and people are surprised because?
Pakistan has no wish to see Afghanistan become stable. Pakistan has been funding Islamic terrorists for years, helping them to commit terrorist acts in India for years.
Did the American's really think the billion they gave them would be used to stop terrorism? What a joke.
Afghanistan's politicians have close links with India and they would be moer than happy to make the countries as close. Pakistan quite clearly wouldn't want that.
and people are surprised because?
Pakistan has no wish to see Afghanistan become stable. Pakistan has been funding Islamic terrorists for years, helping them to commit terrorist acts in India for years.
Did the American's really think the billion they gave them would be used to stop terrorism? What a joke.
Afghanistan's politicians have close links with India and they would be moer than happy to make the countries as close. Pakistan quite clearly wouldn't want that.
We have a hard time realizing that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
We have a hard time realizing that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.
but pakistan is not the enemy of your enemy. THEY are your enemy.
both countries are a hotbed for terrorists and mujahids - only difference is that afghanistan is totally lawless, while pakistan has a veneer of control in the form of a mullah-millitary alliance.
btw, just last week there was a series of bombings in the indian capital killing 30 people. i am sure it never got much press in the west. who gives a fuck about a few dead hindus. no prizes for guessing the religion of the perpetrators.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
but pakistan is not the enemy of your enemy. THEY are your enemy.
both countries are a hotbed for terrorists and mujahids - only difference is that afghanistan is totally lawless, while pakistan has a veneer of control in the form of a mullah-millitary alliance.
btw, just last week there was a series of bombings in the indian capital killing 30 people. i am sure it never got much press in the west. who gives a fuck about a few dead hindus. no prizes for guessing the religion of the perpetrators.
The bomber's religion isn't the issue. It is the fact that we're giving Pakistan all of this money, and they can basically use it funnel into the ISI which then initiates these terrorist attacks.
It is truly pathetic how we repeat history time and time again. When has giving another nation money or weapons ever turned out to benefit us in the long run. We always wind up at war with the country 10-15 years down the road, with them turning the weapons we gave them against us!
india is about 10% muslim, with the vast majority of the rest being hindus. in the last 1 year alone over 150 indians have died thanks to bombings carried out in various indian cities by indian muslims, who no doubt are coordinated by larger international pan-islamic groups.
what do you think would have happened if the catalan population of spain bombed 150 "spaniards" to their death.
I have faced it, A life wasted...
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
We have a hard time realizing that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.
That's because we pay countries to be our friend.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
Didn't anyone in the Bush Administration know that the Taliban was sponsored and set up in Afghanistan... by PAKISTAN!?!?!? I mean, I knew that... and I'm just a fucking working Joe in an office in California.
I remember when the Soviets vacated and Pakistan filled the vaccuum. They wanted an Islamic State for Arabs (not like the Persians in Iran). It was in the newspapers and history books... all you needed to do was read.
When Bush was announing this 'partnership'... I thought he was joking. The Taliban... morphed from the Mujahadin... where fucking Usama bin Laden came from. They were funded by... PAKISTAN!!!
And I hope this FINALLY puts to rest that idiotic phrase, "My Enemy's Enemy Is My Friend" that fucking people utter to rationalize poor fucking policy decisions. In the case of Pakistan... They were NOT the Enemy of the Taliban... we we just too fucking stupid not to realize that. "Your Enemy's Friend Hates You, Too!"... is what is closer to being true.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
so what does Bush do if our allies shot our troops?
My guess... he sends Pakistan replacement bullets for the ones they spent.
They are 'Our great allies on the War on Terror'... if they are shooting at someone... that someone MUST be against us... right?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Pakistan has no wish to see Afghanistan become stable. Pakistan has been funding Islamic terrorists for years, helping them to commit terrorist acts in India for years.
Did the American's really think the billion they gave them would be used to stop terrorism? What a joke.
Afghanistan's politicians have close links with India and they would be moer than happy to make the countries as close. Pakistan quite clearly wouldn't want that.
We have a hard time realizing that the enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend.
both countries are a hotbed for terrorists and mujahids - only difference is that afghanistan is totally lawless, while pakistan has a veneer of control in the form of a mullah-millitary alliance.
btw, just last week there was a series of bombings in the indian capital killing 30 people. i am sure it never got much press in the west. who gives a fuck about a few dead hindus. no prizes for guessing the religion of the perpetrators.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
The bomber's religion isn't the issue. It is the fact that we're giving Pakistan all of this money, and they can basically use it funnel into the ISI which then initiates these terrorist attacks.
It is truly pathetic how we repeat history time and time again. When has giving another nation money or weapons ever turned out to benefit us in the long run. We always wind up at war with the country 10-15 years down the road, with them turning the weapons we gave them against us!
india is about 10% muslim, with the vast majority of the rest being hindus. in the last 1 year alone over 150 indians have died thanks to bombings carried out in various indian cities by indian muslims, who no doubt are coordinated by larger international pan-islamic groups.
what do you think would have happened if the catalan population of spain bombed 150 "spaniards" to their death.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
That's because we pay countries to be our friend.
And that kind of loyalty just can't be bought.
I remember when the Soviets vacated and Pakistan filled the vaccuum. They wanted an Islamic State for Arabs (not like the Persians in Iran). It was in the newspapers and history books... all you needed to do was read.
When Bush was announing this 'partnership'... I thought he was joking. The Taliban... morphed from the Mujahadin... where fucking Usama bin Laden came from. They were funded by... PAKISTAN!!!
And I hope this FINALLY puts to rest that idiotic phrase, "My Enemy's Enemy Is My Friend" that fucking people utter to rationalize poor fucking policy decisions. In the case of Pakistan... They were NOT the Enemy of the Taliban... we we just too fucking stupid not to realize that. "Your Enemy's Friend Hates You, Too!"... is what is closer to being true.
Hail, Hail!!!
Stop by:
The same thing when Russia shot at British Aircraft resupplying Warsaw in the summer of 1944....nothing.
My guess... he sends Pakistan replacement bullets for the ones they spent.
They are 'Our great allies on the War on Terror'... if they are shooting at someone... that someone MUST be against us... right?
Hail, Hail!!!
Bush probably won't do anything, but the American units in question would probably even the score and then some.
More then likely they will be SF units.