"Whatever The Price" - The U.N's Favorite Nation - The End Justifies The Means

Just watch this. Only 9 minutes. WATCH IT.
The End ...
Does it justify the means?
Do you support this?
THEY support this.
100% Fearmongering?
Or is there truth here?
The only thing you can debate is the INTERPRETATION of this piece, because everything presented EXCEPT the extrapolated END GOAL is 100% fact!
Is Rockefeller right about Mao?
(what about his families history with Eugenics & the Nazi party?)
Is it truly, "whatever the price"?
As a leader, was Mao (in Rockefellers own words), truly "the most important and successful in history" ?!?!?
I ask you to sit back and HONESTLY think about this.
This is the man who started the Council On Foreign Relations. This is where the chief direction of ALL political candidates comes from.
So is this the future?
Is Kissinger right?
is there "a need for a New World Order" ?
I hope "NONE of it suceeds this time"!
The End ...
Does it justify the means?
Do you support this?
THEY support this.
100% Fearmongering?
Or is there truth here?
The only thing you can debate is the INTERPRETATION of this piece, because everything presented EXCEPT the extrapolated END GOAL is 100% fact!
Is Rockefeller right about Mao?
(what about his families history with Eugenics & the Nazi party?)
Is it truly, "whatever the price"?
As a leader, was Mao (in Rockefellers own words), truly "the most important and successful in history" ?!?!?
I ask you to sit back and HONESTLY think about this.
This is the man who started the Council On Foreign Relations. This is where the chief direction of ALL political candidates comes from.
So is this the future?
Is Kissinger right?
is there "a need for a New World Order" ?
I hope "NONE of it suceeds this time"!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
There are truth in there, as in facts, but spun to the point where you dont recognize them anymore. I'm sure "Planned Parenthood" and the UN together made China adopt the one-child-policy. :rolleyes:
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Well, as for not seeing the forest for all the trees, i'd say i expected better of you, but ...
... really i'm just glad you watched the video.
It's about all i can hope for right now.
dismissing the fact that people like Kissinger are spreading the "depopulation" message, and people like Rockefeller (who, at this point, if you are denying his sway in the global sphere of influence, YOU are delusional) are blabbing on and on about how great fucking Mao was ...
it would seem a little crazy for YA'LL to say there isn't SOMETHING going on here.
I'm glad you at least
a. watched the clip
b. responded to the question correctly, which was basicaly, acknowledging that the FACTS presented are such, what do you think about the basic "theory" extrapolated.
Glad you answered.
Any other takers?
And, FYI,
After a whopping ONE minute on the internet,
-source page
Care to reconsider?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Glad to be of service.
That is something a lot different than what he said and the way he put it. And if you keep that part you didn't bold, the paragraph reads as follows:
Some people feel pressured and in some cases coerced into having only 1 child in China
Chinese authorities admits there are problems, and that this can happen, but maintains that it doesnt condone them
Reactions are mixed, but UN etc are generally supportive of the policies (not the violence/coercion bit)
An US agency withdrew funds based on these allegations
There's a leap from that to Nazi-style euthanasia. (that part he gets straight for the most part. Just the spin on it that's out of whack)
Also, I would like to see the documentation that China is "the UNs favorite nation".
One fact, add a couple hearsay, insert outrageous allegation = fun theories.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
To me it read, China had "NUMEROUS" reported incidents of "alleged" coercision, and that INSPITE of that,
That is like saying Iran has NUMEROUS violations of their Nuclear program for ENERGY, where WEAPONS were suspected in production instead, and the UN CONDONED it anyhow.
THAT is what it is akin to.
And as far as denying that Rockefeller (whose ideas sure as fuck are crazy) doesn't have influence over the majority of the elite? EVERY FUCKING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IS A "MEMEBER" OF\HAS SPOKEN TO THE CFR,
or, as Hilary likes to call it, "THE COUNCIL".
Duh duh duh duh.
How the hell can you deny that these people have MASSIVE "control"\influence ?!?!?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The UN hasn't found anything amiss in Iran, and it is now known that the weapons program were shut down years ago. And according to UN nuclear treaties, Iran has a right to civilian atomic power. Not sure that is the case you want to tie to it, since that's a lot of hot air.
That rich people have big influence on politics I have never denied. I still dont see them as this organized entity with one single goal (that somehow encompasses everything an extreme right-winger holds evil). To put it differently, I dont necessarily object to the (few) facts being presented here, but I heavily object to the lines that are drawn between them based mostly on ideologically motivated hearsay and grand conspiracy theories.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
how can you not smell a hidden conservative agenda behind that?
I mean it's like if I were to take 2 facts like "Government exists, and corruption happens" and "abortions happen." Then add some questionable but somewhat plausible theories "Sasquatch is real" and "UFOs exist and abduct people". Then I add it all together in order to claim that "The government is conspiring with the extra-terrestrial sasquatch race to abduct human subjects and steal away our fetuses." That's a pretty wild statement given the facts and theories at the bottom, no?
Alex Jones doesnt resort to extra-terrrestrials, but his reasoning takes several of the absurd leaps indicated above to arrive at his conclusions.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
What do you mean by "extreme right winger"?
Alex Jones is a TRUE conservative, and more and more so, i'm feeling the same.
I don't see anything wrong with that.
Demanding that the system respect the individual (as it was created to do!) ... that the individual be responsible for themselves, and that the government be responsible with its finances ... oh, and not get involved in massive military engagements that are outside the constitutional authority of government in the first place (ie, DECLARE war, you pussies!) ...
