Did Palin have an affair?

Mrs. Family Values could be in big trouble now:
Post edited by Unknown User on
if they just run on ISSUES ... Obama should win.
but if it's true ... chalk up another thing she's got in common with MCCain
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
It's very likely she did. But it doesn't matter. That's her business between here and her husband and family.
Certainly there's several significant reasons to not want her anywhere near the White House. This not being one of them.
To tell you the truth, if she did; it makes her more human ....in my eyes.
Not enough to like her or want to vote for her and her stud-muffin Mavrick.
But it does humanize her a bit.
Unfortunately for her, it also illustrates the glaring hypocrisy of the Repubs and the fictional puritanical image they love to project and preach.
And since any environmentalist that owns a car gets accused of being a hypocrite, then the same could go for any "family values" conservative that has an affair.
I wish it would all go away, but if she had an affair any unfair treatment by the media is NOT because she's a woman, a Republican or a conservative. The media eats this shit up no matter who it is.
yeah me either. could you please use a highlighter and increase the font to 40? thanks
I agree. This whole approach the media and blogs are taking towards her could very well bite them in the ass. They are either going to make her a sympathetic figure, or if she performs well through it, an overly strong character.
For evidence of this, check out hannity.com. I love those kooky neocons who believe whatever Sean hannity and Rush Limbaugh tell them to believe. In january, mcCain was terrible, the worst Republican running. Now he is the greatedt thing since sliced bread. Sliced bread having been invented 2 years before John McCain was born. Every day there are 12 threads about "McCain has won me over" He didn't win you over, Hannity flip flopped faster than Superman on a trampoline, and now his sheep follow him.
Personally... I hope so. It'll be a breath of fresh air to hear about a Republican Sex Scandal that doesn't involve Man-Man or Man-Boy butt sex.
Hail, Hail!!!
It may not be too "politically correct" to say this, but affairs are a fact of life. They happen every day... I wouldn't be surprised if at least half of the people registered on this message board have cheated at some point in their lives. That being said, I've never understood why people in the political domain are constantly villified for supposed indiscretions that are mere facts of life. For some reason, we expect public officials to be accountable for things for which more influential or simple everyday folk are able to live on a very regular basis.
Just another opinion...
Ha, classic and true. It would be nice to read about a good ol' fashion adulterous relationship rather than about preachers & hookers, or preachers and meth addicted dudes, or congress critters and pages.
And who can forget the classic 'Random Man Love in a Filthy Public Restroom at the Airport' scandal. I mean, I don't even like having to take a shit in a public restroom... let alone, having sex... WITH A MAN... in one!!!
Come on... you Republicans... give us a good ol' American sex scandal that involves a vagina... for a change.
Hail, Hail!!!
No doubt, but I thought he just had a wide stance.