Air America, we'll miss you!

Yeah right!!!!
AP: Air America Radio Files Chapter 11
Friday October 13, 10:51 am ET
Liberal Talk Radio Network Air America Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection
NEW YORK (AP) -- Air America Radio, a liberal talk and news radio network, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, a network official told the AP.
The network had denied rumors just a month ago that it would file for bankruptcy, but on Friday Air America said negotiations with a creditor from the company's early days had broken down.
The network will stay on the air while it resolves issues with its creditors, spokeswoman Jaime Horn told the Associated Press. A formal announcement was expected to be made later Friday.
Where is all the liberal support???
AP: Air America Radio Files Chapter 11
Friday October 13, 10:51 am ET
Liberal Talk Radio Network Air America Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection
NEW YORK (AP) -- Air America Radio, a liberal talk and news radio network, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, a network official told the AP.
The network had denied rumors just a month ago that it would file for bankruptcy, but on Friday Air America said negotiations with a creditor from the company's early days had broken down.
The network will stay on the air while it resolves issues with its creditors, spokeswoman Jaime Horn told the Associated Press. A formal announcement was expected to be made later Friday.
Where is all the liberal support???
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity but they've always worked for me." Gonzo
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
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Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Or it could be something a little like this:
Air America was conceived as a for-profit operation in response to the perception by many liberals that conservative dominance of talk radio--particularly Rush Limbaugh's popularity--gave the Republicans an electoral advantage over the Democrats because it helped the Republicans turn out their political base. Some argued conservative dominance of talk radio might have played an important role in winning a shift in the balance of the United States House of Representatives in the 1994 midterm elections.
Similarly, critics argued that conservative talk radio hampered Clinton's second term by keeping alive stories of scandal in the White House, and contributing to the victory of George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election.
Many, including British journalists Jonathan Freedland, John Micklethwait, and Adrian Wooldridge, have credited conservative talk radio with helping to shift the tone of American public debate. By creating an electoral environment where Republican candidates are more able to succeed, Democratic candidates are forced further to the right in order to be "electable". Micklethwait and Wooldridge wrote about this in The Right Nation, and David Brock wrote about it in The Republican Noise Machine.
The growing belief that liberal groups were ineffective in getting their viewpoint across in the media was the reason the concept of creating a liberal talk radio network emerged.
A number of conservative commentators countered that the reason conservative shows did well on radio was because of the lack of a conservative voice from more prominent news sources. They asserted that a liberal network would not do well, because those view points are already well represented by other news sources. -wiki
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
we dont need a radio program, we learned how to read a newspaper. that's tough for cons to find time to do when there's so much WWE and nascar to fit into their weekly schedule.
So, which do you think will have a more viable market in the future? Computers or radios?
Liberals dominate the internet..HAHAHAH!!! funny shit man!
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
In any event, since I haven't listened to it in a year doesn't mean I don't care. And besides, like it has been mentioned before, blogging is where it's at these days.
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
??? It does??? Hmm, you must listen to different radio wave...Am/FM/XM/Sirus for me, sure blog's are talked about but going as far as saying "most of what gets talked about on the radio or tv is initiated by a blog," is a little bit of a stretch. The radio I listen to mainly focuses on current events, not blogs.
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
Whatever that means. But I guess Michelle Malkin's having a fit.
Whoever that is.
Anyway, I read this on Free Republic, so it could have just been their traditional paranoia - often reserved for things like the Lame Stream Media, New York Slimes, Hollywierd, or various other dhimmicrat havens.
Who's careers have been ruined, anyway (aside from Air America personalities, of course)?
I would have been happy to listen to Air America if it were on local airwaves...I could only listen via the web...until the IT guy put the kibosh on that...
now I get to listen to rush, hannity, savage, and "the sage" larry's amazing how they tend to say the same thing...over and over and over...
This is so true about politics in general. I wish politicians in all places could get beyond the bullshit and the posturing. And why is it impossible to say "ya, we fucked up, we didn't get it right". Personally, I would respect someone who is honest about whats goin on and about their foibles. Everyone knows that mistakes are gonna be made, so why concoct this wall of bullshit to save party/ideological face ?
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
A snotty crackhead bitch
Liberal media?
I don't know how many times I hear that term, but it really get's on my nerves. Media in the United Staes has an agenda, to be sure, but its job is mainly to distract people away from the important issues. People, or "units" as we are reffered to by the elite. Media may slant liberal on little things to catch our attention (the majority of US citezens call themselves liberal) but the media is in no way supporting the lower classes or running any stories of significance.
I think Air America's failure was due in large part to its partisanship. Nobody gives a shit about democrats vs republicans as they are the same party for all intents and purposes. Air America failed to realize this, and that was led to their demize, I think.
There is still an unrepersented -majority i think- view in mainstream media in the US, one that does not support either primary parties, and I also think it interesting that no one has hinted at that. They just assumed Air America spoke for the voiceless, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
I stopped listening when they cancelled Morning Sedition, with Marc Maron. He was great -- he was funny, he was smart, he had good guests from politics and arts and public policy. When he left, I left.
But it occurred to me that as a liberal, I didn't like talk radio. It seemed to me that they were dumbing things down for the sake of the talk radio audience. Yeah, they were just slinging mud at Republicans, but that's the level of argument you get on talk radio. It's a medium for people who can't be bothered reading and who don't appreciate nuance. Just like Limbaugh and Hannity and O'Reilly, listening to radio just gives you the most basic, simplistic version of events. I just couldn't be bothered anymore.
And the liberal media? Oh yeah -- Fox News -- they're crazy liberals over there. Yeah, and the radio airwaves are crowded with liberal voices like Limbaugh and Hannity and O'Reilly and Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham and Neal Boortz and Michael Reagan and Hugh Hewitt. What a bunch of Pinkos!!
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Very very true. Unlike "ditto-heads" (hilarious that they actually call themselves that) we don't need someone giving us our marching orders. We didn't arrive at our views via propaganda... our views were achieved by reading, logical thinking and discussion.
There isn't much of a need for liberal political radio - except maybe for self-defense against the conservative cranks. Morning Edition is funny at times, but it's pretty much preaching to the choir. I listened to it for awhile, but it became a tired routine. I'd rather listen to music... by liberal musicians
And a lot more people are listening to music than Republican propaganda!
All very true.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Thank you George W Bush and your quest to Protect The Rich with "flexible" chapter 11 protection laws.
Doh! I meant Morning Sedition ... and that it was funny when it was on. I stopped listening after Marc Maron left (or was kicked off?) and I didn't realize (until reading wikipedia just now) that the show was discontinued afterwards.
Marc Maron had some really good bits... Marc the Shark.... ahahahaha. The rest of the deejays didn't entertain me nearly as much, though I've never heard the late night shows.
I still listen to clips of Rapture Watch, Lawton Smalls, and the War on Brains. I still laugh out loud.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Baba Booey
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all