Stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look whats going down...



  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    I'll give a cookie to the first person who can come up with a plausible explanation for what those 4 loud events are.


    What specific structural event is occuring, if you are indeed not willing to conceed they may be explosions.


    Only a cookie, eh?

    Throw in some milk and I'm game (what is game, who got game, where's the game...)

    naděje umírá poslední
  • spiral out wrote:
    I know considering everyone says it would have taken weeks or months to rig the other two buildings.

    Yeah apparently it being on fire makes it TONS easier and faster to crawl around inside and lay wires everywhere.

    Holy flying, pork eating, gambling, alcohol drinking, devout Muslims caught on camera in two places at once, batman!!!
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    I remember seeing a video that was taken by a camera mounted on a tripod and it shows the tower shake, and a piece of debris fall, about 10 seconds before it goes down. I can't find the video now. Anyone know which one I am talking about?
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • so what happened then? are there any other plausible explanations? if so explain, and explain who was behind it and how they pulled it off. we need answers, people! create a theory and expose it to criticism. use your noggins, not youtube links.
  • I remember seeing a video that was taken by a camera mounted on a tripod and it shows the tower shake, and a piece of debris fall, about 10 seconds before it goes down. I can't find the video now. Anyone know which one I am talking about?

    post number 30
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • MrSmith wrote:
    so what happened then? are there any other plausible explanations? if so explain, and explain who was behind it and how they pulled it off. we need answers, people! use your noggins, not youtube links.

    I would love to know your behavior over the years towards JFK researchers.


    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • create a theory and expose it to criticism. compare it with the official story. see if it stands up to any sort of critical study.

    you won't because you can't.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    MrSmith wrote:
    create a theory and expose it to criticism. compare it with the official story. see if it stands up to any sort of critical study.

    you won't because you can't.

    I would be interested in Roland and Driftings theories. We know that you think there's a vast conspiracy, but you've never really spelled it out. Put out there what you believe for debate. No youtube links or anything else, just your flat out opinion of what you think happened.

    Me? The biggest conspiracy from that day is that the plane in PA was shot down and the gov't exploited the "Let's Roll" theory. I think a lot more happened than what is shown in the 9/11 report. I think we knew it was coming and saw it as a justified reason to go to war.
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    This is an excellent site. Information overload. But if you've got hours and hours to kill, have a look.
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    What IS that sound?
    You tell me.

    This is gonna be fun.


    Yes it does look and sound like bombs exploding but it can also be, as someone already mentioned, the pressure blowing out the windows and pulverized concrete blowing out making the white clouds.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • mammasan wrote:
    but it can also be, as someone already mentioned, the pressure blowing out the windows and pulverized concrete blowing out making the white clouds.


    The building is still COMPLETELY STILL!

    What video are you people looking at !?!

    Four "explosions" come WELL before the building initiates collapse.

    Just watch the link in the OP again.

    It isn't shit blowing out of windows.
    no damn windows are blowing out.
    There is nothing moving.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • "My" theory:

    First, i just want to say, i think this is an exercise in stupidity.

    This is not "my" theory,
    and the fact that people who disbelieve an obvious lie -- and acknowledge the truth that the government was involved -- are forced to explain every single aspect of a covert operation is ridiculous. Kennedy researchers are STILL Not 100% sure of all the details ... and that is almost 50 years later and THOUSANDS of declassified documents later!

    However, just for you (all you boobs), here goes:

    Rogue elements of the US government abused intelligence operations to track, fund, and protect members "Al Qaeda" while simultaneously derailing any attempt by honest members of intelligence (numerous accounts by FBI officers of this) to investigate these activities prior to 911.

    So these rogue elements helped the operation by not following up on leads of arabs training to fly 747s in florida, and stopping all investigation of Saudi elite families and funding, and threatening agents who were trying to arrest these "Al Qaeda" operatives.

    Not only did they deliberately thwart investigations, they were also protecting and surveiling these "Al Qaeda" members closely. Several of them were living with a CIA agent landlord, and several were stopped at the border coming in to the country, but were released by border agents after receiving wires from intelligence services stating that these "Al Qaeda" operatives were really "intelligence assets" (think about this, folks, we LET THEM IN!) ...

    It is also possible that agents working through the Israeli owned airport security ensured that the "hijackers" made it on the plane (as there was an initial report of a GUN onboard), you may have needed some one at the gate to help them on, or sweep them through to the side of security (backdoor) ... also, someone needed to detain Atta's bag - which contained his Last Will & Testament, identification and all kinds of other good evidence. (Why didn't his bag make the flight, and why would you take your WILL on a suicide flight !?!)

