Boycotting 2008 Olympics



  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Rushlimbo wrote:
    I agree with boycotting Chinese goods but disagree that threatening to boycott the Olympics wouldnt help those in Darfur. The Chinese look at these olympics as their introduction to the world as a new world power. Do some reading about what they have done to prepare for this and you will see that there is no way that this would not frighten the hell out of them.

    no way it's ever going to happen ... china may threaten to cash in those bonds that is funding the national debt ... or expose the countries the US currently sells arms to that aren't so righteous ... china and the US are linked at the hip ... neither country can exercise any influence over the other ...
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    crittables wrote:
    1. it's not about the athletes, boycotting the games would be a huge blow to the chinese government's ego. they want to prove that they are some powerful, developed country, worthy of attention and respect.

    2. boycotting chinese goods and putting wal mart out of business would be a huge mistake. millions of american rely on the cheap goods they can get at walmart and no where else. it's nice that some people can afford the alternative to chinese goods and walmart, but for many there is no alternative.
    So... it's nice to SAY you're against something... but, not good to DO something about it? If you're gonna boycott the Olympics because you don't like what China is doing.. yet, still continue to feed the beast... what does that say about you (not YOU, personally... you collectively)? Either boycott both the Olympics AND Chinese profits or do neither.
    If it really IS that important... then yeah... it's gonna hurt. Hard decisions usually have servere consequences.
    A boycott of the Olympics means nothing unless we back it up with actions.
    I would rather see progress made along diplomatic channels. Although, i know it's tough. I mean, how can a country that is currently in a military occupation of a foriegn nation be taken seriously regarding human rights?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • crittablescrittables Posts: 342
    Rushlimbo wrote:
    millions of americans are losing their jobs to cheaper labor in China BECAUSE they continue to buy at Walmart. Truly a terrible cycle.

    it is. often its the same people that argue against things like NAFTA and the WTO that are buying the foreign made goods. it's hilarious. they don't even realize it.
  • Steve DunneSteve Dunne Posts: 4,965
    Many good points in this thread...many more so than I anticipated.

    But I think it's insanity to boycott ANY Olympic Games. They stand for competition in athletics, and are a model for sportsmanship. Yes some Olympics have been tainted, putting it mildly, but all in all, it is a celebration of sports where the world participates. I, for one, look forward to each Olympics, not for the opening and closing ceremonies, but to see the competition in events that we just don't really get to see on ESPN every week.

    It is unfortunate that politics/war/oppression have been linked with the Olympics with boycotts and such. I understand that when we see a Chinese diver on the platform, we also see their flag. Their 'flag' may represent oppression/war/genocide, but to me that diver does not. They have NOTHING to do with each other. Nations and governments unfortunately place a great deal of pressure on teams/athletes and want them to 'beat' another country so they can say 'they're better' than the opposing country's team, and to try to prove a point that, hey, if we beat you in the frickin luge, we'll kick your ass in a war. It's dumb.

    I hope we go.
    I love to turn you on
  • crittablescrittables Posts: 342
    polaris wrote:
    no way it's ever going to happen ... china may threaten to cash in those bonds that is funding the national debt ... or expose the countries the US currently sells arms to that aren't so righteous ... china and the US are linked at the hip ... neither country can exercise any influence over the other ...

    china is screwed if they cash in. our currency would inflate but that would only hurt them too
  • crittablescrittables Posts: 342
    Cosmo wrote:
    So... it's nice to SAY you're against something... but, not good to DO something about it? If you're gonna boycott the Olympics because you don't like what China is doing.. yet, still continue to feed the beast... what does that say about you (not YOU, personally... you collectively)? Either boycott both the Olympics AND Chinese profits or do neither.
    If it really IS that important... then yeah... it's gonna hurt. Hard decisions usually have servere consequences.
    A boycott of the Olympics means nothing unless we back it up with actions.
    I would rather see progress made along diplomatic channels. Although, i know it's tough. I mean, how can a country that is currently in a military occupation of a foriegn nation be taken seriously regarding human rights?

    if there is a way to help the people of darfur and NOT hurt the american people i'm going to argue for it. and i think boycotting the games would do that.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    crittables wrote:
    america constantly embarrasses itself. i'm not worried about that.

    i agree that there are a lot of things wrong with china. i'm just HATE the argument i get all the time that we shouldn't be buying their products from walmart. that walmart should be put out of business. i get the argument from smug assholes (not saying you are one of them) that can afford to go to target or the mom and pop stores and pay more money. but other people can't. so before you make that argument think about the millions of people that would be hurt here.

    and yes i care about the sudanese people, which is why i'm arguing for a boycott of the olympics. if that is enough leverage to make the chinese act in darfur, then great we should give that a try. besides, do you really think you can get enough americans to boycott chinese goods to make an impact? doubtful. people love cheap shit.

    there are ALWAYS alternatives to wal-mart and goods from china ... millions of people suffer for that desire for everything cheap ... what goes around comes around ... again - everything is interconnected ...

