Michael Moore, CNN, and "Sicko"

anyone see him today on CNN...as much as i dont like Moore, i am siding with him on this issue about the healthcare system...ITS A JOKE!!!
why do i say this? i used to work for a healthcare provider and i couldnt believe the things that went on with these companies
1. reject every claim the first time it comes in
2. claim "held up" in the system or lost
3. the mistreatment of the covered (or lack of being covered)
he made a point asking who doctors would rather cover..someone that had medicare/medicaid or someone with an HMO, and of course it would be medicare/medicaid since they "actually pay out"
healthcare providers are ALSO SCREWING DOCTORS!!! my dad started his own practice (sports medicine doctor) on this own and what the insurance companies pay him for services rendered are freakin peanuts!!!! they dont cover much of anything!!!! sometimes i make more a week that he does and he went to school for 12 years!!!
the whole system needs to be shaken up and Mr. Moore thank you for bringing this to the forefront eventho i dont agree with everything you say, but who says we have to, right?
why do i say this? i used to work for a healthcare provider and i couldnt believe the things that went on with these companies
1. reject every claim the first time it comes in
2. claim "held up" in the system or lost
3. the mistreatment of the covered (or lack of being covered)
he made a point asking who doctors would rather cover..someone that had medicare/medicaid or someone with an HMO, and of course it would be medicare/medicaid since they "actually pay out"
healthcare providers are ALSO SCREWING DOCTORS!!! my dad started his own practice (sports medicine doctor) on this own and what the insurance companies pay him for services rendered are freakin peanuts!!!! they dont cover much of anything!!!! sometimes i make more a week that he does and he went to school for 12 years!!!
the whole system needs to be shaken up and Mr. Moore thank you for bringing this to the forefront eventho i dont agree with everything you say, but who says we have to, right?