Charges Dropped Against Duke Lacrosse Players

TaftTaft Posts: 454
edited December 2006 in A Moving Train
AWESOME news...I hope that girl rots in hell, the fact that the "kidnapping" and sexual assault charges remain is a miscarriage of justice. Nifong needs to wake up and gain a conscience.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    Taft wrote:
    Nifong needs to wake up and gain a conscience.

    Or resign. Or get ready to face a State Bar action against him. The charges still being held are a crock. There's so much about this that screams "Local boy whipping it out and trying to show how big he is against the local university which he thinks is only full of spoiled rich white Yankees."
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Where you there at the party?

    Also, wishing someone would rot in hell is despicable. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • TaftTaft Posts: 454
    know1 wrote:
    Where you there at the party?

    Also, wishing someone would rot in hell is despicable. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    No, falsely claiming rape for months and months against 3 individuals is "despicable". Ruining their lives. Causing a coach with 2 kids to be fired. That is "despicable". As for "rot in hell" its an expression...I hope she lives a HORRID life, is that better?
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    Taft wrote:
    No, falsely claiming rape for months and months against 3 individuals is "despicable". Ruining their lives. Causing a coach with 2 kids to be fired. That is "despicable". As for "rot in hell" its an expression...I hope she lives a HORRID life, is that better?

    I agree...this woman makes lindsay lohan look like a fine young adult.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    know1 wrote:
    Where you there at the party?

    Where? Were?

    She lied about sexual intercourse in the day(s) leading up to the party.
    She has changed her own "eyewitness account" about getting "raped." NOW she says she can't even remember if there was penetration or not.
    She could not positively ID the accused from a lineup--only saying "if he was bigger/had a moustache" to be "sure" it was them.
    She wasn't just a stripper, if you know what I mean.

    Still believe her, and that ass Nifong? I hope the people who voted him back into office feel really stupid now.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    dkst0426 wrote:
    Where? Were?

    She lied about sexual intercourse in the day(s) leading up to the party.
    She has changed her own "eyewitness account" about getting "raped." NOW she says she can't even remember if there was penetration or not.
    She could not positively ID the accused from a lineup--only saying "if he was bigger/had a moustache" to be "sure" it was them.
    She wasn't just a stripper, if you know what I mean.

    Still believe her, and that ass Nifong? I hope the people who voted him back into office feel really stupid now.

    It's still all hearsay, and unless the original poster was there, I stand by my original comment.

    (there's not much lamer than someone who corrects typos on a message board)
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    This sucks. I hate duke. Oh well.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    know1 wrote:
    It's still all hearsay, and unless the original poster was there, I stand by my original comment.

    (there's not much lamer than someone who corrects typos on a message board)

    admitting you are wrong is the first step to rehabilitation.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    miller8966 wrote:
    admitting you are wrong is the first step to rehabilitation.

    How do you know?
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • TaftTaft Posts: 454
    know1 wrote:
    It's still all hearsay, and unless the original poster was there, I stand by my original comment.

    (there's not much lamer than someone who corrects typos on a message board)

    Um, if I didn't edit it, it would have made no sense, I was typing fast, sorry if that makes me "lame".

    Do you even know what hearsay means? Also, by your standard, even if I was at the party that wouldn't be good enough. I would have to be one of the 3 young men, or the accuser to reach your standard of proof for drawing conclusions on this matter.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    This sucks. I hate duke. Oh well.
    It sucks that false charges are being dropped?
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    dkst0426 wrote:
    It sucks that false charges are being dropped?

    Against Duke students...yep.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    Taft wrote:
    Um, if I didn't edit it, it would have made no sense, I was typing fast, sorry if that makes me "lame".
    He was talking to me, I believe. I guess it's lame to know how to spell and type.
  • TaftTaft Posts: 454
    dkst0426 wrote:
    It sucks that false charges are being dropped?

    Didn't you read? He HATES Duke, that makes the false charges okay...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    Taft wrote:
    Didn't you read? He HATES Duke, that makes the false charges okay...


    Alrighty kids, I'm only kidding. The whole fake charges thing sucks and she should be held accountable for ruining these kids lives...even if they do go to Duke. It is something that is so dispicable that I have no idea what should be done with her. Rotting in hell, despite know1's obvious objection, seems about right to me.

    I'd also like to throw a big FU out to the President of the University for firing the coach. nice work. Always have to maintain the image huh?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    Against Duke students...yep.
    So your sense of justice is tainted by your taste in colleges/sports teams?
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    dkst0426 wrote:
    He was talking to me, I believe. I guess it's lame to know how to spell and type.

    Yep, also lame to point it out on a messageboard. Jesus mom, let people type, however fast and incorrectly they want to. Doesn't make a bit of difference.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    I'd also like to throw a big FU out to the President of the University for firing the coach. nice work. Always have to maintain the image huh?
    Mike Pressler RESIGNED on his own. Brodhead came out in SUPPORT of him while promising a deeper look into the partying culture when this whole sorry thing started to unfold.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    dkst0426 wrote:
    So your sense of justice is tainted by your taste in colleges/sports teams?


    Honestly, I never thought anyone would think I was serious. Though I was serious about 1 thing...I hate duke.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    Doesn't make a bit of difference.
    By that logic, neither does a correction, then. So feel free to drop it.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    dkst0426 wrote:
    Mike Pressler RESIGNED on his own. Brodhead came out in SUPPORT of him while promising a deeper look into the partying culture when this whole sorry thing started to unfold.

    And Rumsfled resigned on his own accord while W wanted him to stay on....

    hippiemom = goodness
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Why didn't they drop the rest of the charges? It seems to me there must be at least some merit to them.

    I think it's pretty obvious that they were involved in some sort of incident that wasn't very good or wholesome.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    C'mon......does it change the fact of what happened?
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    know1 wrote:
    I think it's pretty obvious that they were involved in some sort of incident that wasn't very good or wholesome.
    Buzz going around this area:

    She wasn't just a stripper, and when she showed up at the party, she realized she may have bitten off more than she could chew.

    Not to mention the race dynamic at work here.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    dkst0426 wrote:
    Buzz going around this area:

    She wasn't just a stripper, and when she showed up at the party, she realized she may have bitten off more than she could chew.

    Not to mention the race dynamic at work here.

    So in other words, these guys were intentionally hiring a prostitute.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    know1 wrote:
    So in other words, these guys were intentionally hiring a prostitute.

    What's wrong with that? ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    What's wrong with that? ;)


    I guess what's wrong with it is that it's illegal. My point is they could have just as easily been arrested for solicitation. Maybe it's not as bad from a punishment standpoint, but it's debatable that the woman was the one ruining their lives.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    know1 wrote:

    I guess what's wrong with it is that it's illegal. My point is they could have just as easily been arrested for solicitation. Maybe it's not as bad from a punishment standpoint, but it's debatable that the woman was the one ruining their lives.

    Ummm...just a little bit different...

    Soliciating a prostitute vs rape....hmmm...I'm betting 1 has a far bigger impact on the rest of your life than the other.

    Wanna guess?

    By your same logic, if she was just a stripper and the kids did beat and rape her, the kids wouldn't have been the ones ruining her life, right?

    Sure, you put yourself in compromising postions and assume some risk...but not as much as you seem to apply. That's what I think anyhow.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    I feel bad for their coach. He did nothing, was forced to resign, lost all his income for the year just so a pompous jerk could get re-elected.

    Other than that the entire situation is wierd. I don't want to crap on the woman who it seems is already gum on the proverbial shoe and I don't want to crap on those guys either. I hope in the future they use better judgement, and the duke intellectual community and the Durham community will learn to wait before they get on their moral high horse and kill athletes simply because they are biased against them.

    The entire story is bizzare and sad.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Ummm...just a little bit different...

    Soliciating a prostitute vs rape....hmmm...I'm betting 1 has a far bigger impact on the rest of your life than the other.

    Wanna guess?

    By your same logic, if she was just a stripper and the kids did beat and rape her, the kids wouldn't have been the ones ruining her life, right?

    Sure, you put yourself in compromising postions and assume some risk...but not as much as you seem to apply. That's what I think anyhow.

    If she was just a stripper and they didn't do anything that was alleged, then I would agree they weren't ruining their own lives.

    But...if they were soliciting prostitution and were charged as such (and apparently they're lucky they weren't) then they would have that on their records for life.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
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