Anti-Addiction pill;_ylt=AhJa_x_29eEzuybORn4sOi1Lvs8F
OK I was reading this article and it sort of hits home. I am very skeptical about this pill. As a recovering addict it's not just as easy as popping a pill to recover from your addiction. It takes a lot of hard work and some serious soul searching. You have to deal with your character defects and any emotion issues that where a contributing factor to your dependency.
OK I was reading this article and it sort of hits home. I am very skeptical about this pill. As a recovering addict it's not just as easy as popping a pill to recover from your addiction. It takes a lot of hard work and some serious soul searching. You have to deal with your character defects and any emotion issues that where a contributing factor to your dependency.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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What if you get addicted to this pill?
Hail, Hail!!!
That's a good fucking question. Well then I guess the pharma industry will have to come out with an anti-addiction pill for those addicted to the ant-addiction pill.
Seriously... I don't trust them pill companies. I mean, that commercial about the little yellowish green gremelin that lives under your big toenail... the side effects are something like diarrhea, bad-breath, hair loss, anal bleeding and syphilis. I don't know... but, I think I'd be sticking with the yellow toenails. Socks are cheap.
Hail, Hail!!!
I worked for pharma companies for a long time. granted all I did was design their marketing materials, but I still had to familiarize myself with all the study data and some of that shit is plain fucking scary. Some of these drugs are on the market for 6, 7, 8 years before any serious side effects pop up because of the prolonged use. Baycol is a good example of that. It was a statin for lowering cholesterol. it was on the market for more than 5 years before consumers started developing some serious side effects from it including severe liver damage and decrease kidney function. So you probably would die of a heart attack but the liver damage and kidney failure was going to do you in.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
The problem with that is that as an addict you have character flaws and/or emotional issues that led you to the addiction. Addiction is basically a form of self medication. Yes you can block the dopamine receptors and that drink, drug, or bet will not give you the same high as it did before but you still have the underlying issues to deal with. So you have not truly recovered. It's like a dry drunk. Yes he/she is not drinking but they still exhibit the same negative or destructive behavior they did when they where drinking. I was an asshole when I was gambling. I was an angry spitefull son of a bitch. If I didn't work my recovery i would still be that angry son of a bitch but I wouldn't be gambling. By working a 12 step program I'm not gambling and I'm becoming a better person because I have and still am dealing and improving my character flaws. This drug will not help you become a better person and the drug company that is manufactoring this drug is doing a great injustice to people out there who think that they can just pop this pill everyday and everything will be fine.
You can kick that addiction with heroin.
that's exactly what i thought when i read the title to the thread.
~Michael Bolton
Granted I am no scientist or doctor, but it makes sense to me that this pill would actually do more harm then good unless you address the underlying issues like you said. At least while someone is doing whatever destructive behavior fulfills their addiction, it does just that, fulfills it (albeit for that short period of time). With this pill they either won't be able to fulfill their addiction and engage in more destructive behavior, or just substitute their current addiction with something else.
Like weight loss drugs, I just see this as pharm's way of cashing in on our problems with a promised easy fix that will make them rich in the process.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Creating walls to call your own
So no one catches you drifting off,
and doing all the things that.... we... .all.... do.
You don't get addicted to the pill, and it does curb your smoking addiction without becoming a robot.
Yo like, read about it or ask some people. I learned about this drug and the brand Resolve a year ago, I've been skeptical, but I've met people that have used it.
I can see it working for smoking, but not for alcohol, drugs, or gambling. Those addictions are caused by underlying issues.
Are you absolutely positive?
Yes I am absolutely positive. As a recovering addict I know there is more to recovery that just ceasing the substance you are abusing. Most addicts turn to alcohol, drugs, and/or gambling because of character defects and/or some underlying emotional problems. This pill will not change that. This pill will not help erase your character defects or emotional problems. I have not gambled in nearly a year. I no longer have those constant urges to head straight to OTB or to call a bookie when I feel down, upset, or angry. That is because I have learned to become a better person through working my 12 steps and the support of my friends, family, and the fellow GA brothers. No pill can substitute for that. Yes the pill may prevent you from having another drink or doing another line or placing another bet, but it will not help you with all the shit you have that led you to these things in the first place. A pill like this dangerous because many addict will use this instead of a recovery program and they will not deal with all the underlying issues of their addiction.
Self-esteem issues may have caused you to begin drinking, but correcting your self-esteem problems aren't going to stop you from drinking. 12 step programs are great if you want to be a slave to theology.
It wasn't self esteem issues, it is clinical depression and I didn't drink I gambled. Second you don't have to be a slave to theology in order to work a 12 step program. I am agnostic and don't really pray to any higher being and i still work the program. And lastly yes correcting the issues that led you to your addiction will help you ending that addiction. I feel better than I have in years. I'm going through a lot of shit with my ex-wife right now and if it wasn't for the program and the strides it helped me make in dealing with my issues i would have easily gone back to gambling.
Well, gambling isn't a direct chemical addiction. Habits are different, I would recommend "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" for that.
Thank you for the suggestion, but I'm very happy with the way Gamblers Anonymous is helping me out. Gambling may not be a direct chemical addiction but it is an addiction not just some bad habit like biting your finger nails. It has also been proven that some addictive gamblers do get a sudden release of dopamine into their system when they place a bet.
Well technically all behavior is addictive which is why I said "direct chemical addiction". On that same token, its possible to have drugs that curb behavior as well.
Of course there are drugs that can curb behavior. And again I'm not debating wether this drug can stop people from smoking, drinking, drugs, and/or gambling. I'm just stating that there is more to recovery than just being able to stop using. It's like a dry drunk. they don't drink anymore but they still engage in the same negative behavior, wether it's anger, violence, etc, even though they no longer drink/
good thing you don't live at my place. there's an OTB about 5-6 blocks away from me. i drive by it every work day. never been in there, though.
~Michael Bolton