    Now, not only THAT, but "they" also moved perennial war games that take place in June (i think?) to September, and coincidentaly (haha) as we all know ended up taking place the week and day of 9-11. These exercises involved placing fake radar blips all over the screens at FAA and NORAD, and also involved diverting some 90% of all combat ready aircraft to airspace in canada and russia. It ALSO involved mock terror drills like planes crashing in to the pentagon! (WOW! AMAZING!)

    Also, in April (again, i think, a bit rusty) Dick Cheney drafted a letter (signed in to "law" by the AG) re-assigning SOLE intercept authority to himself.

    Note this is of CRUCIAL importance. The military command allows for ANY ranking official to order an INTERCEPT of potential radar threats, but leaves sole SHOOT-DOWN authority to top of the command chain.

    However what Dick Cheney did was make it so no one could even scramble an aircraft PERIOD without his authority.

    In the months (or years? who the fuck knows) prior to 911 it now seems quite plausible that some group was contracted to rig up both WTC 1, 2 and 7 with explosive devices. One of Bush's brothers is alleged to have been the head of WTC security at the time, and the owners of all three towers had a vested interest in reclaiming this space (ugly design, insurance liability of asbestos, not allowed to demolish it - did not get permit, wanted to redevelop).

    WTC 7 was owned by the Port Authority with financial investment by Blackstone, Bank of America, and GE. You could ask for a more suspect group. A major private equity firm, a massive owner of the Federal Reserve, and a huge war mongering corporation. They leased the entire complex for 99 years to Larry Silverstein just over ONE MONTH before the attacks took place. The provisions of the lease offered Silverstein an "Acts of Terror" clause specificaly COVERING acts of terror. This is MOST unusual.
    Silverstein has since collected over 5 BILLION on his insurance claim. His investment on the lease was less than .5 billion.

    As for the plane in PA?
    I don't think that was part of the plan.
    I believe someone shot down that plane without proper authority -- was probably authorized by an honest general or something, but not from the top, and was possibly headed for WTC 7, or maybe the Capitol.

    There are also reports (that you have probably never heard of) of OTHER airplanes that were being hijacked. There is actualy one report of a group of arab individuals (i think out of an airport in Canada) that actualy got to the terminal, and then turned around! There is audio of an ATC conversation where the operator from NYC calls over to FAA HQ in Va requesting help tracking hijackings and is told "we have another situation we are watching, we have our own problems."


    That is basicaly it.

    What is so hard to understand?
    I probably missed a thing or two, but it's pretty straight forward.

    The most important part is simply that the people who should have know DID know, and that they deliberately confused, distracted, delayed, and prohibited proper investigation in to these "terrorists" before and leading up to 911. In fact NUMEROUS FBI officers have gone on record saying they felt like their investigations were DELIBERATELY derailed.

    Plain and simple.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    And we're "boobs" because we don't agree with you even though we've done our own research and formed our own opinion?
  • "(Why didn't his bag make the flight, and why would you take your WILL on a suicide flight !?!)"

    Also his passport survived in tact amongst all that wreckage further implicating him and was somehow found with all that paper from all that debris?!?!

    They combed through to identify tiny bits of paper but missed chunks of people?

    Holy mother of god that is insane, and people believed that too. Swallowed it right down.

    Paper? The soles of the responders boots were melting walking around it was so hot....paper passports?! Month's later the place still glowing red hot (NASA satellite confirmed) with pools of melted steel flowing in the basements "like a foundry". Impossible temperatures from a simple open air fire.

    Not to mention the videotapes of him gambling and drinking on that yacht just prior to 9/11. Sounds like a devout Muslim to me.

    Oh man...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • PEPPER wrote:
    Wow, can't wait to see the movie...far fetched at its finest (I can see a Great Bruce Willis movie come out of it..Die Hard 9/11)

    Yeah and they rigged a burning building for picture perfect demo in 6 hours.... Forgive me if I recognize your merits based on that logic.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    If I'm Silverstein and I'm leasing a building that has been the site of a terrorist attack in the past---why on Earth would I not buy insurance against "acts of terror". That's just Business 101 right there.

    You do make a compelling argument. I'm a 9/11 skeptic, but not a full blown "truther". The problem you have is with your tone. Maybe if you drop the "talking down to people" angle, people might actually read what you post.
  • If I'm Silverstein and I'm leasing a building that has been the site of a terrorist attack in the past---why on Earth would I not buy insurance against "acts of terror". That's just Business 101 right there.

    You do make a compelling argument. I'm a 9/11 skeptic, but not a full blown "truther". The problem you have is with your tone. Maybe if you drop the "talking down to people" angle, people might actually read what you post.

