Who ever took the video just walked onto the property and filmed with no problem. Why didn't they just walk up to the office and ask somebody what the boxes were used for?
I do cate and i'm aware they can be dug up. I'm not sure where your heading with that.
nowhere really. you just said that disposing of bodies this way would make more sense. and i was showing just how not well thats worked previously i guess.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
nowhere really. you just said that disposing of bodies this way would make more sense. and i was showing just how not well thats worked previously i guess.
Ok, i get that Cate.
Are there any signs of those containers at home Cate? I'm missing it terribly at the moment.
I was reading a few people are saying that all coffins are placed in these things to prevent the coffin from eventually collapsing as it decomposes leaving a sunken region of earth at the grave site.
If that's the case, all coffins are lowered into the ground, then raised back out after everyone leaves, put into one of these things and put back in, and buried.
I've never ever heard of that, but it does make sense in a sense to prevent the ground from sinking everywhere a plot is in a grave yard.
it's all news to me..
My mom died 3 months ago, and me and the family learned all about vaults. Not a fun experience mind you.
Anyway, it is required by law I believe that they have to be placed in a vault, and unless you pay attention you won’t even notice that the coffin goes inside a vault.
I've been to a few funerals in my time, but until I knew what to look for at the cemetery, I had no idea that the coffin went inside the vault, or that there even was a vault.
Are there any signs of those containers at home Cate? I'm missing it terribly at the moment.
australia pfft :rolleyes: no way. not with k-ruddy in charge. you should know we just bury bodies in the sandhills(or if in SA, in disused bankvaults) or feed them to the dingoes.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
australia pfft :rolleyes: no way. not with k-ruddy in charge. you should know we just bury bodies in the sandhills(or if in SA, in disused bankvaults) or feed them to the dingoes.
Haha, ohh Cate. that was awesome . and Snowtown. bodies, barrels, acid. ugh. who could ever forget that.
My mom died 3 months ago, and me and the family learned all about vaults. Not a fun experience mind you.
Anyway, it is required by law I believe that they have to be placed in a vault, and unless you pay attention you won’t even notice that the coffin goes inside a vault.
I've been to a few funerals in my time, but until I knew what to look for at the cemetery, I had no idea that the coffin went inside the vault, or that there even was a vault.
Sorry to hear that, I've had to do same for my mother in back in 2001, 3 months out is still a very rough time. I don't remember much of anything about seeing it, as there was so much going on at the time, and they only give you a couple of days to do everything. It all happens so fast.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
When threads like these are started, a big deal is made about the 500,000 coffins and zomg what is the government up to now and what is going to happen to us all. then....
It ends up on page 5 of the pit within a couple of days, with no concrete proof of what they will be used for. It's like 'we will try to plant a seed in your head that all things are evil', then fuck off and leave you with that thought.
And how did someone ever know there is 500,000. What? They counted them all?
And no one bothered to answer my question. Why didn't the person who took the video, while he was walking around the property all day long, use his brain and go knock on the office door and ask wtf they are for. Instead of this bullshit.
Fuck you Alec Jones. We have enough to worry about with real shit going down in real life, rather than your made up fear mongering bullshit.
My mom died 3 months ago, and me and the family learned all about vaults. Not a fun experience mind you.
Anyway, it is required by law I believe that they have to be placed in a vault, and unless you pay attention you won’t even notice that the coffin goes inside a vault.
I've been to a few funerals in my time, but until I knew what to look for at the cemetery, I had no idea that the coffin went inside the vault, or that there even was a vault.
Oh, I'm sorry! How do you get through that? Are you doing okay?
When threads like these are started, a big deal is made about the 500,000 coffins and zomg what is the government up to now and what is going to happen to us all. then....
It ends up on page 5 of the pit within a couple of days, with no concrete proof of what they will be used for. It's like 'we will try to plant a seed in your head that all things are evil', then fuck off and leave you with that thought.
And how did someone ever know there is 500,000. What? They counted them all?
And no one bothered to answer my question. Why didn't the person who took the video, while he was walking around the property all day long, use his brain and go knock on the office door and ask wtf they are for. Instead of this bullshit.
Fuck you Alec Jones. We have enough to worry about with real shit going down in real life, rather than your made up fear mongering bullshit.
Fuck you.
Why do you think people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Jesse Ventura come on Alex Jones REPEATEDLY and PRAISE him for his efforts to "imform the people"?
You think all his guests are crazy?
