bush calls it an act of god's will

darkcrowdarkcrow Posts: 1,102
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train

"Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, a Republican presidential hopeful, attended the rally, as did Senator Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania, Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, and Daniel Ayalon, the Israeli Ambassador.

Mr Hagee called the Israeli attacks on Lebanon a “miracle of God” and suggested that a ceasefire would violate “God’s foreign policy statement” towards Jews. The evangelist is a leading figure in the so-called Christian-Zionist movement, rooted in a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelations, which predicts a final battle between good and evil in Israel, where two billion people will die before Christ’s return ushers in a 1,000-year period of grace.

“The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching . . . Rejoice and be exceeding glad — the best is yet to be,” Mr Hagee has written in a book that has sold 700,000 copies.

President Bush sent a message to the gathering praising Mr Hagee and his supporters for “spreading the hope of God’s love and the universal gift of freedom”. He is said to have added: “God bless and stand by the people of Israel and God bless the United States.” "

yep alienate even more muslims bush... thats the right way to go....
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Rev. Hagee is awesome. He rocks! I see him sometimes on tv!
  • The Waiting Trophy ManThe Waiting Trophy Man Niagara region, Ontario, Canada Posts: 12,158
    godamn it. *shakes head*
    Another habit says it's in love with you
    Another habit says its long overdue
    Another habit like an unwanted friend
    I'm so happy with my righteous self
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Rev. Hagee is awesome. He rocks! I see him sometimes on tv!

    is he the one who waives his coat over his head and heals people...? that guy cracks me up...
  • inmytree wrote:
    is he the one who waives his coat over his head and heals people...? that guy cracks me up...

    no that's not him! He just preaches. Some of the others worry me sometimes.
  • darkcrow wrote:

    "Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, a Republican presidential hopeful, attended the rally, as did Senator Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania, Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, and Daniel Ayalon, the Israeli Ambassador.

    Mr Hagee called the Israeli attacks on Lebanon a “miracle of God” and suggested that a ceasefire would violate “God’s foreign policy statement” towards Jews. The evangelist is a leading figure in the so-called Christian-Zionist movement, rooted in a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelations, which predicts a final battle between good and evil in Israel, where two billion people will die before Christ’s return ushers in a 1,000-year period of grace.

    “The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching . . . Rejoice and be exceeding glad — the best is yet to be,” Mr Hagee has written in a book that has sold 700,000 copies.

    President Bush sent a message to the gathering praising Mr Hagee and his supporters for “spreading the hope of God’s love and the universal gift of freedom”. He is said to have added: “God bless and stand by the people of Israel and God bless the United States.” "

    yep alienate even more muslims bush... thats the right way to go....

    I just read the article and your headline is 100 percent

    FALSE AND MISLEADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It was Rev. Hagee that said it wa an act of Gods Will.

    How can you spin this into bush saying this??? INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    no that's not him! He just preaches. Some of the others worry me sometimes.

    well if he ain't got the healin' powers, I want nothing to do with him..
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    darkcrow wrote:

    "Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, a Republican presidential hopeful, attended the rally, as did Senator Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania, Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, and Daniel Ayalon, the Israeli Ambassador.

    Mr Hagee called the Israeli attacks on Lebanon a “miracle of God” and suggested that a ceasefire would violate “God’s foreign policy statement” towards Jews. The evangelist is a leading figure in the so-called Christian-Zionist movement, rooted in a literal interpretation of the Book of Revelations, which predicts a final battle between good and evil in Israel, where two billion people will die before Christ’s return ushers in a 1,000-year period of grace.

    “The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching . . . Rejoice and be exceeding glad — the best is yet to be,” Mr Hagee has written in a book that has sold 700,000 copies.

    President Bush sent a message to the gathering praising Mr Hagee and his supporters for “spreading the hope of God’s love and the universal gift of freedom”. He is said to have added: “God bless and stand by the people of Israel and God bless the United States.” "

    yep alienate even more muslims bush... thats the right way to go....

    Hagee is a delusional whackjob who belongs in the same catagory as all the radical Muslim extremists and their mental dearrangements of "Holy and Godly" crusades. They deserve each other.

    I say fly him (Hagee) and those like him, over to Al Queda land and let them fight each other with plastic spoons and stiff sheets of thin paper.

    Let them spoon and paper-cut each other till one side screams...." I give"
  • Jammin909Jammin909 Posts: 888
    I just read the article and your headline is 100 percent

    FALSE AND MISLEADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It was Rev. Hagee that said it wa an act of Gods Will.

    How can you spin this into bush saying this??? INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, relax. I thought the same but then read the article.

    You act as if this is the first time you have been misled by a title...
    The less you know, the more you believe.
  • Jammin909 wrote:
    OK, relax. I thought the same but then read the article.

    You act as if this is the first time you have been misled by a title...

    No, just tired of it!
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    Yeah, christianity is just as bad as any other religion. The other day I was watching the 700 club when Pat Roberson said, "You know, the druse muslims and the christians in Beirut lived peacefully together until Arafat came along with his PLO cronies and changed everything....Arafat destroyed that society."

    Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but hadn't the Christians and the Muslims been battling for control of Lebanon long before Arafat ever showed up in his Volkswagen and Al Fatah affiliation? Leave it up to the 700 club to put a pro-christian spin on what really happened.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    can 08 get here any faster.god dam its fucking amazing how much this country has gone to shit in 6 years, with these fucking bastard.i hope these people that are ruining this country burn in hell.FUCK AMERICA
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?


    You know what they say....
  • not4unot4u Posts: 512
    replace god with the word satan and its 100%right imo. There has been no exhaustion of reasoning so war is not the only answer. When war is not the final answer in a world of what we know as good and evil, Evil prevails here, Not God. I don't even think God would approve of war even if it was the final answer, there is always another way. What really makes me sick is my idol and teacher Jesus Christ's name is being used in vain. That is a strong sin upon thier souls. Using Christ's name in vain to controll or persuade a giant population is to perfectly not accept him into your heart. Ergo, their reciprocal... and that is just the start.....
    we don't want war, but we still want more?
  • NewJPageNewJPage Posts: 3,313
    darkcrow wrote:
    which predicts a final battle between good and evil in Israel, where two billion people will die before Christ’s return ushers in a 1,000-year period of grace.

    amazing...there were probably, what, like 20 million people on the planet when this "book" was written, yet somehow the divine powers that be knew we'd fuck like rabbits to create 2 billion spare people to kill!! my mind is blown, and i am now a complete follower...i will also begin taking up slavery again...damn this book had some great ideas!
    6/26/98, 8/17/00, 10/8/00, 12/8/02, 12/9/02, 4/25/03, 5/28/03, 6/1/03, 6/3/03, 6/5/03, 6/6/03, 6/12/03, 6/13/03, 6/15/03, 6/18/03, 6/21/03, 6/22/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03, 10/3/04, 10/5/04, 9/9/05, 9/11/05, 9/16/05, 5/16/06, 5/17/06, 5/19/06, 6/30/06, 7/23/06, 8/5/07, 6/30/08, 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 5/4/10, 5/7/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/11/13, 10/17/14, 8/20/16
  • If it is God's will to slaughter innocent Muslims, then God is a total prick.

    God's will my ass.

    Somehow, I doubt he values Christians and Jews over everybody else.
    Once upon a time, there was a lovely little sausage called Baldrick, and it lived happily ever after. The End.
  • veritasveritas Posts: 31
    if the jews are not there in jerusalem ...who is jesus going to kill?

    Here's a token of my openness
    Of my need to not disappear
    How I'm feeling, so revealing to me
    I found my mind too clear
    I just need someone to be there for.. me
    I just want someone to be there for.. me

    All the static in my attic-a
    Shoots down my side nerve
    To the ocean of my platitudes
    Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
    I just need someone to be there for..
    I just want someone to be there for..
    Someone to be there for..

    'Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
    I'm not trying to make a difference
    I'll stop trying to make a difference
    No way
    'Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
    I'm not trying to make a difference
    I'll stop trying to make a difference
    No way

    Ooh... Let's call in an angel
    Ooh... Let's call in an angel
    Ooh... Let's call in an angel

    'Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
    I'm not trying to make a difference
    I'll stop trying to make a difference
    No way
    Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
    I'm not trying to make a difference
    I'm not trying to make a difference
    No way, no way
    riot act is best

    cunts watch their bodies
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    http://www.christianzionism.org (against christian zionism)


    a lot to think about here in these sites. i'd express opinions on this info, but i haven't been able to completely think it out yet. for now, i just think its interesting to consider christian and jewish opinion that is the opposite of the christian and jewish opinions found in the mainstream media. however, i still think there needs to be a secular way to solve this conflict.
  • OpenOpen Posts: 792
    Antz was on TV the other day and it must have been written by Nostrodomus...b/c it's almost parallel to Bush's America (I'm sure that's why HBO keeps replaying it) At the end when that general finally says "I am the colony", it would not suprise me if ol GW comes out one day and cries out "I am God" That's the only way any of this shit going on would be the will of a "god".
  • What century are we living in? Evolve people.
    "Bombs dropping down. Please forgive our hometown"
  • aBoxOfFear wrote:
    godamn it. *shakes head*
    exactly my thoughts.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..


    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
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