    "Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion"

    He got 3.55 billion...he planned on getting 7.1 I'd say that about covers it nicely without raising unnecessary eyebrows, and avoiding any suspicious negotiations re: terror attacks. He was in on it as well. He had to be, in order to allow people to come and go and permit restricted access to specific areas of the buildings.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • PEPPER wrote:
    Instead of copying and pasting your thoughts explain to me in your own word

    Sure thing.
    They started the collapse sequence from the top.
    Not that hard to figure out, is it?

    here is your cut and paste

    watch it.

    Care to explain the massive ejection of debris?
    That can not be explained by "pancake collapse".
    Conservation of energy would preclude such massive ejection, just as it would preclude a building ACCELERATING through its center of mass.

    As for the squibs,
    for anyone who wants to argue that they are pockets of air, as the guy says, why are they occuring simultaneously, and further, i would ask why you aren't seeing HUNDREDS of such ejections?

    Surely if you are claiming the force of air is so incredibly great, that you would see more than just a puff or two here or there, right?

    But nope. No, just a few strategicaly placed puffs of air being "forced out by the collapse".

    Yeah right.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • The problem you have is with your tone. Maybe if you drop the "talking down to people" angle, people might actually read what you post.

    I hear you, but that is bullshit.

    Any time one of these threads comes up, the first response is by the Anti-Truthers who are as beligerant as they come.

    "sick of your bullshit", "tin foil hat" and so forth.

    I'm just lucky to still be here.
    Consider anything you read from me on these subjects already SEVERLY PRE CENSORED, because what i really want to say is ... and this is directed at NO ONE right now, so goddamnit kat, keep your pants on:


    But instead, i just reply with a tone that reads as "pompous ass" ... but WHY?

    Because the truth of the matter is that i have already been severly attacked in a personal fashion, but the rules of this board have it so that if someone attacks me, and i attack back, I get the fucking ban stick.

    Its bullshit, but thats how it is.

    So, of COURSE you are going to read angry responses.
    Because you are reading the posts of someone who has just been personally attacked, and repeatedly, and is not allowed to respond in like kind.

    Bunch of crap it is.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • heres a video that opens with that same video from hoboken, but is shows a solid 5-10 minutes before collapse.


    You can NOT say that is shit ejecting or windows breaking from a collapse. HELLO!

    This is like 3-10 minutes BEFORE COLLAPSE.

    WTF is that !??!
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    "Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion"

    He got 3.55 billion...he planned on getting 7.1 I'd say that about covers it nicely without raising unnecessary eyebrows, and avoiding any suspicious negotiations re: terror attacks. He was in on it as well. He had to be, in order to allow people to come and go and permit restricted access to specific areas of the buildings.

    How does him filing two claims show that he was involved? It makes him a greedy asshole who will capitalize off of a tragedy like this. It does not make him involved, or throw up red flags.
  • How does him filing two claims show that he was involved? It makes him a greedy asshole who will capitalize off of a tragedy like this. It does not make him involved, or throw up red flags.

    He knows something.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    Based on what? The "pull" comment? Fishy? Maybe. But basing that he is involved because he wants to double his insurance claim makes no sense.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    He knows something.

    or are you basing this off that his name is SilverSTEIN and MUST be connected to the Israeli's?
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567

    that video has shocked me.. that phone call with that guy ...
  • or are you basing this off that his name is SilverSTEIN and MUST be connected to the Israeli's?


    That's a ridiculous stretch of the imagination...he owned the buildings.... all daily operations funnels up to him.

    Ever own a building? as in you're the owner. The CEO and President

    do the math....
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    So, if I get this're assuming that everything in that whole building went straight to Silverstein and nothing could be done without his knowing of it? It isn't possible at all (if I believed the controlled demolition) that someone pulled the covers over Silversteins eyes?

    Rouge agents within the gov't plotting to fake a terrorist attack-yes? Old, greedy, rich man tries to capitalize financially on terrorist attack that brought down his building-No, he was clearly involved?
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761

    That's a ridiculous stretch of the imagination...he owned the buildings.... all daily operations funnels up to him.

    Ever own a building? as in you're the owner. The CEO and President

    do the math....

    The "Israel" comment was tounge in cheek
  • So, if I get this're assuming that everything in that whole building went straight to Silverstein and nothing could be done without his knowing of it? It isn't possible at all (if I believed the controlled demolition) that someone pulled the covers over Silversteins eyes?

    Rouge agents within the gov't plotting to fake a terrorist attack-yes? Old, greedy, rich man tries to capitalize financially on terrorist attack that brought down his building-No, he was clearly involved?

    No not everything.. But for sure something. He knows what's up.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • because what i really want to say is ... and this is directed at NO ONE right now, so goddamnit kat, keep your pants on:


    heheh now thats funny.
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