The sad state of politics

With Nader announcing his run it reminded me of the band's support for him in the past. I also think that there in not one candidate that is going to do a good job for this country.
Now, first off, I'm a Ron Paul guy because as a taxpayer and citizen I believe in a sovereign nation. The rest that are running have decided that outsiders are going to make our laws and have been on a mission to cater to them. As a citizen and resident of Illinois I regret voting for Barack Obama for Senate. He has done nothing to protect this state, and he fails as a Senator. What is his showup percentage for voting? I'm guessing extremely low.
I ask these questions of Obama supporters. Why would you vote for someone who is going to raise our taxes more? Do you not know that his proposed financial plan spends more money than all of the other candidates? He is going to tax us blind. We are already in deep financial crisis and he wants to expand that and pass the costs on to us.
Why support a guy that wants to give amnesty to those that are breaking our laws? He is going to abolish workplace raids on companies that employ illegal aliens. He is going to give them amnesty and he also supports the DREAM Act which has the taxpayers paying for tuition for the children of illegal aliens. I'm sure many citizens would like to have that.
He also supports giving Social Security benefits for illegal aliens. Isn't there a problem with this since it is widely known that funding for citizens is going to run out someday unless it is fixed? Why strain the system more by giving payments out to those who are breaking our laws?
Do you people not care about protecting our country and defending it from people whose very first act here was to break our laws? It makes me sick to think what will happen to our country if he is elected. Remember change is good, change from Bush is better, but the wrong change can have us hurting more than you think.
Clinton is a phony. She follows Obama on most things but is not as extreme. Just because she lived in the White House does not make he qualified.
McCain. John McCain. Well I respect what he did for the country but the time is NOW. What is he going to do now. Ron Paul schooled him on economics, and I'm afraid he is simply too old for the job.
Mike Huckabee. Sorry I can't vote for someone who thinks he is a miracle man and thinks the World started 4000 years ago. It is time for a reality check Mike.
Nader doesn't stand a chance. Why wait until now to enter the race? No money?
If Bloomberg enters he comes with a ton of cash, mostly from his personal millions. An entry now would be like flushing it down the toilet.
I'll still take my chances with Ron Paul. He believes in the Constitution and a sovereign nation. He believes in allowing people to make their own choices in life, not having the feds do it for them. Too bad all that cash raised did not translate into votes. The media sure can be the devil.
I think it is too bad that there is no real third party power to balance things out. It is also too bad a common citizen has no chance to become President.
Now, first off, I'm a Ron Paul guy because as a taxpayer and citizen I believe in a sovereign nation. The rest that are running have decided that outsiders are going to make our laws and have been on a mission to cater to them. As a citizen and resident of Illinois I regret voting for Barack Obama for Senate. He has done nothing to protect this state, and he fails as a Senator. What is his showup percentage for voting? I'm guessing extremely low.
I ask these questions of Obama supporters. Why would you vote for someone who is going to raise our taxes more? Do you not know that his proposed financial plan spends more money than all of the other candidates? He is going to tax us blind. We are already in deep financial crisis and he wants to expand that and pass the costs on to us.
Why support a guy that wants to give amnesty to those that are breaking our laws? He is going to abolish workplace raids on companies that employ illegal aliens. He is going to give them amnesty and he also supports the DREAM Act which has the taxpayers paying for tuition for the children of illegal aliens. I'm sure many citizens would like to have that.
He also supports giving Social Security benefits for illegal aliens. Isn't there a problem with this since it is widely known that funding for citizens is going to run out someday unless it is fixed? Why strain the system more by giving payments out to those who are breaking our laws?
Do you people not care about protecting our country and defending it from people whose very first act here was to break our laws? It makes me sick to think what will happen to our country if he is elected. Remember change is good, change from Bush is better, but the wrong change can have us hurting more than you think.
Clinton is a phony. She follows Obama on most things but is not as extreme. Just because she lived in the White House does not make he qualified.
McCain. John McCain. Well I respect what he did for the country but the time is NOW. What is he going to do now. Ron Paul schooled him on economics, and I'm afraid he is simply too old for the job.
Mike Huckabee. Sorry I can't vote for someone who thinks he is a miracle man and thinks the World started 4000 years ago. It is time for a reality check Mike.
Nader doesn't stand a chance. Why wait until now to enter the race? No money?
If Bloomberg enters he comes with a ton of cash, mostly from his personal millions. An entry now would be like flushing it down the toilet.
I'll still take my chances with Ron Paul. He believes in the Constitution and a sovereign nation. He believes in allowing people to make their own choices in life, not having the feds do it for them. Too bad all that cash raised did not translate into votes. The media sure can be the devil.
I think it is too bad that there is no real third party power to balance things out. It is also too bad a common citizen has no chance to become President.