Will Iraq ever take the damn baton?

It's like we're in a relay race with them on our team, but they keep running away from us as we try to get closer to them to hand them the damn baton!
Fucking step the hell up and take over your country, Iraq. We're tired of doing it for you.
Yeah, yeah I know; if we hadn't invaded your country in the first place, you wouldn't be where you are at now. And I agree, we shouldn't have invaded. However, we can't change that and now you MUST take back over your country so we can get the hell outta there!!
Fucking step the hell up and take over your country, Iraq. We're tired of doing it for you.
Yeah, yeah I know; if we hadn't invaded your country in the first place, you wouldn't be where you are at now. And I agree, we shouldn't have invaded. However, we can't change that and now you MUST take back over your country so we can get the hell outta there!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Hail, Hail!!!
Does anyone remember how the Iraqis performed in the 1991 Gulf War? In the 2003 Invasion? Their weapon of choice is the White Flag.
Why do we think they will all of a sudden want to risk their lives now?
Hail, Hail!!!
that was funny
Step up? who? there are competing camps. They want all want to step up. They will step up when we let them. They will compete and then there will be an Iraq. right now they are not allowed to compete save for the camps the occupying nation approves.
There is no Iraq right now - only land conquered and claimed but the US. We must either leave or perhaps petition Iraq for statehood.
I think the sign that you hate America is when you cringe at the thought of making Iraq more like us (you know, the ones who can go to the supermarket and not get their arm blown off).
Making Iraq more like us by killing them until they act like us? If you don't want this you hate America?
No, when you cringe that we are trying to make Iraq more like America. Killing or not. Just the thought of another country being like us making you cringe. That is a sign that you hate America.
P.S. The fact that you cringe when people call the USA "America" is another reason why you hate America.
This is supposed to make as much sense as the goddamn occupation of Iraq, eh?
We, the US, helped put Saddam in power many years ago, did we not? But that's beside the point.
We, the US, were attacked by Osama bin Ladin back in 2001, were we not? But that's beside the point.
We, the US, have made the War on Terror our main goal ever since, have we not? But that's beside the point.
We, the US, have let our president and vice president rape our Constitution and take over our Department of Justice, have we not? But that's beside the point.
I don't know about all of YOU, but I myself just want to stand right beside the point.
So that I can kick that point right in the point that hurts.
Well, vote in new leaders. It's America. I like it. Take away all those points you made and you still would complain because they built a Starbucks in your neighborhood. When you love something you take it with its faults. You should try to fix its major problems. When you hate something you'll always find something no matter how small to complain about.
It kind of hard to do that with chopped off hands.
Nah, I get what you say. This thing sucks for everybody : runners are tired of running and the public is tired of watching.
ok, if you can say he hates america, then i can say your a fucking idiot
dissent does not equal hate, so give up with that shit. or just back in line and enjoy the cherry flavored kool aid being served to you
dissent is the pivotal key to democracy and freedom, whether you can grasp the concept or not
funny, they had people like you shaking in your boots prior to the 2003 invasion, enough so to support a preemptive invasion when they posed no threat in reality
funny how your guys tune changes with the wind... 2003 mushroom clouds will be the smoking gun, now they are weak. make your mind up :rolleyes:
so who made us like them when we formed this great country? oh, thats right. no one.
what a joke
once you understand the administration and it's corporate interests are only interested in oil and profit, and care nothing about iraqi freedom or starbucks, the better off you will be in understanding this conflict and our role. sorry dude, thats the fucking fact of the matter. i know it breaks your heart, but its the truth
That's not really true. I think the real concern was more so that Saddam had WMDs that could be sold or given to terrorist organizations to carry out attacks. Not scared of the Iraqi army.
Enjoy your lime flavored kool-aid of dissent.
Enough with the kool-aid, everyone's drinking some.
Which of course would never happen.
He had since 1979 to do it. And never did. And never would.
But hey - war based on hypotheticals and flimsy/concocted evidence by people on the US payroll (ahem - Chalabi) is easier than being a real leader.
I don't cringe at that...and again, WTF are you talking about? It's almost like you are replying to a different thread in this one.
There is is kiddies... the basic flaw in the entire U.S. Foriegn Relations. The simple assumption that everyone else either wants to be like us... or that if they were like us, all of their problems would disappear.
Maybe if we helped Iraqis build their own country in the manner in which THEY choose whose blueprints to follow, we wouldn't be getting all tangled up in their bullshit.
What if Iraqis want a Fundamentalist Theocracy that follows Shria Law? Should we force them into a society that fits our wants... or theirs?
Hail, Hail!!!