Partisanship in America

I've seen on this meesage board, on TV, on the radio, and in just about every corner of America the partisan bickering that is tearing this country apart. Conservatives making nagative blankets statements and generalizations about liberals, Democrats doing the same about Republicans and vise verse. People voting for a politicians or not even giving an elected official a chance simply because there is an R or a D next to their name. When will we as a nation realize that this is one of the major reasons are country is heading down the wrong path. When will conservatives, liberals, Republicans, and Democrats realize that though there may be some fundamental differences between us we all what the same common goal. Instead of attempting to discredit each other and blame each other we should work together to rectify the problems that face our country today. We can stand here and argue about abortion, gay marriage, and other social issues but untill we fix the fundamental flaws within our own government we might as well be talking to a wall. I have heard so many disparaging comments about Democrats & liberalism in the past two days and about Republicans & conservatism in the past few years that it makes me wonder if we will ever be able to right this ship. We spend so much time and energy pointing out the flaws and mistakes that the others have done when we should be working together to fix the flaws in our government as a whole. Sure liberals and Democrats have some ideas and philosophies that are not appealing to many, same as with conservatives and Republicans. But wouldn't it be more productive to find the issues we agree on and move forward with those and through this cooperation we may yet find a middle ground on issue we do not see eye to eye on. This has been bothering me for a long time, and yes I have been guilty in the past of the things I have mentioned, but I decided some time ago that this was not the best way to help our country.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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I'm hoping the Republican party will move away from morality and back to economics which is what they do best and the democrats will continue working on social issues, especially semi private to individual efforts like Jimmy Carters brilliant "Habitat for Humanity" program for one.
I'd really love to get this non partisan Fair Tax thing done too but hey, everyone knows that. I just think it would help Americans from the poorest to the richest become more economically viable in the world and here at home.
I have good buddies that are super liberal and good buddies that are super conservative moralists, none of which are bad people, we agree sometimes, we disagree sometimes, but they are all friends.
I'll say that it's far easier to discuss things when you can understand or try to understand where the other is coming from. You have always been brilliant at that Mamasan.