Navy Prosecutor In Gitmo Case: Flight 93 Was Shot Down

Navy Prosecutor In Gitmo Case: "If they hadn't shot down the fourth plane it would've hit the dome"
:cool: :eek: :cool:
Reuters wrote:...prosecutor Timothy Stone told the six-member jury of U.S. military officers who will decide Hamdan's guilt or innocence that Hamdan had inside knowledge of the 2001 attacks on the United States because he overheard a conversation between bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
"If they hadn't shot down the fourth plane it would've hit the dome," Stone, a Navy officer, said in his opening remarks.
The tribunal's chief prosecutor, Col. Lawrence Morris, later explained that Stone was quoting Hamdan in evidence that will be presented at trial. Morris declined to say if the "dome" was a reference to the U.S. Capitol.
:cool: :eek: :cool:
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
either they did it for patriotism sake because a smoldering/destroyed Capitol building would be completely demoralizing for most
or it's because they didn't want the failed hijackers' to eventually land
the large debris scattering and eyewitness accounts already lend enough credence to this, glad to see Gitmo got to the bottom of things
it doesn't do a whole lot for their credibility if they DID shoot it down and then made up a whole heap of bs about "lets roll", forged "flight voice recorder" transcripts, cell calls and all that BS.
The lead prosecutor does clarify that the acting prosecutor was quoting the accused.
We'll see where this all goes.
Who knows.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
yeah but all that stuff as far as the cell calls and what was on the flight voice recorders could still have happened. if that plane was shot down it doesn't automatically mean the passengers sat on their hands the entire time.
That the major enabler perpetrated by those responsible was to monkey wrench the entire affair by having nearly the entire airforce out of US airspace on some bullshit training drill that was strangely identical to the real terrorist event.
Thus, the commander on the ground simply said, "Fuck this shit, SHOOT IT DOWN!" ...
even though the real "evil doers" were hoping that the chain of command would hold, and that the deliberate confusion of flase insertions on the radar (phoney blips) would allow all the planes to reach their targets unscathed.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
better luck next time I guess..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
too busy working two jobs to make ends meet to put food on the table for our children to eat. We are the working poor. We are the ones paying for the pool of money that was Originally set up to Protect us? Anymore the Public schools do not teach our children the correct history lessons of our forefathers. We are being dumbed down to the point everyone knows who Paris Hilton is and has no clue as to who the Players in the White House are? Gimme a break!
The other day in front of a prosecutor/ With my PUBLIC DEFENDER sitting with his head down wishing he could go home to his bourbon and coke/ or go to the Strip Club. and forget he was supposed too represent me?
I asked Him Frankly if he knew what HABEOUS CORPUS MEANT???
YEP a Law Graduate.. He had no clue?? I never went to college for a law degree but I read? This guy was so into helping me? HA HA HA??
What part of NO LEGAL REPRESENTATION?? Don't they Understand??
I was attacked on May 29th 2008.. I got accused of punching a cop.
I plead "Not Guilty" I was sitting in my car on property That I had permission to be there in a parking lot. Someone from a Strip club reported a driver driving fast.. A white car.. Older woman in it.. Yep I had the car off.
And was just sitting there and three policemen came up and they attacked me.. Pepper spray was put in my ear canal and was also injected into my eyes.
I thought I was going to die.. This guy who was a power tripper and a Eugene Police PUBLIC SERVANT REFUSED to listen to my begging for help. He says don't resist and slammed my head against my door.. Then brutally drug me from my private car. Assuming I was a threat? If I had been tazered I would be dead. Due to the fact I had My thyroid worked on. And it would have caused a stroke. So needless to say I am not happy with the "Powers to Be"
I have photos of the injuries that were taken after one day, I was pushed to the ground with a knee put in my lower back, Now I have to go back to the Neurosurgeon that did my back surgery so I could walk and not be confined to a wheelchair.. The Cop told me "HE DID NOT CARE" YEP I wonder who is laughing now? Not me I hurt really bad.. Two months of chronic pain? I am really too old for being treated like this and Ya know? I have only begun my fight for justice. for me. My trial is in a few months. And The Judge at the hearing for my " NOT GUILTY PLEA" Had to recuse herself.. Because last year I fought for the defense of an innocent animal/ I became a Pro Se lawyer for my girlfriend whose dog had nipped a guy who came form the bushes at 2 am
Drunk rushing up to my friend who happened to take her dog out to the park in front of her home. And The dog intervened when he saw a threat to his human.. DUH?? They insisted on killing the dog.. I was called to check into this issue and ON May 29th was the date that this County Program was to shut its doors and save the citizens of Willamette Valley Money IN the general fund? Imagine the same day as I get beat up for resisting arrest?
I was sitting in my car alone Doing nothing?? Oh I must have stepped on a few toes? The program stood to lose its budget $650,000 per year for animal control.. The facility Actually withheld water from this dog? When I went to check on him in doggy jail? All the water bowls were full except "Benson's"So I took it upon my duty as a citizen to turn these idiots into the Animal protectors in Washington D.C. And filed a complaint against the County Program Imagine that? A year goes by and I submit evidence to prove the dogs innocence?? And Low and Behold when I request the tapes from the lawyers for the County of the hearings? THEY LOST THE TAPES!!! How utterly convenient. Knowing I have not got enough money for a decent lawyer.
So I take the abuse and suffer with a new back injury. due to an idiot cop that likes to beat up on older women?? On that note.. TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!!
that only happens in Tom Clancy novels.
—Dorothy Parker
so what iis it drifting? a government inside job? or a real hijacking that resulted in the govt shooting down a hijacked commercial airliner and then covered up?
you cant have EVERY conspiracy...
How many times do you have to hear it explained.
The hijackers were nothing but patsies.
Think Oswald.
They were handled by the government,
and the government ENSURED that "their" objective was achieved.
Unfortunately for NORAD\SENTCOM\The Assholes,
Flight 93 missed its target.
No one knows for sure what happened to Flight 93.
I'm just posting what is being said in court.
I'm glad this provides you a new opportunity to avoid the possibilities of truth, though.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Except that we all know JFK was nothing more than an elaborate suicide. Yes, that's right. JFK ordered a hit on himself so he could join Marilyn Monroe in heaven. Except that suicides never go to heaven.
—Dorothy Parker
Please. If the fix was in - they would have framed Saddam.
That is all they wanted out of this - Afghanistan was the appetizer - Iraq was their goal.
Why waste time trying to drum up the Iraq threat and make all these huge leaps of faith abuot Saddam/9/11/Al Qaeda etc...if they could have pinned Iraq on it - we would have invaded the next week.
It was always about Iraq. ALWAYS.
Thats not true.
This is about a perpetual war economy,
and a incomprehensibly vague War on Terror is far more perpertual than a war against a third rate puppet dictatorship that crumbled overnight.
Iraq was important, yes ... not because we wanted their oil to sell, rather
a. they were going off the dollar. which would have fucked America
b. we wanted their share of the market.
Keep Iraqs oil off the market, and the international banksters get to sell their oil in place of it. And the removal of Iraqs oil from the market gets used as an excuse to drive up market prices, and further line the pockets of the fat cats.
But Iraq was just the start.
This is about a full remodel on the Middle East.
Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan ...
someday, "hopefully" Syria too.
Iran, because of their massive threat to the dollar vis a vis their new Oil Bourse is Enemy #1 now.
And don't you think the fact that they tried to blame Iraq after the fact proves that the fix was in?
These people will do anything to get their way?
Why don't you ask W. what his daddy knows about JFK?
If I opened it now would you not understand?