Former Treasury Secretaries,
former chief economist of the World Bank,
even old Lou Dobbs
and guests of all sorts of renowned ...
you think they all appear on the AJ show just to have their good name dragged through the mud via association?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
When threads like these are started, a big deal is made about the 500,000 coffins and zomg what is the government up to now and what is going to happen to us all. then....
It ends up on page 5 of the pit within a couple of days, with no concrete proof of what they will be used for. It's like 'we will try to plant a seed in your head that all things are evil', then fuck off and leave you with that thought.
And how did someone ever know there is 500,000. What? They counted them all?
And no one bothered to answer my question. Why didn't the person who took the video, while he was walking around the property all day long, use his brain and go knock on the office door and ask wtf they are for. Instead of this bullshit.
Fuck you Alec Jones. We have enough to worry about with real shit going down in real life, rather than your made up fear mongering bullshit.
Fuck you.
Why do you think people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Jesse Ventura come on Alex Jones REPEATEDLY and PRAISE him for his efforts to "imform the people"?
You think all his guests are crazy?
Former Treasury Secretaries,
former chief economist of the World Bank,
even old Lou Dobbs
and guests of all sorts of renowned ...
you think they all appear on the AJ show just to have their good name dragged through the mud via association?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
When threads like these are started, a big deal is made about the 500,000 coffins and zomg what is the government up to now and what is going to happen to us all. then....
It ends up on page 5 of the pit within a couple of days, with no concrete proof of what they will be used for. It's like 'we will try to plant a seed in your head that all things are evil', then fuck off and leave you with that thought.
And how did someone ever know there is 500,000. What? They counted them all?
And no one bothered to answer my question. Why didn't the person who took the video, while he was walking around the property all day long, use his brain and go knock on the office door and ask wtf they are for. Instead of this bullshit.
Fuck you Alec Jones. We have enough to worry about with real shit going down in real life, rather than your made up fear mongering bullshit.
Fuck you.
Ends up on pg 5 without proof? You expect the mystery to be solved because it was posted here or what? This is just speculation, I don't get why people get so worked up about it.
I don't remember specifically where I saw it, if it was in the vid, or what...but it's explained how they came up with 500k......length x width x height....rows x columns....not 1, 2, 3...
Hey, I know! While we're knocking on doors, lets go ask Dick why he took down the towers! All we gotta do is ask, right?
Ends up on pg 5 without proof? You expect the mystery to be solved because it was posted here or what? This is just speculation, I don't get why people get so worked up about it.
I don't remember specifically where I saw it, if it was in the vid, or what...but it's explained how they came up with 500k......length x width x height....rows x columns....not 1, 2, 3...
Hey, I know! While we're knocking on doors, lets go ask Dick why he took down the towers! All we gotta do is ask, right?
No i don't expect the mystery to be magically resolved. But you can bet your ass that if i was that worried about it, and had genuine concerns then i would be doing whatever i could to find out more about it. Not just let it go away.....
Why do you think people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Jesse Ventura come on Alex Jones REPEATEDLY and PRAISE him for his efforts to "imform the people"?
You think all his guests are crazy?
Former Treasury Secretaries,
former chief economist of the World Bank,
even old Lou Dobbs
and guests of all sorts of renowned ...
you think they all appear on the AJ show just to have their good name dragged through the mud via association?
I'm not calling anyone crazy. See post 46 for my response.
No i don't expect the mystery to be magically resolved. But you can bet your ass that if i was that worried about it, and had genuine concerns then i would be doing whatever i could to find out more about it. Not just let it go away.....
That's all i'm saying.
the conversation died, it doesn't mean that the people that are interested have stopped being interested...
the conversation died, it doesn't mean that the people that are interested have stopped being interested...
This almost sounds like a challenge for me to go dig up every one of my old threads that i'm still interested in that haven't any answers yet.
ya'll want the first 5 pages cluttered with worthless DBTS crazy rants?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Hey, I know! While we're knocking on doors, lets go ask Dick why he took down the towers! All we gotta do is ask, right?
That's not what i'm saying and you know that. I'm saying that while he was walking around the property taking videos, wouldn't he have at least asked a couple of questions. Not just assume things.
That's not what i'm saying and you know that. I'm saying that while he was walking around the property taking videos, wouldn't he have at least asked a couple of questions. Not just assume things.
He probably didn't want to end up on the FEMA train to "the camps".