    i've already explained why a boycott would never happen ... and again - i support it fully in its purpose ... whatever it takes to stop the atrocities in sudan but if you aren't willing to make personal sacrifices and are counting on others - then there isn't much you can say when it doesn't happen ...
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    polaris wrote:
    no way it's ever going to happen ... china may threaten to cash in those bonds that is funding the national debt ... or expose the countries the US currently sells arms to that aren't so righteous ... china and the US are linked at the hip ... neither country can exercise any influence over the other ...
    You got that right... joined at the hip as in their hip is firmly planted against our buttocks. They have a hell of a lot more leverage than we do... if we stop buying their shit... there is the entire rest of the world that will continue to.
    Advantage: China.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    crittables wrote:
    if there is a way to help the people of darfur and NOT hurt the american people i'm going to argue for it. and i think boycotting the games would do that.

    you don't understand china ...

    tienammen square was probably the worst PR situation in history and they still haven't changed ... china cannot and will not be pushed around - why do you think the rhetoric from the US has stopped with regards to taiwan?? ...
  • crittablescrittables Posts: 342
    polaris wrote:
    there are ALWAYS alternatives to wal-mart and goods from china ... millions of people suffer for that desire for everything cheap ... what goes around comes around ... again - everything is interconnected ...

    i've already explained why a boycott would never happen ... and again - i support it fully in its purpose ... whatever it takes to stop the atrocities in sudan but if you aren't willing to make personal sacrifices and are counting on others - then there isn't much you can say when it doesn't happen ...

    i am not saying i'm not willing stop buying chinese goods, i can afford to shop where i want. i'm just saying there is no way we're going to get enough other people to do the same to where it actually hurts the chinese.
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    crittables wrote:
    if there is a way to help the people of darfur and NOT hurt the american people i'm going to argue for it. and i think boycotting the games would do that.
    How? How does that help Darfur? Our government withholding our athletes from competition because of a political problem... how does that help the situation in Darfur?
    It doesn't. Those people need relief. Relief in the form of aid. Food, medicine and protection. If China doesn't want to help... we should get the other nations of the world that do care to pitch in.
    And remember the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles? The Soviet Union boycotted us because we boycotted their Olympics in 1980 over their invasion of Afghanistan. From our stand point... did it ruin our games? NO. all it meant was more Medals for US. The citizens of the U.S. got a boost (and completely disregarded the fact that our greatest competition was not there) because we won all of the medals. it didn't tarnish us one bit.
    I'm sure the Chinese will play it the same way and in their eyes... our not being there will not be missed by them.
    I'm all in favor of keeping the Olympics SPORT... not politics.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • crittablescrittables Posts: 342
    polaris wrote:
    you don't understand china ...

    tienammen square was probably the worst PR situation in history and they still haven't changed ... china cannot and will not be pushed around - why do you think the rhetoric from the US has stopped with regards to taiwan?? ...

    i guess i don't understand china then...
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    Bottom line... China is still China.. the Communist RED China of the past. We are feeding this giant in the name of 'Lower Prices, Always'.
    China was oppressive and remains oppressive. Them getting richer is not going to make them any less oppressive.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    crittables wrote:
    i am not saying i'm not willing stop buying chinese goods, i can afford to shop where i want. i'm just saying there is no way we're going to get enough other people to do the same to where it actually hurts the chinese.

    ahhh ... but isn't this the dilemma that faces us all with regards to all change? ... a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step ... yes, i see the irony ... ;)
  • This is all just a ploy so that the US doesnt have to go thru the humiliation of seeing the dream team loose, again. ;)
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    crittables wrote:
    if that is enough leverage to make the chinese act in darfur, then great we should give that a try. besides, do you really think you can get enough americans to boycott chinese goods to make an impact? doubtful. people love cheap shit.

    The US boycotting the olympics in China will not make the chinese act upon anything. EVERYONE boycotting the games may humiliate them and deprive them of revenue during the games... now, will that happen? No.

    Maybe you can't get enough americans to boycott chinese goods because they are cheap and cheerful and one likes a good bargain (even if you know about China's record), but...... nothing stops the government establishing a trade embargo, if they feel so strongly about China's action. I doubt that will ever happen either.

    If a country wants to force another into action or 'teach them a lesson', it needs to be consistent. You can't boycott games because that is an easy option with little consequence (after all, it's only a handful of people and their medals/records) and not look at other ways to put pressure because these would have major impact on the boycotting country (ie economic measures).
  • stuckinlinestuckinline Posts: 3,384
    crittables wrote:
    i am not saying i'm not willing stop buying chinese goods, i can afford to shop where i want. i'm just saying there is no way we're going to get enough other people to do the same to where it actually hurts the chinese.
    in theory i agree not enough people would boycott chinese goods, but i have made a personal decision to not buy chinese goods.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    this is beyond the fact NBC isn't going to let it happen ...
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