Roland / Drifting '08!

Help them win, and expose all the bullshit, the secrecy, the Bilderbergers, the Trilaterals, Illuminati etc...
And if they find none, at least you know that you got 2 guys who will prevent it from ever happening!
Agree with them or not, they bring some interesting info to this board-- a completely different perspective altogether. Even the stuff they post that many consider "out there," -- could it really be any more false than most of the terribly biased and filtered shit that you get from the mainstream media? Sure! (... BUT... maybe not). The important part is the cause for concern, and the call to action that comes with it.
At least it gets you thinking, and NOT believing everything you see and hear--everything that is spoonfed to you. Seek alternative sources of info and piece it together yourself.
If not for these two people, I might not know who Ron Paul is, and may not have revisited reading the Constitution, and understanding what this country was based on-- and where it's headed.
National ID Card, RFID chips, the Amero, the North American Union, World Government, The Federal Reserve System, electronic voting machines, income taxes, wiretapping, etc...
These are all very REAL and threatening to our way of life, our sovereignty, and our liberty in America, and none of them are authorized by THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.
Which brings me to the Status Quo. It's kind of like gas prices. $4.00 a gallon sucks-- but I could live with it. I don't want to live with it, but I could live with it, and adjust my life accordingly so that I could still be prosperous, despite the fact that this is the one price that drives EVERYTHING in the entire world. But where's my guarantee that it will go no higher? That it will get no worse.
There is NONE!
The Status Quo - The absurd taxes, the government intervening in my life to the Nth degree, potentially listening to my phone calls (which is pretty dumb, but I really have nothing to hide so I don't care all that much), chips in my passport... I could live with it. I guess I have to. If it was guaranteed to stop right here, I guess I'd be fine with it, or make myself fine with it-- but the problem is: the status quo never stays the status quo. It only gets WORSE.
The Status Quo is not worth fighting for. The Constitution, however, is. That's why it is "All or None." We are entitled to our privacy, and our liberty, to the government serving us-- not us serving them. It's in writing. Lord knows, you can't do anything anymore if it's not in writing-- and here it is, being blatantly violated by the people we elected to uphold it. Our troops swear to defend it, and they are only led by their superiors further away from it.
It all starts with a little education-- and it's not education you pay for. It's research that you do on your own, and spread to others-- maybe on a message board
We need to save this place, this country. Not so much for how things are now, as much as how bad things can AND WILL become.
Rant over!
Roland / Drifting '08!
Help them win, and expose all the bullshit, the secrecy, the Bilderbergers, the Trilaterals, Illuminati etc...
And if they find none, at least you know that you got 2 guys who will prevent it from ever happening!
Agree with them or not, they bring some interesting info to this board-- a completely different perspective altogether. Even the stuff they post that many consider "out there," -- could it really be any more false than most of the terribly biased and filtered shit that you get from the mainstream media? Sure! (... BUT... maybe not). The important part is the cause for concern, and the call to action that comes with it.
At least it gets you thinking, and NOT believing everything you see and hear--everything that is spoonfed to you. Seek alternative sources of info and piece it together yourself.
If not for these two people, I might not know who Ron Paul is, and may not have revisited reading the Constitution, and understanding what this country was based on-- and where it's headed.
National ID Card, RFID chips, the Amero, the North American Union, World Government, The Federal Reserve System, electronic voting machines, income taxes, wiretapping, etc...
These are all very REAL and threatening to our way of life, our sovereignty, and our liberty in America, and none of them are authorized by THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.
Which brings me to the Status Quo. It's kind of like gas prices. $4.00 a gallon sucks-- but I could live with it. I don't want to live with it, but I could live with it, and adjust my life accordingly so that I could still be prosperous, despite the fact that this is the one price that drives EVERYTHING in the entire world. But where's my guarantee that it will go no higher? That it will get no worse.
There is NONE!
The Status Quo - The absurd taxes, the government intervening in my life to the Nth degree, potentially listening to my phone calls (which is pretty dumb, but I really have nothing to hide so I don't care all that much), chips in my passport... I could live with it. I guess I have to. If it was guaranteed to stop right here, I guess I'd be fine with it, or make myself fine with it-- but the problem is: the status quo never stays the status quo. It only gets WORSE.
The Status Quo is not worth fighting for. The Constitution, however, is. That's why it is "All or None." We are entitled to our privacy, and our liberty, to the government serving us-- not us serving them. It's in writing. Lord knows, you can't do anything anymore if it's not in writing-- and here it is, being blatantly violated by the people we elected to uphold it. Our troops swear to defend it, and they are only led by their superiors further away from it.
It all starts with a little education-- and it's not education you pay for. It's research that you do on your own, and spread to others-- maybe on a message board

Rant over!
Roland / Drifting '08!
Post edited by Unknown User on
so roland and drifting are the only reasons you read the constitution and know who ron paul is?
the VINNY GOOMBA endorsement has been heard!
