A Must Watch Video: Why to fear Obama and McCain

we must take a serious look at Bob Barr...
i know some people on this forum bash him without doing any research on the guy and just are spoon-fed thoughts that he is a "spoiler" in the election
let me ask you a question? who put the "spoiler" tag in your mind? the media and both parties in the government said that 3rd party candidates couldnt win the oval office
does anyone remember that back in our nations creation we had more than two political parties?
its about time we think and speak for ourselves and take back the country that our forefathers fought to create and avoid the road its going down now
we must take a serious look at Bob Barr...
i know some people on this forum bash him without doing any research on the guy and just are spoon-fed thoughts that he is a "spoiler" in the election
let me ask you a question? who put the "spoiler" tag in your mind? the media and both parties in the government said that 3rd party candidates couldnt win the oval office
does anyone remember that back in our nations creation we had more than two political parties?
its about time we think and speak for ourselves and take back the country that our forefathers fought to create and avoid the road its going down now