canadian police stun man at airport.. he dies

Canadian stun gun death on video
The video shows Mr Dziekanski being pinned down by police. Credit: CBC
Footage of stunning
Video footage has been released in Canada showing the last moments of an immigrant who died after being stunned with a Taser by police.
Robert Dziekanski, 40, of Pieszyce, Poland, was restrained by police after becoming agitated at Vancouver International Airport on 14 October.
Mr Dziekanski, who spoke no English, was declared dead at the scene by an emergency medical team.
The incident is being investigated by police, the airport and the coroner.
See how a Taser works
Police spokesman Cpl Dale Carr said the video was just one piece of evidence, and urged people to wait for the results of the inquest.
Mr Dziekanski, a construction worker, was emigrating to Canada to join his mother, who lived in the western province of British Colombia.
The incident has prompted a debate about police use of Taser stun guns by police in Canada.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation says up to 18 people have died after being stunned by a Taser in Canada since 2003.
The video was shot by a 15-year-old Canadian traveller and handed over to police, and has only just been returned to the teenager, Paul Pritchard.
It starts before the police arrive, with Mr Dziekanski seen through a glass wall in a customs area. He appears agitated, sweating and breathing heavily. Airport security officials and passengers watch from the other side.
Mr Dziekanski was agitated and sweating. Credit: CBC
Having landed 10 hours earlier, he is seen pacing back and forth through an automatic door, standing briefly in the doorway with a small folding table, and then later with a chair.
At one point, he takes what looks like a laptop computer off a counter and throws it to the ground, and then throws the small table against the glass wall.
Four policemen then walk into view. They walk through the glass doors towards Mr Dziekanski, who turns his back on them. Witnesses say he appeared to pick up a stapler.
Seconds later, Mr Dziekanski is stunned by a Taser and falls down screaming and convulsing.
He is stunned a second time again, and then the police officers restrain him on the floor. Mr Dziekanski's screams die down, and he is seen lying still.
A voice is heard saying "code red", which is code for a medical emergency.
An autopsy found no sign of drugs or alcohol in Mr Dziekanski's system, and failed to pinpoint the cause of death.
Airport mix-up
Walter Kosteckyj, the victim's family lawyer, said Mr Dziekanski's mother had seen portions of the video and had approved its release to the public.
"She had a son in distress, he was looking for help, he was frightened, and he didn't get that help," Mr Kosteckyj said.
He said he was disturbed by the video because Mr Dziekanski was not violent.
"I was expecting to see a confrontation, a discussion and things go sideways, then the tasering... That's not what you see," he said.
Mr Dziekanski was coming to Canada to be with his mother, Zofia
Mr Dziekanski had boarded a plane for the first time a day earlier in Germany, and the pair had arranged to meet at the baggage carousel in the international terminal.
Neither of them knew the baggage carousel was inside a secure area, with no view of the public arrivals hall area, except for a short distance through sliding glass doors, Mr Kosteckyj said.
No airport, customs or security employees at the airport apparently tried to help either of them, he added.
Eventually Mr Dziekanski emerged into the public area, but his mother had left after six hours and Mr Dziekanski apparently panicked, the lawyer said.
The video shows Mr Dziekanski being pinned down by police. Credit: CBC
Footage of stunning
Video footage has been released in Canada showing the last moments of an immigrant who died after being stunned with a Taser by police.
Robert Dziekanski, 40, of Pieszyce, Poland, was restrained by police after becoming agitated at Vancouver International Airport on 14 October.
Mr Dziekanski, who spoke no English, was declared dead at the scene by an emergency medical team.
The incident is being investigated by police, the airport and the coroner.
See how a Taser works
Police spokesman Cpl Dale Carr said the video was just one piece of evidence, and urged people to wait for the results of the inquest.
Mr Dziekanski, a construction worker, was emigrating to Canada to join his mother, who lived in the western province of British Colombia.
The incident has prompted a debate about police use of Taser stun guns by police in Canada.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation says up to 18 people have died after being stunned by a Taser in Canada since 2003.
The video was shot by a 15-year-old Canadian traveller and handed over to police, and has only just been returned to the teenager, Paul Pritchard.
It starts before the police arrive, with Mr Dziekanski seen through a glass wall in a customs area. He appears agitated, sweating and breathing heavily. Airport security officials and passengers watch from the other side.
