The stupidity of the American electorate

OK well they are not all stupid but this one guy is.
He couldn't even spell muslim correctly.
He couldn't even spell muslim correctly.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
That was funny.
Oh come on, man be civil. Maybe they prefer the Republican platform? I certainly understand that you don't agree with it at all; that's fine. But, not all people who vote Republican are dumb. Stop with the insults.
honestly ... it's definitely overboard but i really don't understand it ...
i have no issue with anyone who supports conservative values but this administration represents everything that is wrong in gov't - greed, corruption and absolutely pure evil ... i don't understand how anyone can vote for that AGAIN?? ... it's mind boggling ... and i'm sorry - but i'm left with no other conclusion ...
what a dumb ass...
I'm guessing he falls into the "white, uneducated" voter category...
by the way, what's a "half-breed"....and why is it a bad thing...?
McCain is not Bush. Palin is not Cheney. They are not one in the same. I wouldn't say Obama is Carter or Clinton or JFK or anyone. He is who he is.
That said, Bush may be a complete mind-fuk when it comes to spending. But, I'm betting conservatives agreed with his tax cuts. Also, there are many conservatives who would say he did well with his Supreme Court picks according to the platform. I'm by no means defending Bush.... I'm simply saying that I'm fairly sure there were issues in his Presidency very well supported by the majority of his party. Then of course, there's the spending ect which completely seperated him from his supporters.... so you are right on there.
i've said it before and i'll say it again ... just because they change the names doesn't mean the people who are the architects of the party disappear - do you think the people who put bush/cheney in power decide to leave? ... no, they find replacements ... why do you think mccain went from being different than bush to being the same as bush? ... and palin is another example of the strategy of this party ... nominate someone who needs to be spoonfed what to do in order for them to manage her a la bush ...
in any case - even if one chooses to believe these are separate administrations ... it's still the same party ... a vote for the GOP is to say these last 8 years have been good ... reward one of the worst administrations in history by giving their party another 4 years ... i'm sorry but that is just unbelievable to me ...
apparently this joker thinks its better to be a full-breed ignorant racist.
I'm not saying it represents a majority of white americans, but those two beliefs are anything but uncommon.
And if it wasn't for republicans, that stupid bail out bill would've gotten passed by congress on Monday. IMO, republicans redeemed themselves that day. Democrats can be a bunch of stupid panzies sometimes. The fact that a majority of them stood behind that bill almost makes me want to switch parties.
Fear and ignorance doesn't get any more malignant than 700 billion being handed over to failed corporations.