*-* Bohemian Club Convenes Tonight in Monte Rio *-*

Bohemian Club convenes tonight in Monte Rio
Published: Friday, July 11, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, July 11, 2008 at 9:03 a.m.
Some of the nation's most powerful men are gathering for the annual two-week encampment at the Bohemian Grove, which opens tonight.
The super-secret Bohemian Club and its all-male entourage meets each summer in the 2,700-acre Monte Rio grove for what they describe as fellowship and good-natured high jinks -- a break from the grueling grind of leadership.
Critics, who in years past have mounted protests outside the club's gates, say the gatherings serve as strategy sessions for barons of business and politics operating outside democratic institutions.
The Bohemian Club did not respond to a request for comment Thursday.
Founded in 1872 by five San Francisco men seeking to connect "gentlemen" with art, literature, music and drama, the club's invitation list has included a variety of political, financial, military and industrial leaders.
Among them: Presidents Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and both Bushes; former Cabinet members Colin Powell, George Schultz and Henry Kissinger; and industrialists Stephen David Bechtel, Leonard Firestone and David Rockefeller.
Most critics object to the notion of national policy with global implications being discussed behind the gates of an exclusive, closed-door gathering of largely conservative, wealthy white men.
This year's encampment runs through July 27. The traditional Cremation of Care ritual, in which a human effigy representing "dull care" is burned beneath a massive form said to represent the club's owl mascot, will be Saturday night.
Private jet traffic already has picked up at the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport, said Glenn Barrett, general manager of KaiserAir Santa Rosa Jet Center.
Barrett, who is new to the center, said, "My understanding is that basically these three weeks are pretty much the busiest three weeks of the year."
You can reach Staff Writer Mary Callahan at 521-5249 or mary.callahan@pressdemocrat.com.
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones
Reprise: The Order of Death - ibid
Published: Friday, July 11, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, July 11, 2008 at 9:03 a.m.
Some of the nation's most powerful men are gathering for the annual two-week encampment at the Bohemian Grove, which opens tonight.
The super-secret Bohemian Club and its all-male entourage meets each summer in the 2,700-acre Monte Rio grove for what they describe as fellowship and good-natured high jinks -- a break from the grueling grind of leadership.
Critics, who in years past have mounted protests outside the club's gates, say the gatherings serve as strategy sessions for barons of business and politics operating outside democratic institutions.
The Bohemian Club did not respond to a request for comment Thursday.
Founded in 1872 by five San Francisco men seeking to connect "gentlemen" with art, literature, music and drama, the club's invitation list has included a variety of political, financial, military and industrial leaders.
Among them: Presidents Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and both Bushes; former Cabinet members Colin Powell, George Schultz and Henry Kissinger; and industrialists Stephen David Bechtel, Leonard Firestone and David Rockefeller.
Most critics object to the notion of national policy with global implications being discussed behind the gates of an exclusive, closed-door gathering of largely conservative, wealthy white men.
This year's encampment runs through July 27. The traditional Cremation of Care ritual, in which a human effigy representing "dull care" is burned beneath a massive form said to represent the club's owl mascot, will be Saturday night.
Private jet traffic already has picked up at the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport, said Glenn Barrett, general manager of KaiserAir Santa Rosa Jet Center.
Barrett, who is new to the center, said, "My understanding is that basically these three weeks are pretty much the busiest three weeks of the year."
You can reach Staff Writer Mary Callahan at 521-5249 or mary.callahan@pressdemocrat.com.
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones
Reprise: The Order of Death - ibid
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
New York Post- Gay Porn Star Services Bohemian Grove Members
New York Post | July 22 2004
THE power-moguls and political heavyweights now luxuriating at ultra-exclusive retreat Bohemian Grove are unaware that they're being waited on hand-and-foot by a famous gay porn star.
We're told that "Chad Savage," who has appeared in such carnal classics as "How the West Was Hung," is supplementing his sex job by working as a valet at Bohemian Grove, the all-male annual gathering inside a 2,700-acre redwood forest in Monte Rio, Calif., that has been attended by every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge, as well as by industrial titans and media magnates.
"All of us valets in the Grove are tittering about it," says our Bohemian blabbermouth. "To think there's all these powerful conservative guys having their drinks and food served to them by a gay porn star. He makes their beds and attends to their every need — and they have no idea who he really is."