Mr Dziekanski was agitated and sweating. Credit: CBC
Having landed 10 hours earlier, he is seen pacing back and forth through an automatic door, standing briefly in the doorway with a small folding table, and then later with a chair.
At one point, he takes what looks like a laptop computer off a counter and throws it to the ground, and then throws the small table against the glass wall.
Four policemen then walk into view. They walk through the glass doors towards Mr Dziekanski, who turns his back on them. Witnesses say he appeared to pick up a stapler.
Seconds later, Mr Dziekanski is stunned by a Taser and falls down screaming and convulsing.
He is stunned a second time again, and then the police officers restrain him on the floor. Mr Dziekanski's screams die down, and he is seen lying still.
A voice is heard saying "code red", which is code for a medical emergency.
An autopsy found no sign of drugs or alcohol in Mr Dziekanski's system, and failed to pinpoint the cause of death.
Airport mix-up
Walter Kosteckyj, the victim's family lawyer, said Mr Dziekanski's mother had seen portions of the video and had approved its release to the public.
"She had a son in distress, he was looking for help, he was frightened, and he didn't get that help," Mr Kosteckyj said.
He said he was disturbed by the video because Mr Dziekanski was not violent.
"I was expecting to see a confrontation, a discussion and things go sideways, then the tasering... That's not what you see," he said.
Mr Dziekanski was coming to Canada to be with his mother, Zofia
Mr Dziekanski had boarded a plane for the first time a day earlier in Germany, and the pair had arranged to meet at the baggage carousel in the international terminal.
Neither of them knew the baggage carousel was inside a secure area, with no view of the public arrivals hall area, except for a short distance through sliding glass doors, Mr Kosteckyj said.
No airport, customs or security employees at the airport apparently tried to help either of them, he added.
Eventually Mr Dziekanski emerged into the public area, but his mother had left after six hours and Mr Dziekanski apparently panicked, the lawyer said.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I would assume that people on this board from the way they boast about the world should keep up on news from around the world.
Yeah, a little too much force for an overblown incident. Imagine if the guy had a beard and wasn't white? The real guns probably would have been used.
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
And you know, if I'd been there I would have been banging on the glass screaming at the cops to stop - distracting them. They used excessive force on a guy who was not armed and was obviously in distress. Hello? Call for a translater, you dumbasses.
I've never been more embarrassed by the RCMP than I am now. At least this time, the investigation into their actions is an independent 3rd party one..
Yeah those internal investigations don't seem to come up with too many "right" answers do they.
As if the knee on the neck wasn't doing the job, let's throw a couple thousand volts through the guy. WTF!!!
But, why didn't the police try physical restraint or communication. They just cornered him, tasered him like he was cattle and he died.
It's a shame that this situation wasn't dealt with better.
How rare?
You are more likely to die from a lightning strike than terrorism or a school shooting, but those are huge issues.
CBS reports 70 deaths where TASER was a factor.
Personally, I'd rather be shot in the leg than tasered. But in many of these cases, like this one in Van, restraint was never used, communication with the suspect was never established. The police walked in, surrounded the man and unleashed a deadly weapon on him, now he's dead.
EDIT: The CBS article is from 2004. 70 deaths, as of, 2004.
I know someone that has been watching the introduction of the taser gun in this country and it has never caused any problems so far. First hand experience, but of course there will always be problems at some stage.
It's interesting. I'll be watching this space.
I don't think they've been watching it too closely if they report no problems with it.
It was a well known fact before the introduction of taser that electricity kills. A 2 second stun should be all that is required to fuck with muscle function. When police zap a guy 9 times in 45 seconds or for 10 seconds at a time, they are killing him.
According to Amensty International
As of 30, November, 2004
There is also evidence to suggest that, far from being used to avoid lethal force, many US police agencies are deploying tasers as a routine force option to subdue non-compliant or disturbed individuals who do not pose a serious danger to themselves or others. In some departments, tasers have become the most prevalent force tool. They have been used against unruly schoolchildren; unarmed mentally disturbed or intoxicated individuals; suspects fleeing minor crime scenes and people who argue with police or fail to comply immediately with a command. Cases described in this report include the stunning of a 15-year-old schoolgirl in Florida, following a dispute on a bus, and a 13- year-old girl in Arizona, who threw a book in a public library.
