A good short read on Bush and Kennedy

Check it out.
I love the part about Bush Sr. denying having asked to see the CIA's JFK files, and then a few years later the CIA releases 18 pages of documents showing that Bush had, in fact, asked REPEATEDLY to view ALL files on JFK.
Now, THAT is fishy.
What a bunch of mother fuckers,
those bush shit heads.
Goddamn killers, just like the Clintons.
Total scum.
I love the part about Bush Sr. denying having asked to see the CIA's JFK files, and then a few years later the CIA releases 18 pages of documents showing that Bush had, in fact, asked REPEATEDLY to view ALL files on JFK.
Now, THAT is fishy.
What a bunch of mother fuckers,
those bush shit heads.
Goddamn killers, just like the Clintons.
Total scum.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
"According to Traffic, it took a ten-man team over a year to research and program an accurate recreation of the surroundings and events that occurred in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. To date, none of the design team has been identified other than Kirk Ewing, the company's Marketing Director, who fielded all questions from the press regarding the program, as well as apparently taking a lot of heat from those who found JFK Reloaded disrespectful to the slain President's memory."
Kirk Ewing:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The plot to kill JFK originates from the very same forces that were working together on the Bay of Pigs and the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro: All these forces had their own reasons to recapture Cuba and to hate Kennedy, whom they also blamed for the failure of the Bay of Pigs.
These groups were 1) The CIA with the approval of some of the highest government officials (like Johnson, Hoover, Ford and Nixon) 2) The anti Castro Cuban exiles 3) Mafiabosses Sam Giancana , Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante and 4) wealthy industrialists and Texan oilmen like H.L. Hunt, Syd Richardson and Clint Murchison. George H.W. Bush has documented connections to all four groups.
Sam Giancana states in his biography that he knew Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon personally (to read the page click here), as well as the aforementioned oil millionaires and George Demohrenshildt (to read the page click here), , and that they planned the JFK assassination together. James Files, the confessed grassy knoll assassin who fired the fatal shot into JFK's head, did not only work for Sam Giancana, but was recruited in the CIA to train Cuban exiles for the Bay of Pigs, by none other than David Atlee Phillips. He claims that one of his later senior supervisors in covert operations was George H.W. Bush. Lyndon Johnson told his mistress Madeline Brown: "It was the CIA and the Oilboys". Bush was both ! In addition he was up to his neck in the Bay of Pigs and the anti Castro movement. What is the chance he could not have known about the plot?
David Atlee Phillips was also the CIA supervisor for Lee Harvey Oswald, a heroic man that was unwittingly chosen to take the blame as the patsy, while led to believe he was to penetrate the group of assassins in order to sabotage the plot and prevent JFK's assassination.
On November 22, 1963 a criminal power elite seized control through a coup d'etat and a subsequent cover up of the truth that lasts until today. This is because they strengthened their position ever since. The key to unlocking the truth lies in one of their most powerful assets: the mainstream media. That is why you were not aware of most of the above !
It is clear that Bush protected the cover-up, as well as individuals and CIA elements that were involved in the JFK assassination. Although the above may not be conclusive evidence for Bush's involvement or knowledge about JFK's murder, all together a bigger and more criminal picture than many of us dare to imagine, emerges, with a direct connection to the political situation of today.
I can't believe no one gives a fuck about this.
The recent discoveries regarding the MASSIVE connections between GHW Bush and the JFK assassination is THE link that makes Kennedy's death RELEVANT AS HELL to all Americans.
This is the link that clearly establishes the lineage of motherfuckers who ate this country up and spit it out.
The assassination of JFK is not some long distant event that has zero relevance to day, it is the smoking gun to which all the corrupt motherfuckers who have run our country since can be connected, with GHW Bush floating somewhere near the center of it all, sort of the glue that binds a great many of these characters together.
A real class A piece of shit.
And yet, you folks just burry your head and babble about Obama.
Rah rah rah!
If I opened it now would you not understand?