Palin on book banning, whats next?

There isn't much difference between this and Nazi Germany. Truly scary, and absolutely pathetic that people support this horror show:
Mccain camp defends her by saying she only "inquired" into book banning, but didn't actually ban any books...that is scary enough.
Mccain camp defends her by saying she only "inquired" into book banning, but didn't actually ban any books...that is scary enough.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I am sorry.. this shit is freakin' scary. This is so beyond what I feel this country is supposed to be about. Having talked to some women I know, who are leaning more on the "undecided" side.. this for them is one of the biggest issues out there in regards to making up their mind about her.
I feel this is something that HAS to be more spoken about.. it shows her true character and it shows how she feels she has authority to pass on her personal own "morality" upon who she governs. SCARY! CENSORSHIP! And threaten those who do not fall to her orders. This truly shows the type of person we are dealing with.
I am terrified.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Lieberman never was a good choice for VP.
And who are these "you people" who wanted Dean as a president? That brush you have must be HUGE.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Actually, Lieberman was a piss poor VP candidate. I am now literally repulsed by the very sound of his voice.
Also, Dean was governor for 10 YEARS and had the state of Vermont with a surplus, something you republicans talk about a lot but never deliver when in office. If I'm correct, Palin couldn't even manage the budget of a town of 5,000 people without leaving a 20,000,000 dollar debt for her successor. Sounds like every other republican track record I know.
But what do I know, I'm just a "flaming liberal!" :rolleyes:
What do you mean "you people?"
Please re-read my post. You need to slow down a little, my right-winged friend. I said "usually."
speaks for itself rather succinctly.
combine that with telling people pray for gas pipelines and calling the Iraq war a "task from god", and you have yourself one serioulsly fucked up reality.
It's getting more bizarre and freakish as the days pass.
I fear many people in the US are bordering on the lunatic fringe.
something's going to pop...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Classic right wing wacko response. I can't defend myself or my party so I will change the subject.
Are you defending Palin's actions or not? This has nothing to do with Lieberman.
Obviously means "Black People".
what do you mean "you people"?
censorship is wrong no matter who does it....whether it's suzie chapstick in alaska or joe "twat" lieberman in dc
It's scary.
This Palin is Fucking LOCO.
"God help us" if the Obama bricks it Like Kerry and Gore.
If Old Man River gets in, and bites it during his first term.
We're all doomed.
let's say's f-n scary that both lieberman and plame wanted to ban books...
sound good?
to build upon this, It's really scary that so many will attempt to justify it just get her ticket elected....
Yes that is even scarier. I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, etc…, this should scare the shit out of you. To me this is not some non-issue. This clearly demonstrates a person's view of the world and it states that anything that they find offensive should be removed or silenced. I don't care what party they represent, I don't care if I agree with every other aspect of that individual I would not vote for someone who believes that books should be banned.
See if Sarah Palin had said she wanted to destroy all the copies of Julia Robert's films I would support her in a heart beat.
See I do because it shows a defect of character. If she is willing to ban books she finds questionable then who is to say that it will end with a few books.
True, but I think she has much more apparent problems; I wouldn't expect a Palin presidency to lead to massive book-bannings...I think the country is beyond that by now.
No I don't think there would be mass book burning but I wouldn't put it past the masses to join in on a book burning if it came to it.
it's not the actions as much as it is the mind set....
Exactly. Banning a few books in some small Alaskan town, in the grand scheme of things, isn't that big of a deal. It's her ideology that anything she finds questionable, and now one is sure what she may find questionable now or in the future, she be banned.