Amnesty International is further concerned by the growing number of fatalities involving police tasers. Since 2001, more than 70 people are reported to have died in the USA and Canada after being struck by M26 or X26 tasers, with the numbers rising each year. While coroners have tended to attribute such deaths to other factors (such as drug intoxication), some medical experts question whether the taser shocks may exacerbate a risk of heart failure in cases where persons are agitated, under the influence of drugs, or have underlying health problems such as heart disease. In at least five recent cases, coroners have found the taser directly contributed to the death, along with other factors such as drug abuse and heart disease. As discussed below, the death toll heightens Amnesty International’s concern about the safety of stun weapons and the lack of rigorous, independent testing as to their medical effects.
That number has since risen to 245 taser related deaths according to Wikipedia.
You got to spend it all
Tasing should be banned immediately. If people are dying from it's no damn good. It's just not a viable solution. One death is too many, if it can be easily avoided. It's in an airport, the guy is weaponless, he passed through all kinds of security, theres all kinds of cops in BP vests. Pepper spray him...that's it.
Electrocuting people when you got all kinds of cops present. Fucking stupidity.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That's a fair point but I'm guessing there must be some reason why people have been doing research into other ways to restrain someone. (Taser's).
If the police are using them on the wrong people that's their fault as individuals. Perhaps THEY haven't had enough training on how to use them properly, that they should be used only if necessary.
The voltage is usually high, it has to be, but the amperage is typically low.
The relatively low electric current must be pushed by high voltage to overcome the electrical resistance of the human body. The resulting 'shock' is caused by muscles twitching uncontrollably, appearing as muscle spasms. However, because the amount of current is relatively low, there is considered to be a 'margin' of safety by a number of medical experts. Experts generally agree that this margin is highly dependent on the overall health of the person subjected to the shock. Usually, the higher the voltage, the more effective it is. It may take several seconds to subdue a subject with 100 kV, but only about a second with 1 MV (1,000 kV).[verification needed]
In current electroshock weapon models, the current is sometimes relatively low (2.1 mA to 3.6 mA) which is based in part on the electrical supply, (but for example M-26 Taser models produce a peak current of 18 amperes in pulses that last for around 10 microseconds [1] and use eight AA batteries). Electrical current above 10 mA at 60Hz AC is considered to be potentially lethal to humans, though not all electroshock weapons pulse the current at 60 Hz.
The internal circuits of most electroshock weapons are fairly simple, either based on an oscillator, resonant circuit and step-up transformer or diode-capacitor voltage multipliers to achieve the continuous, direct or alternating high-voltage discharge may be powered by one or more 9 V battery depending on manufacturer, and model. The output voltages without external "load" (which would be the target's body) are claimed to be in the range of 50 kV up to 1000 kV, with the most common being in the 200 to 300 kV range. However since air has a dielectric breakdown (Emax) of 3000 kV/m, it is clear that the spacing of the electrodes will not permit the upper range of claimed voltages (900 kV representing a minimum electrode spacing of about 30 cm). The output current upon contact with the target will depend on various factors such as target's resistance, skin type, moisture, bodily salinity, clothing, the electroshock weapon's internal circuitry and battery conditions.[2][3]
According to the many sources, a shock of half a second duration will cause intense pain and muscle contractions startling most people greatly. Two to three seconds will often cause the subject to become dazed and drop to the ground, and over three seconds will usually completely disorient and drop an attacker for at least several seconds and possibly for up to fifteen minutes.[citation needed] TASER International warns law enforcement agencies that “prolonged or continuous exposure(s) to the TASER device’s electrical charge” may lead to medical risks such as cumulative exhaustion and breathing impairment.[4] Because there is no automatic stop on a taser gun, many officers have used it repeatedly or for a prolonged period of time, thus potentially contributing to suspects’ injuries or death.[5][6]
"With typical reductionism, the media are fixated on tasers. Shouldn't equal attention be paid to the display of uncaring indifference by the Vancouver Airport Authority, the sit-on-our-asses incompetence of the border and immigration services and last but not least, the overreaction and aggression by the RCMP?"
"This man didn't speak English and it was too much trouble to find a way to communicate. And it was too much trouble to respond to his mother's pleas. Perhaps the immediate reponse should be to mount posters in the staff offices of civil and airport services with Mr. Dziekanski's picture, stating: "Because he was too much trouble to you, this man died. Part of your job is walking the extra mile"."
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
Training is key.
apparently they've just developed a puke ray gun that uses LED's to give the person vertigo.
I don't know if it actually makes you puke as the article seems to indicate, but it messes you up apparently.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Thanks for the link. That's interesting. I can't see it taking off though. We'll see.