JFK Footage Altered: The Zapruder Film: Truth or Deception?

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited July 2007 in A Moving Train
The Zapruder Film: Truth or Deception?

I have never heard about this bit of the JFK "conspiracy" before.

Seems everywhere i look, the "shot from the front" has been "disproved", but most, including a 70's congressional investigation, and the test of LHO's gun, have determined that there MUST have been at least one second gunman ...

but i still have never heard of this portion of the "conspiracy", which is namely, that the Zapruder film was altered, frame by frame, by the people who received it -- namely, our government.

Can anyone else make out the peculiarities this video attempts to show ... with the exception of the man's feet moving apart too fast, i can't distinguish any of it ... and if this film was literally cut apart (i'm assuming, LITERALLY, as in with a KNIFE or some such) would it really look anywhere near as seemless as it does? There are no rough borders, and the only vague incident is their mention of the lamppost ... the shadows, the lady who isn't stepping forward, the sign, the cop bike, the size of the pedestrians ... i can't really make out ANY of that ... oh ... the drivers looking back TWICE so quickly is helluva odd though ... forgot about that ... (some people on youtube actually claim the DRIVER pulls out a 45 with his right hand and shoots JFK over his left shoulder! bizzar-o)

... but you can also see the two cops on the motorcycles look straight past Zapruder over towards the "grassy knoll" ... (in another video i believe) ... check that out too!

Where the fuck does that SS agent who jumps on the back of JFK's limo come from? If you follow from the frames before hand, like before the light post, there is NO ONE around ... does he jump out of the SEAT of the limo behind JFK, off the roof, on to the ground, and then on to the limo?

Because if the car never slowed down significantly, that is like nearly impossible. Where the HELL did he come from? And how did he react so goddamn fast?


Anyone on any of this?

I know most of you probably beat JFK with a stick already, but this was new to me.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • newagehippienewagehippie Posts: 749
    I actually was given a DVD named "image of an assasination". that is about the Zapruder films. Basically it documents Zapruders descision to go home and get the video recorder, how he decided where to shoot the video, and then all of the events after he filmed it, including the affidavits(sp) of the work that Kodak did to process it, him selling the still photos to time for 50 K and then the video for another 100K. The main point of the dvd is that in 1996 or so, they took the original (which is locked in a security vault that is tempereature and humidity control) and blew the 8mm film up to 4X6 shots, all 300+ frames and then made it digital. That is a very watered down version of the DVD, but in the end they show you the finished product which is the best quality I have seen (compared to all the ones that are copies, including the ones that the Warren commission used, which by chance were missing frames) and it is super blown up without losing resolution. Basically, you can see all three bullets hit, the first hits his neck, the second hit connely from the front, and then the last one which was fatal, clearly came form the front, and at a low angle. The DVD makes no comments on the film other than the processing facts, they leave it up to your own opinion. I can send a copy if you would like. Just PM me....PEACE

    Keep your eyes open, eventually something will happen....
  • I actually was given a DVD named "image of an assasination". that is about the Zapruder films. Basically it documents Zapruders descision to go home and get the video recorder, how he decided where to shoot the video, and then all of the events after he filmed it, including the affidavits(sp) of the work that Kodak did to process it, him selling the still photos to time for 50 K and then the video for another 100K. The main point of the dvd is that in 1996 or so, they took the original (which is locked in a security vault that is tempereature and humidity control) and blew the 8mm film up to 4X6 shots, all 300+ frames and then made it digital. That is a very watered down version of the DVD, but in the end they show you the finished product which is the best quality I have seen (compared to all the ones that are copies, including the ones that the Warren commission used, which by chance were missing frames) and it is super blown up without losing resolution. Basically, you can see all three bullets hit, the first hits his neck, the second hit connely from the front, and then the last one which was fatal, clearly came form the front, and at a low angle. The DVD makes no comments on the film other than the processing facts, they leave it up to your own opinion. I can send a copy if you would like. Just PM me....PEACE
    that's awesome.
    I'll check in to that and let you know if i need a copy.
    Chances are this is probably available for torrent (i'm guessing !?!)
    if not ... i may be hitting you up!

    From the front?


    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Anyone read 'Ultimate Sacrifice' yet? I started it a few days ago.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    I actually was given a DVD named "image of an assasination". that is about the Zapruder films. Basically it documents Zapruders descision to go home and get the video recorder, how he decided where to shoot the video, and then all of the events after he filmed it, including the affidavits(sp) of the work that Kodak did to process it, him selling the still photos to time for 50 K and then the video for another 100K. The main point of the dvd is that in 1996 or so, they took the original (which is locked in a security vault that is tempereature and humidity control) and blew the 8mm film up to 4X6 shots, all 300+ frames and then made it digital. That is a very watered down version of the DVD, but in the end they show you the finished product which is the best quality I have seen (compared to all the ones that are copies, including the ones that the Warren commission used, which by chance were missing frames) and it is super blown up without losing resolution. Basically, you can see all three bullets hit, the first hits his neck, the second hit connely from the front, and then the last one which was fatal, clearly came form the front, and at a low angle. The DVD makes no comments on the film other than the processing facts, they leave it up to your own opinion. I can send a copy if you would like. Just PM me....PEACE

    The governor was hit from the front? I had never read anything about that, so that's quite interesting. I may have to hit you up for that eventually.
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