Kat Doth Ask These Questions Four of Ye: To Her Be Giveth A Response From Me

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited July 2008 in A Moving Train
Kat wrote:
Does anyone know how to speak politely to each other anymore?

Kat wrote:
The Posting Guidelines may need to be reread by some, assuming they were read when registering and agreeing to them.

Well, this is not really a question.
But i reckon we could all agree on this.
Let me help you out: Posting Guidelines
Kat wrote:
Is that Bombs thread stickied at the top of this forum invisible?

No. But it is old hat.

Why don't you work with the forum webmaster,
see if you can get a pop-up\splash warning to appear when you enter AMT? Maybe something like:

"Warning: You Are Entering a De-Militarized Zone. Proceed at Your Own Risk. Here Be Trolls, Tossers, and Toddlers. Do Not Feed Them."
Kat wrote:
Does this forum have a purpose any longer?

Oh, come now ole' girl.
Now you're just being melodramatic.
Try reading some of the more interesting threads,
and not just the ones that pander to the lowest common denomenator!
Kat wrote:
How useful is it if it's nothing but trashing each other?

Like i said, I think you're haming this up a bit.
Sure people get bent here and there. Its politics.
Yeah they cross the line, and yeah you should step it up with the paramilitaristic mod tactics. Go SWAT on their ass.

But come now, once the prozac\vallium\ludes kick in, i'm sure it can be agreed that there is some genuine and valid discussion taking place around here.
Kat wrote:
There are many other questions along these lines.

Do I kill them?
Become their friend?
Do I eat them?
Raw or well done?
Do I trick them?
I dont think they're that dumb
Do I join them?
Looks like thats the one.

Kat wrote:

luv, peace, and "radical" politics,
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    That was awesome.
  • KatKat Posts: 4,932
    This is not a debate. Posting privileges are at great risk. Accounts may be changed to read-only if people can't function as a civilized group. There's no need for the personal comments trashing and ridiculing each other. People can do better here. Just debate the topic.

    Falling down,...not staying down
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