... i don't seem to have ANY problem with those ideas.
In fact, i'm realy not sure what you are arguing against at this point.
The video is expressing concern with things like forced abortion, oppressive breeding laws, massive generalizations about broad classes of people through eugenics and absolutely tyranical government ...
... so, THAT is good? And the OPPOSITE of that is "right wing" ???
Oooh. Okay.
Maybe reshape your argument.
Because in your last post it sounded like you said you agreed with the UN and Planned Parenthood giving millions of dollars to China in support of its 1 Child Policy, even though they knew full well the massive human rights abuses that were taking place because of it.
Well, if that is what a "liberal" is all about, then sign me up for "right winger" any day.
I don't want to turn this in to a "left" "right" debate, because i think that misses the point.
And, if you are having problems dealing with the interconnected nature of this stuff ... maybe you need to sit down and continue to watch\read about it.
The very same people pushing one world government are also the same people who were pushing eugenics in the '30s ... that is FACT.
Again, look at H. G. Wells ... the guy wrote a fucking book called "The New World Order" ... and he was a RABID fan of the idea ... and his only major concern was that it NOT be "democratic" ... and ... coincidentaly(?) he was real hot on eugenics too ...
and who else realy loved that shit?
IBM (supranational corporatism?) made it possible for him to count the physicaly\mentaly\racialy degenerate and dispose of them ... and that was eugenics on a MASSIVE scale.
WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THE WHOLE "ARYAN" THING WAS ABOUT ANYHOW? That sure as fuck sounds at least remotely related to the field of eugenics if you asked me?
And hell, come to think of it, what the fuck was the 3rd Reich and WWII all about anyhow?
Weren't the Nazis trying to achieve GLOBAL POWER?
Wouldn't you call that something like an attempt at "One World Government" ?
So you don't think hitler is connected to rockefeller or whatever the hell?
Well wake up, cause the bankers were ALL OVER funding Hitler ... hell, Bush Sr's daddy worked for a major nazi sympathizer that funded the fucker in a big way.
Ford, IBM, Standard Oil corporatism? Seems like they had no problems supporting the guy, right? They all contributed funds and technology that made his power massive ... and why? Because they knew in a Hitler-Dream-World, the corporation would rule supreme, because the individual would be totaly helpless. And THAT is a CORPORATE MASTURBATION FANTASY!
Come on now.
Alex Jones is only trying to show you how the pieces stacked up historicaly, and some times came tumbling back down .... but the blocks have been there for 100 years or more now ... and they are STILL there ... and there are still some very diabolic fucks trying to stack those blocks ... and they are doing a half decent job of it actualy ...
so what exactly again are you having troubles fathoming?
The Socialist\Fascist = the same?
Because you only need to look to modern american politics where Democrat\Republican = the same.
Both sides:
mostly pro war
almost entirely pro globalization\nau
totaly fiscaly liberal
most all are pro patriot act and fucking your civil liberties
those should be the MAJOR concerns for most people here.
1. soverignty
2. liberty
3. peace
4. financial security
and both sides are in basic agreement about how to fuck you out of all 4.
Most of the other differences are petty, if you ask me.
Feel free to bring up some of the few discrepancies if that is where you want to go, and we can look at why it is mostly bullshit.
But i'd prefer you stay more on topic, and let me know SPECIFICALY what this video fits together that you disagree with.
Because you are being way to general in your criticism, and honestly not very fair in the way you describe what he is saying.
In fact you manage to Out-Sensationalize Alex Jones ... which is a damned impressive feat.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
1. I dont know what Jones proposes otherwise, my asessment is purely on that sensationalist video clip. You cant infer that since he has other ideas I dont know about, I am automatically slagging them. And a "true conservative" would definitely fit my bill of a right winger.
2. As for left/right and keeping that out of it, that's impossible with that vid. It is so totally biased and with a right-wing agenda it's not even funny. What a coincidence that all the variuos positions attributed to the left gets lumped together and fired upon...
3. That there have been individuals that have pushed for world government and have been quoted on it, is not nearly enough evidence that it actually happens. Which is what it usually boils down to, it seems. Various quotes from various people of the elite at various times. The one real backed fact you tried to throw at me, proved to not be as clear as you thought it was.
4. The Hitler/eugenics thing I dont even know where to begin. Yes that happened, and yes, a lot of people thought it was a good idea at the time. And yes, ww2 happened and it sucked. Who argues that?
To go from that to chinese one-child policy and abortion is taking quite a leap however.
5. As for staying on topic, you're not doing much of a job in that department either.
But what I specifically disagree with is the connecting of eugenics to this elusive "world government" types, to China and modern day abortion laws. Furthermore, I have still to see documentation that China is the "favorite nation of the UN". My main criticism, is that what connects his facts is generally ideologically motivated hearsay, added in with a quote from some guy deemed to be rich and influential.
And if you do want to debate me on this, dont go on with yard-long posts of statements of disagreement. Argue me how this works and what connects the dots as you see it. And do so beyond reasonable doubt, and show how it MUST be a conspiracy, and I'll listen. For now, you have posted a sensationalist clip with a clear right-wing agenda. that's not a credible source.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Fuck! :eek:
Edit: And there's a fucked-up internet cencorship in place in China. I've read that there are approx 30 thousand people who's job it is to monitor the internet everyday. They even have an all out ban on such sites as the BBC news website. I'm wondering if I'll be able to come on the message pit once I'm there?!
Still, It should be an interesting experience.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I'll do my best.