Cut off his nuts??!!??

I'm not an Obama guy but this is a little harsh. I guess you have to consider the source.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Comments thinks Jesse has a man-crush on Obama. Jesse has balls on his mind.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Genius post. Thank you, sir, for making my morning.
Castration, the cutting off of the nuts, has a very racist implication attached to it. Anyone who knows even just a little bit about slavery and the practices of slave owners (not just here in the USA, but all over the world) for hundreds....thousands of years; knows castration was used on male slaves who came in close proximity of the females (daughters, wives, other family members) of the slave owners. To prevent any intercourse or pregnancies.
I find it interesting that Jackson, a man who champions himself into every situation and occurance that may have even the most minescule of chances of a racism element; would make such a loaded comment. I mean, that's like dragging razor wire through a corn field.
At least he showed up. McCain didn't even have the b---s to show up, kind of a growing pattern with him.
Great defense. But I have news for you, BOTH of them are clowns. Now back on topic, Jesse Jackass, please go away.
thank god someone is speaking the truth about this subject
Self Responsibility... take care of your children
Sharpton had some good quotes:
"Sharpton said people "must be careful not to segregate Sen. Obama and impose some litmus test that is unfair and unproductive."
"We must be very clear that Sen. Obama ... is running for president for all Americans, not just African-Americans -- which is why most Americans have embraced his campaign," Sharpton said."
jesse jackson has exploited racial tensions for years now... he isnt trying to help anyone but himself
lets just say i am not a big fan of jesse jackson
Only if there is a camera around.
1. It wasn't a defense it was a statement of fact.
2. Clowns or not, one of these men is going to be the next President of the U.S. of A
3. topic " Cut off his nuts" so there's the reference of the reply. As to the person who made the original statement, Jesse Jackson's opinions are irrelevant and have been for a long time. Now that he has had his 15 minutes maybe someone will put him back in hibernation? Obama's campaign is respectful of Jesse Jackson but it is not dependent upon him. Obama's message of change doesn't mean that it will all come from the government, it means you as Americans have to step up too and if Jesse Jackson doesn't approve of that message, then he's part of a continuing problem in his own community.
And that is what is wrong with our two party system...
2003-06-02 Irvine
2003-10-26 Mountain View-Bridge School
2006-07-09 Los Angeles
2006-07-10 Los Angeles
2006-10-22 Mountain View- Bridge School
2008-07-19 UCLA-Who Rock Honors
2009-10-1 Los Angeles-2
2009-10-9 San Diego
Very true. Very accurate.
Sadly, the absentee father crisis is also occuring and increasing with whites and hispanics.
Both men and women of this country need to get a grip, grow the fuck up and start putting their children ahead of their self-interested, irresponsible and shelfish whims.
I know of two men who's wives/girlfriends abandoned their children and them.
The two men now work, take care and raise the children on their own; with some help from Daycare and family members.
Not really critiquing anyone, and I totally understand being graceful and not spelling it out. Still, I just thought it was kind of amusing that puremagic was delicate with the word balls in a thread about cutting off nuts.
He is only relevant when you need to fill a 24 hour news cycle.