Bigwigs who have attended the two-week retreat include George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan, Walter Cronkite, Newt Gingrich, Alexander Haig, Jack Kemp, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, John Major, William F. Buckley, and former C.I.A. director William Casey.
Savage is at the Grove under his real name — which we wouldn't reveal to Grove spokesman Sam Singer, because we didn't want the valet to lose his job. But Singer said the club didn't care about his past. "All that matters is that the valets do good service," he said. "That's really all that matters."
Savage sure knows how to provide "service." When he starred in "How the West Was Hung" in 1999, one reviewer wrote that he wore a "beatific grin" while engaging in an orgy, and added that his "youthful enthusiasm is entirely winning."
When they're not listening to policy speeches, "Bohos" are known to urinate freely in the redwoods and perform mock-druidic rituals that revolve around a 40-foot-tall stone owl. In one ritual, called "Cremation of Care," members wearing red-hooded robes cremate a coffin effigy of "Dull Care" at the base of the owl altar.
While the club has claimed its share of accomplishments — Grovers privately boast that the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb was conceived on its grounds — its oddball activities aren't for everyone. Richard Nixon once famously described the gathering as "the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine."
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Maybe it's just a gay club for distinguished high-up guests. That could explain the secrecy, knowing how public america (doesn't) deal with sexuality.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
the second article was simply an attempt at getting ANY sort of response.
Since, seemingly no one really gives a shit that their world leaders like to get together secretly, with no women allowed, in the middle of the woods, and feign a human sacrifice in a bizzare mystery religion ritual, dressed in little druidic robes, with torches burning, at the base of a gigantic owl statue, while saying that "CARE" is the cause of all sorrow, and must be killed.
Then they say publicly that they don't discuss policy, but privately (and they do have a placqard saying so, filmed by AJ) they get all horny over the fact that the atom bomb project was conceived at their little homo-erotic warlocks love in.
I didn't realize i was so "fringe" for being concerned about these things.
I mean, who would really give a hoot (get it? owl? hoot? hah) that a bunch of cock sucking satanists were the ones responsible for bringing about atomic weaponry. It obviously has no bearing on global politics, and is no cause for concern.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Who wouldn't care about gay, satanic, secretive leaders, who also are so busy having secret meetings of some sort it is astonishing they get anything done?
You succeeded, you got "any response" with the second post. I just found it pretty amusing that you tried for "secret meeting" and when that didn't get any attention, you tried to up the ante by saying "gay secret meeting". And in the response to me upped it again by adding "satanic"...
As usual, "fair and balanced" reporting, eh?
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I don't know how much you understand about some of that ritualistic shit they are doing ...
did you watch ANY of that "Dark Secrets" video in the OP?
[here is the short version[/url]
... but a lot of that shit IS "satanic" in the Occultic sense.
They are worshiping MOLOCH.
Here. From the wikipedia entry on Moloch:
Yeah. Sounds like a fun loving motherfucker.
ps. - as for the homosexuality, man i could really care less. i just find it fascinating.
the use of "cocksucker" was purely for fun. Besides, it reminds me of Nixon.
If it was good enough for Nixon, its good enough for the Pit, right?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'd also like to ask two questions based on the above:
1. I know this is an attempt at mockery.
But what exactly are you mocking.
It seems like you actualy dispute the FACT that Bohemian Club exists, and that it does in FACT include a ritual based on ancient mystery religions and, yes, "satanic"\occultic elements. You say, "its astonishing they get anything done" like you are refuting the fact that these types of meetings occur. Why would you challenge the public record?
2. Hard to be "fair" or "balanced" about secretive satanic meetings with homosexual under\over tones.
What exactly have i said that isn't truth?
These meetings do occur.
They do involve "satanic" ritual.
And they do have (apparently, from journalistic reports) homosexual implications.
Certainly they ADMITTEDLY do not allow women on premise.
In fact, if you watch Reprise: Order of Death, you will see a man giving a lecture at the Grove, and he is talking about some guy that i guess they all like, and he says, "but he did occasionaly enjoy the company of WOMEN", to which THE ENTIRE AUDIENCE STARTS BOOING LOUDLY!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
My posting was purely because I was amused by the SECRET, no, GAY, no, SATANIC build-up when attention wasn't coming your way.
