Mukasey: Bush's powers might be above the law
This is some scary fucking shit. The fact that our incoming Attorney General would even think that the President of the US is above the laws that Congress passes is plain frightening.
This is some scary fucking shit. The fact that our incoming Attorney General would even think that the President of the US is above the laws that Congress passes is plain frightening.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
it's awesome isn't it. Could they urinate anymore on the constitution? I can't wait to hear the republicans get scared and whine about what the democrats are going to do with all this new power after next November.
Seperation of powers?...checks and balances?.... man...don't make me read stuff.
The head of the executive branch is not the fucking king but hey, coming soon to America....Theocracy.
Our government is just way out of control. They are dismantling the very foundation of our democracy and we just sit here and take it.
not only do we take it, but we put them BACK into power.
(see: 2004 election)
We lost control of our gov ernment well before 2004. This current administration is no different than previous one's. The only difference is it doesn't hide it's corruption.
what the fuck kind of attorney general would this guy be if as a nominee he's saying this kind of shit
In my opinion that statement alone is reason enough to reject him. He is basically saying that the President does not have to abide by the Constitution that he swore to uphold.
oh, i know that. i just mean that America was stupid enough to put them back into power when, just as you said, this admin. didn't care to hide it's corruption.
i agree with you. honestly, if the senate is atleast just a LITTLE bit smart, they'd reject him. why should they put someone into such an important position if he doesn't even recognize what their authority according to the constitution as being equal in gov't to the other branches?
A lot of damage can be accomplished in a year.