Raise Your Hand If You Know A Member Of Al Quaeda or Know Someone Who Does ?!?

At this point,
i think so poorly of this administration, the people that back this administration, and the direction our country is headed (or wrecklessly being steered, i might say) ...
I would like to know ...
Primarily, we are believed to be fighting a war on Al Quaeda ...
AL QUAEDA is supposedly EVERYWHERE ... they are in Iraq, they are in Afghanistan, they are in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South-east Asia, Britain, Western Europe in general, and even RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA ... sleeper cells all over, we are told ... (have i missed any major al quaeda strong holds?) ...
SO ... they are EVERYWHERE ...
which leads one to think that ... hey ... even if they do lie fairly low ... surely SOME OF US have come in contact with these people ...
please stand up and relate your experience ...
i would like to know what these people think, first hand ... or at least second or third hand ...
i know what my GOVERNMENT TELLS ME they think ... they think that FREEDOM IS BAD ... and that truth and liberty are the scorn of our existence ... they think that liberty is evil and must be quelled ...
it doesn't even fucking make since, but that is what we are told.
So ... this enemy that is EVERYWHERE ... where have you run into it ... do you know any members of al quaeda? and what do they tell you about why they hate us poor americans so much?
I'm dying to know.
At this point,
i think so poorly of this administration, the people that back this administration, and the direction our country is headed (or wrecklessly being steered, i might say) ...
I would like to know ...
Primarily, we are believed to be fighting a war on Al Quaeda ...
AL QUAEDA is supposedly EVERYWHERE ... they are in Iraq, they are in Afghanistan, they are in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, South-east Asia, Britain, Western Europe in general, and even RIGHT HERE IN AMERICA ... sleeper cells all over, we are told ... (have i missed any major al quaeda strong holds?) ...
SO ... they are EVERYWHERE ...
which leads one to think that ... hey ... even if they do lie fairly low ... surely SOME OF US have come in contact with these people ...
please stand up and relate your experience ...
i would like to know what these people think, first hand ... or at least second or third hand ...
i know what my GOVERNMENT TELLS ME they think ... they think that FREEDOM IS BAD ... and that truth and liberty are the scorn of our existence ... they think that liberty is evil and must be quelled ...
it doesn't even fucking make since, but that is what we are told.
So ... this enemy that is EVERYWHERE ... where have you run into it ... do you know any members of al quaeda? and what do they tell you about why they hate us poor americans so much?
I'm dying to know.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Codename: "Operation: Raise You Hand If You Are A Member Of Al Qaeda"
Hail, Hail!!!
i dont think terrorism or the elements that follow it are very funny...this is a very naive thread to start...if you believe for one minute there isnt al queda or terrorist in the US or around you then yes there is for sure another London Bombing and another 9/11 to happen...do you really expect them to introduce themselves to you? sorry i missed the humor of this thread
what is wrong with some of you who post here? you act as if all this just started because Bush was in office? i know alot of you hate him and im not his biggest fan either, but when your dislike for one man clouds your perception of reality in the real world you are sure in for a rude awakening
i seriously need to stay away from the Moving Train because it gets more and more assanine everyday
You don't need to live your life in fear.....of anything.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i SERIOUSLY want to know if ANYONE here has ever met ANYONE in Al Qaeda ...
WTF is so wrong with that?
I bet people here know someone who was or is in the KKK ... and that is pretty secretive ... but can we find ANYONE who has met an Al Qaeda member?
I'd like to know what their personal ideolgy is.
For such a universaly active organization, they don't publish a lot of literature. I can't go to AlQaeda.com and there is no AlQaeda Manifesto up on the internet.
How is the average american even supposed to know who the fuck their enemy is, if NO ONE knows them, NO ONE has seen them, and NO ONE has read\heard\or understands ANYTHING about what they believe?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
is his clouded perception of reality in the real world.
We Americans have freedoms (albeit growing limited) and one of our freedoms entitles us to speak out when we are concerned about the course our government is taking us in. The government is the captain of this boat, but the people themselves pull the oars.
We are trying to stave off a mutiny.
We are using the limited means allowed us....the internet is still pretty free and clear (although, not safe) and we gather here to argue and agree about the direction our politicians are taking us in. Americans aren't the only posters here, either. Politics isn't limited to the US, and neither are war and dictatorships, to name a few other things.
Hows Kool-Aid?
Go back and support them I guess...You can light the matches they use to burn the constitution with.
Yours is just another argument or method of reasoning from "that" side whether you realize it or not. I've seen it before.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
isnt that the one thing that makes them who they are? we dont know too much intellect about them but we have discovered that alot of them are scholars and not the "dumb" suicidal people we percieved them to be
the government im sure knows alot more than we do, but they arent going to stand out to us like we would imagine..they blend it, they are everyday people who discover a cause...like the attacks foiled over the past few weeks most of the guys were doctors?
i apologize for jumping on your about this thread since you seen to have some legitimacy in the questions you are asking and was being serious
what? support who? drink kool aid?
c'mon, man. anyone that's involved in that kind of organization won't be open about it. hell, i don't even know what religion the majority of my friends are, how would i know if my neighbor is involved in a terrorist organization? i don't mean to belittle, but this thread is silly.
when i hear statements like "al quaeda is everywhere", i don't think to myself that there's at least 2 families on each block that is involved with them.
i'm in ny state, and from what i hear, crystal meth is "everywhere" on the west coast. does that mean that everyone in california knows someone that does meth?