I have a rule of thumb in that the more overdramatic something is stated, the less substance there is to it. You might guess where on the scale I put this claim...
Anyway, I've done you a favour by bumping this, so you might still hope that someone else likely to believe it makes a comment.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Wow Dude.
Now it is clear to me why we are in such a dire mess.
The ability of some to disbelieve without even TRYING to open their eyes to the truth is at the same time both astounding, and depressing.
Those movies have VIDEO EVIDENCE of Rituals To Moloch - PRINCE OF HELL.
It is part of the historical record that Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bush, Reagan, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and many many many other powerfull business men and politicans have attended the Grove.
And yet you dismiss it as some stupid "theory"?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Maybe it even does a bit of "occult" on the side as well. It wouldnt be the first time rich people entertained themselves by seances, ghost-hunting and party tricks.
So, it's a gay club. So what?
Again, the claims are a lot taller than any of the sited comments and "proofs".
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
And I dismiss it as "something some guy on the net has made". Alex Jones is "some guy" that apparently makes a living off these things and has these things around the net. And from what I've heard/seen of him, he is no stranger to overstatements to put it mildly.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Really !?!
cause the claims were that it was a private meeting of the elite, in which they engage in both homosexual behavior, AND occultic\satanic rituals.
And that is EXACTLY what the record shows.
What are the tall claims?
are the ones with the plaque up in the forest exalting their greatness for conceiving Manhattan Project on premise.
seemingly the claim that they "discuss policy" is not "tall" either.
::reinsert head in sand now::
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
is this some of the New World Order = the mark of the Beast/666 stuff...?
I was flipping through the channels the other night, and found on of the religious channels talking about this sort of meeting, and the New World Order, and how this NWO is satan's way of taking over the world...
You'll have to forgive Drifting... he lacks a certain amount of critical thinking skills, and probably proper access to psychiatric meds. Because, good lord, the poor boy needs them. I think it's highly possible that he's actually Daniel Johnston in disguise.
—Dorothy Parker
it has NOTHING to do with 666\mark of the beast.
The articles are stating fact.
The video links are of Alex Jones documentaries which DOCUMENT THE RITUALS.
He video taped the ENTIRE "Sacrifice of Dull Care" ritual and made a movie of it.
Granted, the first one, "Dark Secrets" is pretty fucking boring. In fact, it is probably the worst "movie" AJ has ever made.
That being said, it is an ACCURATE, and DOCUMENTED account of what went on (has for a century, and continues to this day) inside "Bohemian Grove".
That is why, when people like Dan come on here and dismiss it, i find it to be incredibly juvenile.
There is fucking video evidence of the whole thing.
And GodPT3, you may want to read up on what Kat had to say recently (check the locked threads)
As for Satan\Mark of Beast 666\Micro-Chip shit,
that is all bunk.
The Mark of the Beast and 666 were in direct reference to the Roman emperor Nero, who ruled at the time that Revelations was written.
666 (actualy 616 and mistranslated) was the Aramaic value that translated to the name "Nero".
The biblical writings were meant for contemporary jews to help them understand the brutal opression of the current Roman emperor, who was so ruthless he would not even allow the jews to buy or sell goods in the market. Only those with allegiance to Nero could do so.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
fyi, then, someone is stealing your material, cuz the show I watched (for a few minutes) discussed all of what you normally post, like the biliderburgh (spellun) group and the North American Union, One World Gov't run by a few wealthy white men, and the stuff you mention in this post...
I have to admit, I was sucked in by it, at first, then they tossed in the coming of the beast....
you can't always dismiss a movement\truth\idea simply because some of the proponents are misinformed.
Just because there are a bunch of goobers (and probably a bunch of disniformation specialist SPOOKS) who play up the idea of "No Planes" on 9\11 -- the idea that there were no planes, and that it was holograms\cartoons painted on the TV -- doesn't necessarily invalidate the underlying premise that the government (a cloistered sect within the government) was aware of the terrorist plot and aided it; that 911 was an "inside job".
just because some religious folk take the "NWO" idea and tack on some biblical ho-jo to it, does not necessarily invalidate the underlying assumption that there are certain high profile elites with a hidden agenda for an undemocratic global government.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
But who knew George W. Bush blew ?!?!?
