Michigan GOP leader wants Paul barred from future debates

Nothing like shutting up those that speak the truth.
Nothing like shutting up those that speak the truth.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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If the rest of the party follows suit it will speak volumns about the GOP.
you mean with trying to silence him?
Yes. Regardless of Paul's poor choice of words there is truth to what he said. Our very own 9/11 Commission stated the samething Paul did and I didn't hear all these outcry over it. Why because it was buried in a report that the majority of Americans would never bother to read while Paul's comment was made on national TV in front of an audience of millions.
I agree.
It is beyond sickening. The fact that anyone would suggest that someone be censored simply because they disagree with opinion is extremely troubling.
—Dorothy Parker
It's not exactly the same but it was equally as wrong.
Nader wasn't running as a Democrat was he? I don't think it is similar at all.
COME ON! jlew, we disagree on just about everything, but you ARE NOT STUPID. you cannot deny that the united states policy abroad had something to do with 9/11. it does not excuse what their violent actions, but there was a reason it happened. YOU SIMPLY DO NOT BELIEVE THEY ATTACKED US BECAUSE OF OUR FREEDOM! you know that is rhedoric for those who choose not to think or be informed. dont you think it is dangerous for those who are running for the presidency of the united states to no even attempt to be informed or to understand our enemy? do you really think it is acceptable for presidential frontrunners to be this intentionally ignorant?
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
No, an independent, but the Democrats fought to keep him off of every state ballot and every general election debate.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I hear ya robbie. I dont totally disagree. of course its common sense that our policy is the partly reason why were attacked.
It is an unfortunate sign of the times that we are living in.
Ok, so why would Rudy get that ovation when he stated that he had NEVER heard such an outlandish opinion on 9/11? why did he retreat to the spin room and tell sean hannity that we were attacked because of our freedom? should Rudy be the one held up to public ridicule instead of Ron Paul? i just find it astonishing that 6 years after 9/11 the people applying to lead our country in the fight against terrorism have made NO EFFORT to understand the event or our enemy....... he should be publicly mocked, ridiculed, and laughed out of public life forever for this.. along with any Democrat or Independent who is guilty of the same embarrassing negligence.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If Paul gets snuffed, I nominate you to take his place.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
the enemy needs to be defeated more then understood
I think the key to defeat the enemy is to understand them...by understanding them you can accomplish more things than the same attack attack idealogy which compromises the majority of those you need to win over...plus it will help you in getting through to the majority over there that right now just want peace from both sides....that majority and their minds is what you need to win this "war"...
the reason why Rudy said what he said and received such a loud round of applause is because to many people in this country don't care for the truth, are to stupid to learn the truth, or are afraid of the truth and politicians know this. Like I stated earlier, Ron Paul said what was already published in the 9/11 Commission Report yet none of the people expressing all this outrage made a fucking peep when the report was published. They didn't say anything because they knew that 95% of Americans where not going to both reading the report. They would learn about the reports finding from the news and the news sure as hell wasn't going to air anything about that little tidbit. Now they are outraged because someone finally has the balls to air our dirty laundry and the worst part of it all is that it was a fellow Republican. So instead of debating this it is far easier to demonize Paul and paint him as some crazed ratical. Last night I was listening to the radio and the host on CBS radio was stating that Paul wants us to apease the terrorists and succumb to their demands. He wants us to convert to Islam and relinguish our freedoms and their where several callers who called and agreed with the host. These people probably don't know the first thing about what Ron paul stands for but because the radio host or TV host says this is the case then it must be true.
I understand what your saying but that logic doesnt work with el queda. its easy to understand them, they hate infidels who support Israel's right to exist and those you dont follow some strict form of the quran.
What if the "enemy" is an idea, belief structure or movement? That kind of thinking is stuck in the cold war mentality... We could kill a million terrorist and it wouldn't "defeat" them.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
It amazes me still, which is hard to believe, the power that the media holds over the general populace.
the nazis were a belief structure and movement too. you kill enough of them, it will end.
But what about the millions of Muslims who are on the fence. yes the die hard raticals will be difficult to deal with on diplomatic terms, but there are thousands if not millions of muslims who are oppressed and disheartened, the ones who usually fall prey to Al Qaida propaganda, who see us supporting their oppressive rulers. We see us meddling in their coutries affairs simply to reap as much benefit as we can. We have to look no further than Saudi Arabia to see the effects of our foreign policy. We support the Al Sa'uds at all costs. We enable them to continue the further oppression and raping of their own people. To add insult to injury Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of Islamic fundementalists. It is taught in all the government funded madrahas, blared over load speakers on the streets, supported by millions of dollars that the Saudi royals pay in order to save their own asses. Yet we do nothing. We focus on Iraq and Iran, Iran is a legitamate concern, but we allow Saudi Arabia to continue creating jihadist by the bus load.
It is actions like these that add to the anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and untill we fully accept that our own policy has and is playing a hand in recruiting our enemies we will never win.
Thanks for understanding. What I am trying to say is that the current method is only alienating those that want no part of this fiasco and are ultimately drawn into it because the words that are preached by a terrorist group like al queda ring true when tragedy strikes.
You have an agenda staged to be one that is to help the people...well it does nothing to help the people it creates more alienation.
Trust me jlew I understand what you are trying to say "it is easy to understand them"...yeah you understand a small minority and it is unreasonable to believe we can just kill them and hurt no one else. That would be what is desired correct? However the current strategy underminds any postive movement because of the huge amount of damage that gets done to those not wanting to be involved with this madness.
When you preach and preach (not yourself) about this war is about freedom to those at home and abroad accidently killing 1000's of civilians is inexcusable and only bolsters the support for the real enemy.
Honestly American foreign policy built on aggression has been the single biggest constributer to the terrorist ranks...a group like al queda should thank the American military and the moronic minds in charge for helping them become an even stronger force today than they were pre 9/11. And that is fact and all you need to do is look at the diaster that is Iraq where things are getting worse not better.
Sadly the current situation was a scenerio that was painted years ago and unfortunatly fell upon deaf ears.