If they can scrap that, scrap this! (vatican/catholics)

On the news this morning (bbc 24) it reported that the Pope is going to announce that Limbo no longer exists.... That is quite a long-held belief... Now if they can scrap that why can they not scrap their hate towards homosexuals and also the use of condoms?
a few years ago the Pope got rid of the idea babies who died but had not yet been baptised didnt go to heaven.......
a few years ago the Pope got rid of the idea babies who died but had not yet been baptised didnt go to heaven.......
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angels share laughter
Bloody hell!!!! What am I gonna do??? I'm been in limbo all my life!!!!
Where am I gonna go?????
Joke apart... they need to get real. Scrap all those man-made notions of punishment and reward. Stick to the 'live a good life and be kind to others', whether these others are muslims, buddhists, homosexuals or whatever other religious or discriminatory group we wish to put them in>
That's good.
Tell that to the folks at the Roller Rink! I think they would beg to differ
You’re either for God or against Him.
On a related note, I will be holding a press conference tomorrow to announce that the Easter bunny no longer exists.
Where have you been?
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
....or so the Germans would have us believe.
He actually signed a deal with Energizer in the early 80's.
He's far too powerful now for even the catholics.
You know they're even making Pink batteries now to honor him?
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
As long as decent people of non-Christian faiths still go to hell...that is what is important.
People can mock the Catholics all they want ... Heck, a lot of it is even justified. But however slow they may do so, they do modernize. A few other groups of people should be taking notes instead of burning shit in the streets.
i know what you mean. those damn scientologists keep me up all night with their burnings
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The Bunnyists are on to you and you will pay for your blasphemy, you infidel!
Nooooooooo........ :eek: Not the Easter Bunny...... :eek:eek:
What next? The tooth fairy????