Boho go loco!
Masters of the Universe have a gay old time at the Bohemian Grove
By R.V. Scheide
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This article was published on 07.03.08.
Dateline, Monte Rio, Calif. The dark woods on the outskirts of this run-down Russian River resort town are silent now, save the occasional rustle of wind through the towering redwoods. In two weeks, however, the thick moss-laden trunks of the Bohemian Grove will reverberate with the sounds of drag queens making merry, mock human sacrifices and the tinkling hiss of piss on trees.
Such events are unremarkable in themselves—one may witness similar scenes, minus the redwoods, in the alley behind SN&R any night of the week. But these are no mere ordinary mortals prancing about the forest, drinking themselves blind, urinating and defecating at will.
These are the Masters of the Universe.
Truth be told, roughly 90 percent of the 2,000 or so men in attendance at the annual gathering at the grove—and they are all men, with the exception of a few maids and the occasional female prostitute—are nothing more than well-to-do Californians. Folks like McClatchy Company board of directors member William K. Coblentz and Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart. The 136-year-old San Francisco-based Bohemian Club, which of all things began as a gathering of like-minded, underpaid journalists, has essentially morphed into an old-boys network.
Of course, joining Coblentz and Hart in the Hillbillies Camp are luminaries such as former president George H.W. Bush and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Past attendees at the Grove have included former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, H-Bomb father Edward Teller; the late, closeted multibillionaire Malcolm Forbes, Vice President Dick Cheney and every Republican president up to and including George W. Bush. Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain is rumored to be attending this year’s gathering, which takes place July 11-27.
Now, any time heavy hitters like this get together, there’s gonna be talk. First of all, there’s the genuine conspiracy. Money plus guns equals power, and this club packs a powerful punch. If there really is a cabal of rich and powerful men running the planet, some of the bohos can certainly be counted among them.
The main difference between a “conspiracy” and a “conspiracy theory” is spatial: The former takes place in reality, the latter occurs on an alternate and highly more paranoid celestial plane than our own. From the Illuminati to the Bilderbergs to the Trilateral Commission, an infinite number of crackpot theories have been concocted in this regard, none more so than soothsaying British anti-historian David Icke’s Reptilian Agenda.
Icke claims that long ago, lizard people from another universe landed on Earth, bred with primates to create the human race and then slipped behind the scenes to rule the world in secret and keep the reptilian bloodline pure. However, according to Icke, members of this secret sect—including the aforementioned George H.W. Bush as well as Hillary Clinton—shed their human skins once a year and can be detected by their slitted, reptilian eyes.
But by far the most amusing tales—and arousing, if I do say so myself—concern rumors of ongoing homosexual activity at the Grove. President Richard Nixon was among the first to comment on the alleged gay goings-on there, during a 1971 Oval Office conversation with Watergate co-conspirators John Erlichman and H.R. Halderman. Discussing a recent episode of All in the Family that featured Archie Bunker visiting a gay bar, the felonious trio waxed homophobic.
“The upper class in San Francisco is that way [gay],” Nixon insisted. “The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time—it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd. I can’t shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.”
In 2004, we learned from the vaunted New York Post that gay porn star Chad Savage (How the West Was Hung) was working at the Grove as a valet. When questioned by the Post, a Grove spokesman said, “All that matters is that the valets do good service. That’s really all that matters.”
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, Gays Without Borders, an informal network of GLBT activists, has welcomed a new member into the fold, none other than President George W. Bush, who attended his first gathering at the Grove back in the coke-snorting heyday of his youth. Cocaine will make you do crazy things. Like, say, go down on the future U.S. ambassador to Poland.
True story? That’s what Nevada dominatrix-cum-gubernatorial candidate Leola McConnell claims. Like anything that happens at the highly secretive Bohemian Grove, it’s hard to say. Only one thing is certain. In less than two weeks’ time, the Masters of the Universe will meet in a shaded Sonoma County glen, and we’re not invited. Maybe that’s a good thing.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Did a search on "dull care" and got this vid.... the music and visuals are timed quite nicely
It's actually pretty excellent...(kicks in at a bout 40 seconds)
full screen it
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)