HSPD-12 USAccess Program

I guess I am just wondering if anyone around here is familiar with this program. Essentially it is a directive that was enacted by the president back in 2005 or 2006 and it is now becoming more widespread amongst the various government agencies and bureaus. I guess the main reason I ask is because I currently work as a government employee and we are now being required to obtain one of these government ID's. From what I gather, it is a Real ID Act like card except instead of being for everyone it is soley for government employees and contractors.
It makes me a bit uneasy to have to get one of these because from what I've seen according to an ACLU report, these security directives are hardly effective and I know just from experience at my office, we don't have much of a problem with security breeches.
Anyway, I"ll post the few links I can find on it:
It makes me a bit uneasy to have to get one of these because from what I've seen according to an ACLU report, these security directives are hardly effective and I know just from experience at my office, we don't have much of a problem with security breeches.
Anyway, I"ll post the few links I can find on it: