- The German Reiter SS Corps -- The SS Calvary.
And check out how exclusive the SS Calvary was ...
our favorite wiki has this to say:
THAT's fucking convenient!
Debunking the Bilderberg Myth
ADL has received inquiries about conspiracy theories regarding the Bilderberg group, a legitimate business entity with ties to Europe and America. The following information from the ADL's Civil Rights Information Center debunks a recurring myth, circulated via the Internet, that the group is part of a conspiracy to promote a "new world order" under their control.
Deriving its name from the Dutch hotel where it first met in 1954, the Bilderberg group is an actual, legitimate entity whose members consist of approximately 100 influential European and American figures in politics, business and academia who meet annually to discuss and advocate political, diplomatic and economic policies.
Various far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists, however, charge that the group is a shadowy force seeking to control world events, exerting allegedly dominating powers of international influence to promote a "new world order" under their control. The extremists claim that Presidential candidates of both major U.S. political parties are controlled by the Bilderberg group; among those often mentioned in such conspiracy-oriented propaganda are David Rockefeller, the Clintons and Henry Kissinger. Other Bilderberg leaders are said to be members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations -- groups which themselves are often central players in far-right conspiracy theories of secret efforts at domination of the world's political and financial institutions and the press. Such charges about the Bilderberg group were a regular feature in The Spotlight, the recently-defunct weekly tabloid of the far-right, anti-Semitic Liberty Lobby.
Uh ... so WHERE is the "debunks" part !?!
The ONLY thing i see there is that they say, "the Bilderberg group is an actual, legitimate entity whose members consist of approximately 100 influential European and American figures in politics, business and academia who meet annually to discuss and advocate political, diplomatic and economic policies".
You can't suddenly say, "No. uh. yeah. its, uh, 'LEGITIMATE', nothing to see here."
You just straight up ADMITTED WHAT IS GOING ON.
"influential European and American figures in politics and business and academia" meeting behind closed doors, in what is SUPPOSED to be (that is, PRE-Jim Tucker, Daniel Estulin, and Alex Jones) ABSOLUTE SECRECY ...
that is a conspiracy.
What exactly DO you call it if not that?
The most influential 100 old white men in the world, deciding all things that have to do with the politics, business, and education of the globe and all its citizenry ... IN SECRET. What was that phrase Eddie brings up in
Immagine Cornice about getting the 100 most powerful men in a room? Well. They've been doing it for 60 years. Hows that been working out? :(
By the way, i like to throw in that Bliderberg was actually founded by Prince Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter of Lippe-Biesterfeld ... yes that is his name ... Prince Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter of Lippe-Biesterfeld ... or Prince Berhard of the Netherlands. lol ...
he was a member of the NAZI SS -- The German Reiter SS Corps -- The SS Calvary.
And check out how exclusive the SS Calvary was ...
our favorite wiki has this to say:
wiki on SS Reiter wrote:At the subsequent Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, when the SS was judged a criminal organization, the Tribunal made a special note that this distinction did not include members of the "Rider-SS" due to the Reiter-SS' having insignificant involvement with the activities contributed to the SS as a whole.
THAT's fucking convenient!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
They're just strengthening the resolve of the appeasers...
'Just because they're meeting doesn't mean they're planning anything diabolical'...
isn't it just a bit of a conflict of interest?
and uh...illegal... for some of the participants to even be there?
who knows if it is new.
it's new to me.
I like how they had to go to their "Civil Liberties" department to get the "answers" to this "myth".
yeah, because talking trash about Bilderberg is really all about slandering the kikes. :rolleyes:
If I opened it now would you not understand?