That would truly be a sight to see.
Not really. I've read the constitution, once, a long, long time ago-- that's why I said "revisited." And believe it or not, the majority of people in this country believe that the people in power do what they do, because that piece of paper somehow gives them the legal means to do it. Well, it doesn't. Of course, I guess you know this already. Seeing as how we're all fairly young here, we've watched the U.S. Government "police the world," since the first time we were able to watch television. Why wouldn't you believe it was their legal role to do so? You don't see the mainstream media condemning it for that reason. You see jerks on the right championing it, and assholes on the left chastizing it, but wanting to spend your money ILLEGALLY somewhere else.
The whole point of my thread is that sometimes it just takes your fellow man, and sometimes the occasional labeled "lunatic" to point out some things that your everyday news sources, and the government itself doesn't want to tell you. I respect people who put themselves out there, with the risk of being called kooks and whatever else to make a point that needs to be made. A lot of it seems like craziness, of course. Sometimes it's eye-opening.
You think I take what these two guys say as Gospel? Actually, it is just the oppposite. I don't research or believe something just because once source told it to me. I do like hearing my news a little more first hand, and I respect the balls that these guys have-- especially since their devoted belief in the power of Big Brother would make their writings a threat to themselves.
1. Israel would be obliterated the next day and these guys would take a nap together
2. The price of marijuana would go down
this one statement proves your inability to reason clearly.
Israel is one of the most well armed countries in the world.
They have more nukes than anyone except America, arguably the best fighter pilots of any nation, one of the most well trained ground forces in modern history, and billions upon billions of high tech modern weapons.
They do not need ANY "help" from America these days.
As for point two,
the price of all drugs would go down, because i would obey the constitution and strike down unconstitutional legislation, and pull the USA out of any unconstiutional treatise.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
stuck in the box...hard.
I haven't gotten high in over a year. I do find it beyond belief that the people who control, claim rights over creation itself, and impose harsh penalties that destroy peoples lives. How can one claim rights over a power in the universe such as this? Nobody can. It's ridiculous, and the implications of this reality are troubling and wide reaching.
Where do they claim this divine right? We gave it to them, through complacency. Doing what were told. Rats in a maze syndrome.
That's how bad it has become. That's how complacent people have become.
This complacency trend is accelerating as it is based on fear now. People pretend to be brave though. So did the Germans.
VERY slippery slope.
Disappointing on a few levels.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Complacency now-a-days may be based on fear, or least it was following 9/11, but the American public has been complacent for decades. I attribute it to selfishness and laziness. People either only care about an issue if it directly affects their everyday lives or they are just to lazy to put in the effort to educate themselves on the issues.
Do something bad go to jail. There's always been fear elements.
There's lots of fear out there for a long time. It was created by those at the top pushing it in the media. Right down to parading bad shit constantly that happens all the in the media... robberies, shooting, stabbings, fire, war.... it's all so dangerous!
It's an ages old tactic...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well I wouldn't consider me not killing or robbing someone because I may go to jail as being complacent. That's just being smart and having values and respect for my fellow man. Fear does play a role but that is because people, as I stated, are too selfish or lazy to really look into issues. If they did they would see that what we really need to fear is the people who say they are there to protect us.
so that's the problem
What I'm getting at is the media emphasizes bad shit all the time so people get a general sense of fear so that emphasis is placed on govt to protect and control people from these fears.
I've never seen a stabbing or shooting ever in real life, but I've heard about hundreds upon hundreds. To the point that it almost validates people doing it as commonplace. ironically, I'm somewhat afraid of it happening to me, more so than not at all if you know what I mean.
II think it's insidious to parade bad karma and sorrow in the news all the time. Big negative effect on a society. Great tool for those mandating the details of peoples lives though.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Medical reasons.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I understand where you're coming from. growing up in Newark, NJ I grew up with the fear of being mugged or assaulted for much of my childhood. The projects where a block from my house. The media did brainwash me to believe that I needed to rely on the government to protect me from those people, but it wasn't till I finally met and associated with people who grew up in those housing projects that I realized I had nothing to fear. yes there where criminals in their but the majority where people who where not as financial fortunate as many of us are.
not "whats the problem"... i meant, so that is your problem
Being sober is never a problem.
drugs on the other hand...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i may have to rethink this ticket.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I would only end up abdicating all my powers to Ron Paul anyways...
I usually get a decent high from his campaign speeches.
if that counts.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
lighten up, francis
i was joking
oh shit... there is trouble already in the first day of the campaign!
this is not good
I know...
A reverse ball bust.... it's part of my built in genius.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
you have something built in alright, i am not so sure about the genius part though
Actually that's part of what helps confirm it for me.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
wtf do YOU know, you stupid retard.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Don't be so hard on him. Even I felt bad about that afterwords....but only a little.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
No need to enjoy the name-calling so much.