~Michael Bolton
for 11 years. I was born in Queens, NY in 1964 and lived all around Long Island for many years before moving to Westchester when I was 7. I then moved to CT when I was 9. I then moved to FL when I was 15. I then moved back to NY when I was 18. I then moved all around Long Island again until I was 25.
That's when I moved to California. Within a year there, I'd met two meth users. That was in Huntington Beach, in Southern California. I moved a year or two later to San Jose, up in Northern California. I met five more meth users up there.
I left CA in 2000 and came back to NY, and have lived here for the past 7 years and I have met no meth users here at all.
1. Most (if not ALL) of us have NEVER met\seen\spoken with\or heard of ANOTHER who has met\seen\spoken with a member of Al Qaeda
2. NO ONE has READ ANYTHING from Al Qaeda, no official position or ethos\philosphy\motive\manifesto is posted to the internet regarding what their point of view on the world\politics\america is or why they continue to attack us\the world (so we're told)
3. NO ONE can even CONFIRM personaly ANYTHING regarding ANY attack that has been attributed to Al Qaeda
4. THE ONLY SOURCE ... ONLY source we have regarding WHAT Al Qaeda is, WHAT ATTACKS they are responsible for and WHERE they are is REPORTS MADE AVAILABLE TO US BY GOVERNMENT ... either directly, or as reported on the news and attributed to government sources ...
I would just like to hear ONE STATEMENT by ONE PERSON who has personaly seen, heard from, or otherwise been in contact with a member of Al Qaeda.
Is it so much to as for some sort of personal verification that this ENEMY ACTUALY EXISTS?
I'm NOT saying they don't. I'm sure they do.
But the real point here is to make people here aware that nearly 100% of ALL the information we the people have EVER been made aware of regarding Al Qaeda COMES (in some way shape or form) FROM THE SAME GOVERNMENT that wants us to fight them until the END OF TIME!
! ! !
ps - Moe - no, but you would think, if meth was such a big problem in NY you could find SOMEONE\ANYONE who knows SOMEONE\ANYONE who does meth.
again, my point here is that TO DATE i have not ever heard\met\or known of ANYONE who even SECOND HAND knows someone who is in Al Quaeda.
The ultimate point being that the ONLY source of this type of information stems from the war machine that would have us shed off ALL our liberties in fight of this INVISIBLE, MUTE, GHOST of an enemy ... the enemy that NO ONE has EVER SEEN.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's exactly what they want you to think....anybody can be a commie right?
You need to de-progam this mentality they have created for you in your head. An unprecedented power struggle is happening right now. A pattern that has happened before throughout history many times.
Actually it keeps playing out again and again through time everywhere in the world.
Do not follow those who try to strip you down and control you right now.
They are taking from you, and they are invoking your fears to do it.
Big laws and big changes are trying to be passed right now and without any media time or discussion...and most importantly without permission of the people.
Actually in complete opposition to the people and what all the polls show.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yikes. just another reason for me to not visit cali.
ok, so everyone in cali knows a meth user. but....i'd be willing to bet that people are more open about using meth than being in cahoots with a terrorist organization.
~Michael Bolton
I think one of the Smurfs might have been too
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Or did Bush and his team just two months ago start labelling every terrorist group "Al Qaeda" regardless of their true affiliations?
Start reading some progressive blogs like HuffingtonPost.com every once in a while, and you may find your answer.
Reagan made them. He rounded up a whole bunch of farmers, put guns and rockets launchers in their hands and trained them how to fight and kill Russians. Sounded like a good idea at the time I bet...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.
....the more I learn, the more I can't help but feel this whole thing was not started with George W., but that it dates back to George H. and even further.
I don't want to sound like a conspiracy type, because I'm not, but the groundwork seems to have been laid many years ago. Not that Clinton helped either, but....
Some people in my office building look Indian to me, but I've never asked what type.
Some drivers I see behind the wheel on my way to work, wear turbans, but I don't honk my horn at them.
Folks on the train, subway, or the plane ride I took to GA and back, last year, looked to be Muslim or Islamic or Indian or Pakistanian to me, but I didn't ask.
I just wished them all a good day, like I do everybody else, and moved on.
Sorry, I'm not helping this thread any, am I?
I know exactly what it is. It's the exact same thing it's always been. It's a reality show called "when populations collide" ...like the Spaniards wiping out all the Mayans a little while back etc...
We've all gotten tons more civil to each other over the last several hundred years but population numbers are starting to push the envelope of tolerance (for some).
Eroding the internal fabric of society is more scary than terrorism to me.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Noone is a terrorist!
When backed into a corner - most people will resort to some very scary things...
We have backed many into a corner - and alienated billions of others that would otherwise help us
Granted, you will find the occational off-balance crazy.. But we gots plenty of them here in America to worry about. seems everyday someone is killing all their children and themselves - Bush would do no worse by declairing war on them