Anybody here purchase tix to one of ed's solo shows out west through ebay or a tciket agency? Wondering how much they might go for this time around if i get shut out of 10 club and ticketmaster. Thanks.
Anybody here purchase tix to one of ed's solo shows out west through ebay or a tciket agency? Wondering how much they might go for this time around if i get shut out of 10 club and ticketmaster. Thanks.
It seemed like $150 was the minimum per ticket. The good seats were selling for $400-500 a ticket.
I paid roughly 425 for my tickets to both nights in San Diego. First night upper balcony stage left (1/2 way back) second night dead center second or third row mezanine.
I bought them through StubHub. It wasn't a guarantee, but I did't have a huge problem finding them either.
i paid 330 total for two tickets from an agency. well worth it. this isn't something you can experience very often. i also noticed that the prices only went up as the concert neared. buy them early if you get shutout of 10c and ticketbastard.
I paid $125 each through Stubhub for Santa Cruz...the seats were on the floor, about 15 rows back. they were good seats, but there were lots of tall people in front of us!
Like the others said they were going for about $150. I have found with ebay that if you look hard enough you usually find good deals. I got a ticket to the Santa Cruz show about 20 rows back on the floor for $80. I also got good seats for PJ in Tampa and decent seats for WPB for almost face value on ebay. Decent prices are there you just have to be patient and look for them.
Watch the pit for threads by people with spares or who had to change their plans. I was on both sides of some face value kindness for four different shows.
If the venues are about the same size as they were in CA, it really won't matter where the seats are in the place.
“Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere...
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead...overhead...”
It seemed like $150 was the minimum per ticket. The good seats were selling for $400-500 a ticket.
I bought them through StubHub. It wasn't a guarantee, but I did't have a huge problem finding them either.
If the venues are about the same size as they were in CA, it really won't matter where the seats are in the place.
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead...overhead...”