Flipping the bird against the law

As I was driving to work this morning I heard on the radio that two New Jersey legislators where going to purpose a bill that would make flipping someone off while driving illegal in the state of New Jersey. A first time offense would carry a penalty of $1000.00, a one month driving suspension, and a mandatory anger management class.
How fucking ridiculous is this. Is this really what these people are paid to do. I mean if this law passes it's not even possible to enforce. Another fine example and government trying to pass laws just for the sake of looking like they are doing their job.
How fucking ridiculous is this. Is this really what these people are paid to do. I mean if this law passes it's not even possible to enforce. Another fine example and government trying to pass laws just for the sake of looking like they are doing their job.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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How would something like this be enforced? I really have to work at managing my anger when driving. I'm a lot better now than when I lived in bigger cities. There was a time when flipping the bird was an involuntary reaction for me. Glad I don't live in NJ.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
It can't possibly be enforced. And for Christ's sake this is NJ. Flipping someone off while driving is right up there with breathing.
Transatlantic communication: That backwards peace sign gets me every single time.
my dad does that
i used to have this big styrofoam finger that gave the finger and i would pull that out and use that...but then it ripped after 2 weeks...sometimes i flip people off, sometimes i just yell through the window, or sometimes i blow kisses
Luckily the cross on my rearview mirror keeps me from being a poor witness. O:-)
-Enoch Powell
These elites just think we will pay and pay and pay. Well I guess they have a point, we do, what choice do we have?
Ron Paul 2008! is my answer.
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BTW, I flipped the bird to an asshole NJ driver today that was tailgating me, in honor of this thread. It felt great!
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello