Cat Stevens Refuses to Speak to Unveiled Women
Muslim singer YUSUF ISLAM reportedly refused to speak with the female guides at a German event over the weekend (24-25MAR07) because they weren't veiled - despite accepting an honour for building bridges between Eastern and Western cultures. The star, formerly known as CAT STEVENS, received a special prize at the Echo Awards last night (25MAR07) in Berlin for his musical, social and political work and was praised as a bridge-builder between the West and the Islamic world. However, when the FATHER AND SON singer, 58, rehearsed his appearance the day before the prize giving (24MAR07), he acted rather narrow minded, according to German publication B.Z. When the hostesses approached Islam, who arrived with his management and his veiled wife FAEZIA, telling him that they were his guides, he simply ignored them and didn't even take a look at the women. Islam's manager explains, "Mr Islam doesn't speak with women except his wife. Least of all if they don't wear a headscarf. Things like that only happen via an intermediary."
Muslim singer YUSUF ISLAM reportedly refused to speak with the female guides at a German event over the weekend (24-25MAR07) because they weren't veiled - despite accepting an honour for building bridges between Eastern and Western cultures. The star, formerly known as CAT STEVENS, received a special prize at the Echo Awards last night (25MAR07) in Berlin for his musical, social and political work and was praised as a bridge-builder between the West and the Islamic world. However, when the FATHER AND SON singer, 58, rehearsed his appearance the day before the prize giving (24MAR07), he acted rather narrow minded, according to German publication B.Z. When the hostesses approached Islam, who arrived with his management and his veiled wife FAEZIA, telling him that they were his guides, he simply ignored them and didn't even take a look at the women. Islam's manager explains, "Mr Islam doesn't speak with women except his wife. Least of all if they don't wear a headscarf. Things like that only happen via an intermediary."
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Wacky. I liked his music. Too bad he became a freak show.
This is cutting it close..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
love cat stevens' greatest hits album tho.
and it's breaking my heart in two
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Run kitty kitty! Run!!!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i just watched his version of peace train from the 2006 Nobel concert
and then had to go find a version from back in the 70s
i know age will make you less energetic... but damn!
I know! the levels are very different. but i guess age can do that, then again this was from south africa not that long ago.
but of course it's far from his mid 20's flow.
cocaine's a helluva a drug!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
"I'm Rick James, bitch!!"
BTW, does anyone have his new album? I heard a song on Sirius the other day and it was pretty good.
Stevens has gone by the name Yusuf Islam since he converted to Islam in the 1970s. His manager, Marc Marot, has denied reports that Islam refused to speak with women without veils at the Echo Awards in Germany last week.
Marot said that the allegations are "baseless and stupid" and Islam has no issues with speaking with women who are not veiled.
Marot said that some of the most important people to Islam's career are women.
I guess it was fairly obvious that the reports were fake, funny how people like rationalthought so easily are willing to believe things like this then go around posting it.
I have several of Cat Steven's 70s albums and CDs. I don't care what he's into now, but I love his 70s music and listen to it often.
Although, it is interesting to note that on that live version of Peace Train, with the african singers; Cat Stevens drops the word 'girl' from the end of the phrases which on the original recording had the the word "girl":D:D
Could that be an indication of some kind of islam-rooted discrimination towards the female gender? Or maybe the 'girl" he was originally refering to in that song, does not wear a viel, so he had to drop it from the song?
Stay tuned for further developments in this all so intriquing and mysterious situation.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
While allowing yourself to be their Option.
Please visit daily:
Don't those countries have actual laws and rules re: head scarves and what not? Can you imagine the fuss here in Oz if Johnny Howard tried to pass a law saying they weren't allowed to wear it? Remember all the fuss that was made when a few of the schools (in Sydney maybe??) tried to ban it? I myself agree with you, and am big on people integrating themselves into their new communties (and before people get their hackles raised, I don't mean that their culture should be abandoned entirely). I think for me, the biggest issue re: dress code in Australia is not that they wear their traditional clothes, but they then make the judgement that because western women choose to dress however they please (and appropriately for hot weather we have here!) that we are inviting men to rape us. And again, it isn't every muslim, but in one instance it was a rather pwerful one. Well, he used to be anyway! Not anymore thankfully.
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
Yeah, you know, after I watched the '06 version a 2nd time, I gotta say it ain't bad. I was just so used to the more upbeat version.
Irshad Manji knows whats up. From her upcoming PBS documentary, Faith Without Fear.