Daily fear-mongering report

Israel says that there is very little time to stop Iran's nuclear ambition
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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and maybe, just maybe, Iran is lying. and Israel and/or the US know something the IAEA doesnt. its possible.
with that said, I really hope there are no preemptive strikes. if so, I'd like to see Israel go at it alone. its their fight.
Even if Iran is bullshitting us the IAEA reported that as of August 2007 Iran was only able to achieve 3.4% enriched uranium using 100 centerfuges. That falls within the 3-4% enrichment range suitable for civilian power usage. In order for uranium to be weapons grade it has to be enriched to at leat 90%. Experts have stated that it would take Iran at least 10 years to build the facilities and enrich enough uranium to 90% in order to have enough material to make one nuclear weapon. So as I was saying even if Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program time is not running out.
Time is running out for the neo-con zionist who are hell bent on invading Iran because as soon as Bush is out of office all hopes of a pre-emptive strike by the US or backed by the US are pretty much non-existant. Israel knows this so they are going to push their agenda as hard as possible.
this is true.
I know your just playing devil's advocate and I have to agree to a point. Do I believe that Iran is being completely honest, HELL NO, but we don't have any proof. We are still years away from Iran being able to develope a nuclear weapon and we should remain ever vigilant. I think a dead give-away would be when they start testing delivery systems. Then we can be assured that they have a nuclear weapons program and can act according from there. Even at that point we would still have a few years before they would be able to threaten us or any other country.
I think all this premature cock fighting is this administration's and Israel's hard-on over Iran. They want to attacks so bad they can almost taste it.
we are a joke, and dont deserve mother natures hospitality
probably not. but it might be similar to the situation when Israel launched air strikes in syria, only a few weeks ago. Israel did that for a reason and didnt say why and syria didnt even complain.
point is, that there might be some shit they know and wont release it until they can make a proven case that its happening. who really knows.
like I said, I dont really believe much what I hear. I make my own assumptions and educated guesses. I'm allowed that since I'm not the one making the decision on whether we should strike Iran. personally I do not think we should. I also think Iran is not 100% truthful. and Israel and the US know stuff that we dont. I also believe Iran does in fact, want to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. is that the only purpose. i'm skeptical.