Iowa Debates - Today and Tomorrow. 1pm and 7pm each day.

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited December 2007 in A Moving Train
Republicans up today. In 5 minutes. Rebroadcast at 7.
Democrats tomorrow. Same schedule.

Get your remotes ready folks. T minus 5 for the Repubs.

C-Span, PBS, and Fox are broadcasting it, best i can tell.

CNBC just hyped Huckabee as the new frontronner.
"Romney is number 2. Giuliani, Thompson and McCain veying for #3."

Funny, i could have sworn Ron Paul was up there somewhere too.

Thanks for another snub, MSM.
I hope you eat crow in january!

EDIT: Uh. It looks like that may be 1pm central, 2pm EST.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Debate on right now.

    Pick a channel and turn it on.
    MSNBC, PBS, FOX, go go go.


    WOW, the moderator is STIFF!

    HEY, it MAY be a fair debate !?!
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • KeiranKeiran Posts: 393
    I "love" the fucking real-time graph on Fox - it shows thumbs up or down on how people feel about what the candidate is saying at that given moment.

    That way I don't have to even "feel" much less "think" for myself any more.

    Time to pull head out of ass America - our news sources reek of more propaganda and lies than TASS ever did for the former Soviet Union.
    I wish a guy like Eddie, would like me.
  • floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    CNBC just hyped Huckabee as the new frontronner.
    "Romney is number 2. Giuliani, Thompson and McCain veying for #3."

    At what point has an MSNBC poll shown Ron Paul as a frontrunner in Iowa?
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