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's not what i'm saying and you know that. I'm saying that while he was walking around the property taking videos, wouldn't he have at least asked a couple of questions. Not just assume things.
again, who would you ask? and what answers would you expect? Assuming you actually spoke to someone that could answer your questions, do you think they're going to tell you if they have foreknowledge of something catastrophic? That's why I gave my sarcastic Cheney example....it's akin to trying to trick a criminal into a confession by asking why they did it. "why'd you kill that person"....."I didn't"....(damn, outwitted again )
This almost sounds like a challenge for me to go dig up every one of my old threads that i'm still interested in that haven't any answers yet.
ya'll want the first 5 pages cluttered with worthless DBTS crazy rants?
you should, just for kicks Your worthless crazy rants are much more entertaining than talking Obama and 'Change'.
Let's see how downhill we can take this place
again, who would you ask? and what answers would you expect? Assuming you actually spoke to someone that could answer your questions, do you think they're going to tell you if they have foreknowledge of something catastrophic?
The people that are working there, and i wouldn't be afraid to ask because i wouldn't be assuming the worst. I don't think they would tell me if they had foreknowledge of something catastrophic no. I'm just saying maybe they don't.
This almost sounds like a challenge for me to go dig up every one of my old threads that i'm still interested in that haven't any answers yet.
ya'll want the first 5 pages cluttered with worthless DBTS crazy rants?
What are you trying to say? I'M crazy? When I went to YOU'RE schools, I went to YOU'RE churches, I went to YOU'RE institutional learning facilities. So how can you say I'M crazy?
I'm not crazy!
You're the one that's crazy!
You're driving me crazy!
...you wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating FRUIT LOOPS on your front porch
I would say it's likely a preparation for the next pandemic, that every public health bureau around the world are bracing themselves for at the moment. Pandemics come around a couple of times a century, and there are real concern that the avian flu can mutate and start infecting people. Actually, most authorities are just waiting for "when", not "if". They are talking about figures of several million casualties worldwide (although they project most of them in 3rd world countries).
Half a million coffins for the US should such a pandemic become real won't be that far out. Particularly not if they also are gonna be used for international relief efforts. And in general, shouldn't the CDC and suchlike have a great storage of these kinds of things? They should be available long before the emergency to be rolled out at once.
Some people are paid and organizations built to plan for the worst. That doesnt mean that "someone" has a particular diabolical scheme to kill millions ready to go.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
The property on Lions Club Road in Madison, Georgia is leased by Vantage
The product stored on the property are standard burial vaults, please see
our web page for information on this product - http://www.vantageproducts.com
The majority of cemeteries across the United States require the use of a
burial vault when a body is interred. The use of a burial vault, plastic or
concrete, is to prevent the collapse of the ground in the cemetery
and to protect the casket placed inside.
In the funeral and/or death care industry there is a common practice of
people making their funeral arrangements prior to death. Many people
like to make their own selections for the casket and burial vaults that will
be used at the time of their death. Once this selection has been made
the local funeral home that has made the arrangements can purchase the
burial vault product from Vantage Products and we will store it for them
until that person dies.
We maintain detailed records of ownership of the products and require a
certificate of ownership to be sent to us before products can be released.
Additionally, we are annually audited by several states including Georgia
to insure that we have all of the products that our records indicate and
that are on file with each of the participating states.
These products are not owned by any one individual person, company or the
government. Additionally, there are only about 50,000 vaults in storage in
Madison, no where near the quantity that is being discussed openly on
the net.
In the United States there are approximately 1,300,000 deaths each year.
Of those deaths there are about 900,000 in ground burials preformed
every year. Only a small percentage of those people have pre arranged
there burial.
I hope this has answered you questions. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if you have additional questions.
Michael A. Lacy
Vice President of Operations
Vantage Products Corporation
960 Almon Road
Covington, GA 30014
770-788-0136 Office
770-788-0361 Fax
404-545-8022 Cell mlacy@vantageproducts.com
People die everyday, maybe this is just a company with alot of supply on hand?
If there was a mass destruction somewhere i think most bodies would be obliterated and or fried. No need for containers.
If the government were going to intentionally terminate any group of people, would they use "vaults" that preserve evidence for a 100 years? Or are they more likely to dig a big hole toss em in and let em rot?
Mass cremations or simple bulldozing the bodies into a mass grave would make more sense.
Wouldn't that be the sensible thing to do?
nowhere really. you just said that disposing of bodies this way would make more sense. and i was showing just how not well thats worked previously i guess.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Are there any signs of those containers at home Cate?
My mom died 3 months ago, and me and the family learned all about vaults. Not a fun experience mind you.
Anyway, it is required by law I believe that they have to be placed in a vault, and unless you pay attention you won’t even notice that the coffin goes inside a vault.
I've been to a few funerals in my time, but until I knew what to look for at the cemetery, I had no idea that the coffin went inside the vault, or that there even was a vault.
australia pfft :rolleyes: no way. not with k-ruddy in charge. you should know we just bury bodies in the sandhills(or if in SA, in disused bankvaults) or feed them to the dingoes.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Sorry to hear that, I've had to do same for my mother in back in 2001, 3 months out is still a very rough time. I don't remember much of anything about seeing it, as there was so much going on at the time, and they only give you a couple of days to do everything. It all happens so fast.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It ends up on page 5 of the pit within a couple of days, with no concrete proof of what they will be used for. It's like 'we will try to plant a seed in your head that all things are evil', then fuck off and leave you with that thought.
And how did someone ever know there is 500,000. What? They counted them all?
And no one bothered to answer my question. Why didn't the person who took the video, while he was walking around the property all day long, use his brain and go knock on the office door and ask wtf they are for. Instead of this bullshit.
Fuck you Alec Jones. We have enough to worry about with real shit going down in real life, rather than your made up fear mongering bullshit.
Fuck you.
Oh, I'm sorry! How do you get through that? Are you doing okay?
Why do you think people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Jesse Ventura come on Alex Jones REPEATEDLY and PRAISE him for his efforts to "imform the people"?
You think all his guests are crazy?
Former Treasury Secretaries,
former chief economist of the World Bank,
even old Lou Dobbs
and guests of all sorts of renowned ...
you think they all appear on the AJ show just to have their good name dragged through the mud via association?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Why do you think people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Jesse Ventura come on Alex Jones REPEATEDLY and PRAISE him for his efforts to "imform the people"?
You think all his guests are crazy?
Former Treasury Secretaries,
former chief economist of the World Bank,
even old Lou Dobbs
and guests of all sorts of renowned ...
you think they all appear on the AJ show just to have their good name dragged through the mud via association?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I don't remember specifically where I saw it, if it was in the vid, or what...but it's explained how they came up with 500k......length x width x height....rows x columns....not 1, 2, 3...
Hey, I know! While we're knocking on doors, lets go ask Dick why he took down the towers! All we gotta do is ask, right?
That's all i'm saying.
This almost sounds like a challenge for me to go dig up every one of my old threads that i'm still interested in that haven't any answers yet.
ya'll want the first 5 pages cluttered with worthless DBTS crazy rants?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
He probably didn't want to end up on the FEMA train to "the camps".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
you should, just for kicks
Let's see how downhill we can take this place
Whose crazy?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm not crazy!
You're the one that's crazy!
You're driving me crazy!
...you wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating FRUIT LOOPS on your front porch
damn, lovin the ST lately.
Half a million coffins for the US should such a pandemic become real won't be that far out. Particularly not if they also are gonna be used for international relief efforts. And in general, shouldn't the CDC and suchlike have a great storage of these kinds of things? They should be available long before the emergency to be rolled out at once.
Some people are paid and organizations built to plan for the worst. That doesnt mean that "someone" has a particular diabolical scheme to kill millions ready to go.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
The product stored on the property are standard burial vaults, please see
our web page for information on this product - http://www.vantageproducts.com
The majority of cemeteries across the United States require the use of a
burial vault when a body is interred. The use of a burial vault, plastic or
concrete, is to prevent the collapse of the ground in the cemetery
and to protect the casket placed inside.
In the funeral and/or death care industry there is a common practice of
people making their funeral arrangements prior to death. Many people
like to make their own selections for the casket and burial vaults that will
be used at the time of their death. Once this selection has been made
the local funeral home that has made the arrangements can purchase the
burial vault product from Vantage Products and we will store it for them
until that person dies.
We maintain detailed records of ownership of the products and require a
certificate of ownership to be sent to us before products can be released.
Additionally, we are annually audited by several states including Georgia
to insure that we have all of the products that our records indicate and
that are on file with each of the participating states.
These products are not owned by any one individual person, company or the
government. Additionally, there are only about 50,000 vaults in storage in
Madison, no where near the quantity that is being discussed openly on
the net.
In the United States there are approximately 1,300,000 deaths each year.
Of those deaths there are about 900,000 in ground burials preformed
every year. Only a small percentage of those people have pre arranged
there burial.
I hope this has answered you questions. Please do not hesitate to contact
me if you have additional questions.
Michael A. Lacy
Vice President of Operations
Vantage Products Corporation
960 Almon Road
Covington, GA 30014
770-788-0136 Office
770-788-0361 Fax
404-545-8022 Cell
and wasnt Colorado supposed to blow up or something during the democratic convention?